每年的國際消費電子展(CES)被譽為消費電子行業的“風向標”。從展中不僅可以看到最新的技術,存倉更可以透析未來幾年的市場熱點。  在2014年CES的舞台上,智能手機產品由於漸入成熟期,已不像過去幾年耀眼。與此相應,曲面電視、可穿戴設備、智能家居和智能汽車等基於移動互聯網的智能物聯網已經成為本次展會的主角。移動互聯網的應用已經滲透到各種設備中,正在引發硬件創新熱潮,同時引爆新的投資機會。  而我們也將從家電革命、可穿戴設備、汽車電子三個重點方面,解讀本屆CES的熱點及行業風向。家電革命:曲面屏、4K、智能家居  近幾年,以手機產品線獨領風騷的三星,似乎很清楚以一種產品難以維持企業長期的上升,他們必須抓住更多的機會。三星電子聯席CEO尹富在此次CES上表示出對公司未來發展困境的擔憂,同時他認為,“連接性、城市化、人口老齡化以及新的環境和社會風險”這四點趨勢將給全球消費電子業帶來新的挑戰,而這也是三星獲得新增長的機會。作為全球智能手機出貨最高的廠商,三星並沒有在CES上展示自己在手機方面的能力,而是集中火力,圍繞智能家居展示其全線家電產品,同時著力打造自己在曲面屏、4K等技術上的領先優勢。  三星在此次CES上率先推出全球市場化的曲面UHD TV產品線,並發佈了2014年最新曲面電視和UHD TV陣容。同時,三星還提出了“可彎曲電視”的概念,展示了可彎曲熒幕電視原型機。作為三星的老對手,LG除了在105英寸的巨屏曲面電視上積極跟進之外,也公開了其77英寸可彎曲超高清OLED電視。雖然可彎曲屏在這次CES上出盡風頭,但有分析師認為,生產這樣大尺寸、高分辨率的顯示屏,可能讓這兩家公司旗下的顯示屏製造商面臨壓力,它們需要將高昂的生產成本轉變為高昂的售價。因此,可彎曲屏的普及或許尚需時日。  三星董事長李健熙曾以內部郵件的形式呼籲公司進行“變革”,不要局限于硬件模式。此次CES上,三星重點展示的就是智能家居。未來,三星自己的“Smart Home”軟件平台可以將智能電視、手機、冰箱等所有設備連接起來。三星在家電產品本身具有領先優勢,目前正通過“軟件”能力,爭取“一統”智能家電市場。  國內家電企業在此次CES上也緊跟潮流。如TCL正式發佈旗下首款55英寸曲面電視產品TCL Curved UHD TV。海信發佈了最新研發的“U-LED畫境顯示技術”,並通過曲面顯示的方式詮釋這一圖像優化引擎對畫質的提升作用。就國產彩電廠商的整體定位而言,大屏幕的4K液晶電視仍然處於重要位置。“OLED電視的性價比仍不能與液晶競爭,一是OLED電視價格太高,二是液晶技術發展快,4K液晶電視今年將大規模普及。而OLED做到4K較難,液晶的難度超過了OLED。” TCL集團董事長李東生表示。可穿戴設備:創新“泛濫”,須更接地氣  今年可穿戴設備比去年更為火爆,種類也更加豐富,據官方發佈的數據,今年展出的可穿戴設備有近百種,包括智能手錶、智能腕帶、智能眼鏡、智能頭盔等。不過與去年相比,今年的可穿戴設備不僅局限于“酷”,而是更接地氣,戳到用戶痛點,給用戶帶來真正的價值。  在�多可穿戴設備中,最為泛濫的還是智能手錶、智能手環,為此主辦方還儲存門推出了“手腕革命”新展區。腕上設備的功能呈現三大方向:一是健康管理,二是位置管理,三是外設,即作為手機、電腦的操控器。隨著手錶、手環的功能越來越接地氣,也將在2014年迎來第一個市場高潮。  除了終端設備企業,英特爾作為產業鏈最上游的芯片企業,也對可穿戴設備寄予厚望。在手機、平板電腦市場落後的英特爾,自認為在可穿戴設備上,與�多企業處於同一起跑線。此次CES上,英特爾帶來了基於誇克技術的針對穿戴式設備等電子設備的芯片方案Intel Edison。在英特爾展台上展示了智能手錶、智能耳機、3D攝像頭等諸多設備,甚至還有一款聯網的嬰兒連身衣,這款連身衣可作為未來的嬰兒監視器。英特爾一口氣展出如此多的可穿戴設備,足見其借助可穿戴設備、物聯網扭轉敗局的決心。  可穿戴設備開始逐漸走進人們的生活,穀歌、蘋果、三星、索尼、英特爾等巨頭均虎視眈眈。但不可忽視的是,這些產品還都沒有真正接受市場的考驗——多數是未能完全走出企業與研究機構實驗室的新興產品。華為終端董事長余承東曾指出,可穿戴設備是一個新型的領域,它的成熟需要時間和積澱,想要在一年之內拿出一款成功的產品是不太可能的,而且在很長的一段時間內,可穿戴設備都只能是手機的配件產品,很多技術會制約可穿戴設備的發展。智能汽車:科技與製造業的全面融合  智能汽車來勢洶洶,全球前10大汽車廠商中有9家參與今年CES,包括奧迪、寶馬、福特、奔馳等。  其中最為搶眼的是奧迪A7無人駕駛汽車。奧迪總裁魯伯特-施耐德(Rupert Stadler)表示,過去我們在汽車製造上精益求精,現在則將重新定義這一行業。無人駕駛汽車象徵著汽車製造業進入了一個新的時代。  “現在高端的車基本都在做這個技術,技術雛形已經具備,接下來是個大趨勢,估計2~3年內會普及。”汽車行業分析師鐘師告訴《中國經營報》記者。  另一方面,隨著可穿戴設備的大量出現,汽車正在與可穿戴設備相結合。在全新的寶馬i3車型上,三星的Galaxy Gear智能手錶可以遙控車窗和車門的開�、調節汽車溫度。同時,包括日產、奔馳等汽車大廠也正開發在智慧汽車中整合穿戴式裝置的應用方案,助力穿戴式裝置未來的應用版圖持續擴大。在鐘師看來,可穿戴設備有一定的便利性,且處於技術前沿,但在普及過程中還會涉及消費習慣等問題。  此外,在本次CES上,科技巨頭穀歌也瞄準了汽車行業,宣佈與通用汽車、本田汽車、奧迪汽車、現代汽車四家車企,以及芯片製造商英偉達(Nvidia)共同成立“開放汽車聯盟”,旨在將開源系統安卓植入汽車信息娛樂系統。此舉被外界解讀為穀歌即將與蘋果開始在新的戰場廝殺。因為此前蘋果已經宣佈“車內iOS”計劃,將諸如iPhone等iOS設備變成車載電子系統的大腦,利用汽車內置的顯示屏,使用地圖導航、交通流量等服務。目前這一計劃已經得到寶馬、奔馳、通用和現代等汽車製造商的支持。  相比自建系統,與十分成熟的 iOS、Android 合作是汽車智能化的一條捷徑。聯網的車載系統,利用兩大成熟平台的生態,將會很容易獲得應用程序,與現有的智能手持設備對接,實現車與設備、軟件的互聯互通。可以肯定的是,未來智能汽車之爭還將蔓延到軟件、芯片、網絡上。迷你倉

