Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandAug.儲存 23--Marketers should quickly adjust their strategies in order to respond to today's consumers, whose behaviours are dominated by online technology, says Mindshare Thailand, the global marketing and media agency.A fast and flexible marketing approach should be used to integrate database and resources and comply with consumer insights in terms of all aspects of marketing, enabling marketers to respond to consumer behaviours and environmental changes and create a more customised brand experience.Managing director Nilufar Fowler said Mindshare Thailand mines useful online data from the personal information of 3,254 people each week.As well, IBM, the world's biggest computer-services provider, said 90% of all online data today has been collected in the past two years.Consumers receive general and specific content from their networks and friends amid the proliferation of satellite TV and online channels.Adaptive marketing comprises three main areas. First, consumer behaviours should be "personalised" by live marketing campaigns.Second, media technology and marketers should have greater access to online channels and consumers' digital devices such as mobiles, tablets and augmented-reality digital te新蒲崗迷你倉hnology platforms.Third, marketers should communicate widely spoken issues with their target groups, particularly through online channels, thereby creating buzz including in other media.Pathamawan Sathaporn, the head of business planning, said brands can receive a better return on investment from adaptive marketing.For example, when consumers bought a product before, they may have made their decision after receiving information from one media outlet.But now consumers obtain product information from many channels before making a buying decision, so media planners should put product information on many channels.A good media plan can change mindsets based on a good understanding of brand objectives and dynamics across all media, be they online or offline."Marketers should monitor and report on their campaigns on a continuing basis to improve results. Audiences always move more quickly than advertisers can reach them in a meaningful manner," said Ms Pathamawan.She said adaptive marketing is a way to maintain or raise sales among the country's economic slowdown.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
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