Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandNov.儲存 16--Fluctuations in the Thai stock market driven by uncertainty over US Federal Reserve policy will be short-lived as foreign investors place more weight on the fundamentals of the Thai economy and SET-listed companies, says SCB Securities.Kiattisak Jenwipakul, the managing director for research, said the foreign capital flows driving equity markets worldwide this year were a short-term effect of new liquidity injected by the big economies. What matters most are the fundamentals of the Thai market.Thai stocks have been sensitive to speculation about the Fed's plan to taper quantitative easing (QE), the asset-buying scheme that has poured foreign capital into emerging markets such as Thailand."Foreign investors are adjusting their investment based on fundamental factors such as economic outlook and listed firms' earnings outlook, not speculation," said Mr Kiattisak.Apart from psychological effects, he said it is unclear whether the tapering of QE would have mini storageny effect on Thailand's economic fundamentals.He reckons Thai investors have become familiar with speculation over the Fed's stance on QE, as the reports have moved markets for some time.Janet Yellen, who will be the next Fed chairwoman, recently said the US economy still needs Fed support, as unemployment remains high at 7.3% -- suggesting she plans to continue the Fed's US$85 billion in monthly asset purchases until a stronger recovery is evident.Mr Kiattisak said the Thai stock market should regain confidence by the end of this month as the street demonstrations run their course.Meanwhile, Nasha Ananchotikul, a monetary policy strategist at the Bank of Thailand, said the central bank expects the Fed will begin tapering its asset purchases after the US government reaches a deal on raising the debt ceiling next February.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage
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