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Source: New Haven Register, Conn.迷你倉Jan. 11--Shelley Merrill said she had a near-death experience after a drunken driver crashed into her -- but she survived with a new purpose -- to share her ordeal to try to keep people from driving under the influence.Merrill, a Norwich resident, is known professionally as "Shelly Martinez" a co-host on a WCTY radio morning show based in her hometown.Merrill was a passenger in a truck on May 11, 2007, on Route 2 near the Preston and Norwich town lines, when a drunken driver who was trying to pass them clipped the left side of their vehicle. The impact sent their truck out of control, and it rolled over about five times."I remember being tossed, and I was in and out of consciousness," Merrill said. "It happened so quickly. I felt bones break and my neck snap. I thought I was going to die."Merrill started to pray."I said, 'God, I haven't been to church in a long time, but I need help.'"The truck landed in the parking lot of a beauty shop. The driver was her friend Dave Gernhard, who asked her if she was all right after their vehicle came to rest."I said I couldn't move my arms," Merrill said. "I remember the noise of the Jaws of Life and that there was glass in my hair."The drunken driver, Jeremy Easterling, now 25, kept driving, but ultimately was caught and charged in connection with the crash.Merrill was rushed to the hospital. She was bleeding internally, and doctors had to remove some of her lower bowel. Her neck was crushed, and she has rods holding the bones in place today.According to Merrill, she was technically dead and had to be resuscitated. For a time, she was in an induced coma."I had so many dreams in the hospital -- I thought I went to heaven," Merrill said.Since her experience, Merrill feels she survived so she can speak about the impact of drunken driving and help prevent future accidents."I go to church now -- I love the Lord. My faith has gotten stronger," Merrill said. "I have chosen to talk about it to anyone who will listen. My journey is to tell people to please think before you drink and drive. There are consequences."Merrill speaks regularly to those who have been caught driving under the influence, as part of a victim-impact panel."I feel like I am making a difference," Merrill said.Merrill spent time at Yale-New Haven Hospital, followed by rehabilitation at Gaylord Hospital. It was three months before she finally was able to go home, and she didn't go back to work full time for another month."I still have chronic, permanent pain from my elbows down," Merrill said. "It is like a burning pain that never stmini storageps. I can always feel it, and I have to take medication which helps manage it. You learn to live with it."Merrill can walk, but she can't run or ride a bicycle. Before the accident, she would go on walks and on outings with