Proposals to raise the age at which Chinese people are entitled to a pension, in order to help ease the country’s financial burden, have renewed debate over changes to the retirement age.儲存倉A scheme proposed by academics from Tsinghua University in Beijing suggests raising the pension age for both men and women to 65 from 2030 — up from the current ages of 60 for men and 50 for women.This proposed age is based on the pace of aging in China, said Yang Yansui, director of the Tsinghua Center for Employment and Social Security.Yang added that raising the age at which someone can claim a pension does not imply an adjustment to the retirement age.It would mean, however, that retirees wouldn’t receive a pension until they turn 65.In response, Tang Jun, secretary-general of the social policy research center of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, wrote an essay this week arguing that most people cannot work until 65, and adding that employment opportunities for younger workers would also be affected.“It will trigger resentment among older workers and anger from the young when they can’t find jobs,” Tang predicted.China has been considering r迷你倉沙田ising its retirement age since 2008 to cope with its shrinking workforce and aging society, which together are placing a growing burden on the pension system.The Tsinghua scheme and Tang’s essay stirred renewed debate online — with few in favor of any raise.“What will we rely on to sustain daily life during the gap from retiring at 50 until we receive a pension 15 years later?” asked microblogger Song Chi.Song’s confusion and anger were echoed by many users on Sina Weibo microblog.“If implemented, subways and buses of the future will be crowded with gray-haired people dreaming of retirement, while jobless twenty-somethings strolling in parks yearn for employment,” said Xiaoyu Shasha on Sina Weibo.Meanwhile, many urged reform of the much-criticized dual pension mechanism, which solicits endowment insurance from non-government workers, while excusing government staff from the fees.“It is difficult to expect a fair and well-recognized retirement and pension proposal unless the pension system is reformed, as the delay may benefit some people at the expense of others,” wrote a microblogger using the name Urban Nomads. 迷你倉價錢
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