friends. She used to garden and work outside her house.Today, her pain medication makes her sleepy. Sometimes she feels nauseated. Her ordeal has cost her thousands of dollars, she said, for surgeries and medication.Her life after the crash is a sharp contrast to her life before the accident."To me, I was at the top. Everything was going well, and I was so happy," she said. "Now, I live in pain every day, and there are so many things I can't do, but I try not to think about it."Easterling served two years in prison for the 2007 accident, according to the state Judicial Branch.In spite of severely injuring Merrill, Easterling racked up additional convictions for driving under the influence, after arrests in 2008 and 2011, court documents show.For a while, Merrill corresponded with Easterling, who is about the same age as her children, and she said he would tell her how sorry he was."I didn't feel hostility -- I told him to stop wasting his life," Merrill said. "I was disappointed he didn't learn (from the accident). I just hope he doesn't kill anybody."Merrill said she has since discontinued contact, as she said she is trying to move forward."I feel an obligation to speak about what happened to me," Merrill said. "Many people die in alcohol-related crashes. I am blessed to have lived. I want to save lives. I feel I am supposed to make a difference. I hope I am getting through to people."According to Merrill, many people mistakenly believe they aren't impaired after they drink, and she said the best solution is to have a designated driver."Please, think before you drink and drive," Merrill said.Michelle Lettieri, director of victim services with the East Haven-based Mothers Against Drunk Driving, said Merrill turned a horrible situation into action.Merrill has been active with MADD, organizing the "MADD about Dancing" event at Mohegan Sun to raise money for the organization, and speaking to first-time drunken-driving offenders."She took this horrible situation, and has done something to help educate other people," Lettieri said.Have questions, feedback or ideas about our news coverage? Connect directly with the editors of the New Haven Register at AskTheRegister.com.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 the New Haven Register (New Haven, Conn.) Visit the New Haven Register (New Haven, Conn.) at .nhregister.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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憑迪士尼兒童劇集《Lizzie的天空》(Lizzie McGuire)走紅的荷里活著名女星Hilary Duff,前日突然宣布與冰上曲棍球球星老公Mike Comrie分居,結束三年婚姻。令人最大意外的是二人除夕仍一同度過,其後又帶未滿兩歲的兒子Luca到迪士尼樂園玩。發言人強調二人仍保持好友關係,至於Hilary的母親Susan指二人已決定共同撫養Luca,更認為他們做朋友好過做夫婦,而Hilary亦留言指日子唔容易,但她將與Mike一同度過。文件倉

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臺鐵最新登場的EMU800型電聯車,迷你倉以流線型的外觀、舒適大方的內裝,搭配穩定的動力輸出,以時速130公里奔馳於台灣各地,為旅客提供更舒適、更便捷的服務,車身線條以沉穩的藍色搭配年輕活潑的黃色為主題,交織於車頭形成一抹美麗的「微笑」,更為具有悠久歷史的臺灣鐵路注入一股新活力。 EMU800列車 台灣的驕傲 EMU800型電聯車是由台灣車輛公司研發製造完成,以台灣車輛成熟的研發能力搭配日本車輛的經驗,聯手開發出適合於臺鐵使用的電聯車,從研發、設計到製造皆是由台灣車輛員工胼手胝足、不斷努力克服重重困難與挑戰而完成,全新完成的EMU800型電聯車不僅是台灣車輛的驕傲,更是台灣之光。 車廂無障礙 空間更舒適 全新上路的EMU800型電聯車,全車採用不�鋼打造,車廂內部採用無階無障礙空間設計、車廂空間寬廣明亮舒適;配合博愛旅客需要,設置博愛旅客座位、無障礙廁所、加儲存倉出入門空間,提供博愛旅客貼心照護。近來自行車運動風行,更設置了自行車放置區,提供旅客自行車放置空間,車廂上的廁所也經過考量,提供旅客更舒適的如廁環境。 EMU800型電聯車,不只提供通勤旅客快速便利的服務,更提供全家出遊、休閒踏青的「舒活」空間,是通勤洽公、鐵道旅遊的最佳選擇。 自行車停放空間 Bicycle parking 於列車第1、8車設置各4處的自行車停放空間,並於同一位置設置折疊椅,於折疊椅不用時,將可停放8輛自行車。 博愛廁所 Accessible toilet 大型博愛廁所設置於駕駛拖車(ED)後端配備,內含不�鋼坐式馬桶、小便斗及嬰兒換尿布床,提供輪椅使用者無障礙如廁空間,並設置行動不便者適用之扶手及清洗用蓮蓬頭。緊急按鈕除正常位置外,亦加設於地板附近牆面,以因應跌倒時呼救使用。 座椅 Seat 加高的椅背提升長時間乘坐的舒適感。 迷你倉最平

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Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.迷你倉Jan. 10--YATESVILLE -- Speeding toward yet another victory, Pittston Area pumped the brakes a little bit Thursday night.It wasn't an easy task, yet it led to a seventh consecutive victory.The Patriots slowed down the pace in the second half and held off a few minor comeback attempts by Dallas to post a 49-39 win in a Wyoming Valley Conference Division I boys basketball game.Pittston Area (2-0 Div. I, 7-3 overall) scored its last field goal of the game at 1:05 of the third quarter on a drive by Hassan Maxwell. The Patriots then decided running down the clock rather running up their 41-28 made more sense."I thought we did a pretty good job in the second half," Alan Kiesinger said. "They were in a junk defense and we decided we're going to make them come out and play us man-to-man. We were able to be patient, and that's tough for high school kids to do. Especially for guys who like to score."The Patriots scored enough in the fourth despite not hitting on any of their three field goal attempts. Dallas (0-2, 3-7) moved within 43-37 with 2:06 to play, but failed to slice the deficit twice in a 38-second span thereafter. Pittston Area's Mason Gross connected on all six of his free throws in the final minute to seal the victory.Gross, a 6-foot-5 senior, finished with a game-high 18 points. He and 6-5 teammate Tyler McGarry grabbed nine rebounds each. The backcourt also did its job as Maxwell made some nifty short drives to finish with 16 points.The guards up top -- Mike Schwab, Kyle Gattuso, Hassan -- they all played great," Gross said. "They were taken care of the ball, and then we had guys hitting shots like James Emmett."Emmett had a pair of three-pointers in the third quarter, each one pushing Pittston Area's lead back to double digits. The Patriots led throughout after Gross opened the game with a three-pointer from the left corner.Dallas made some inroads in the second half once big man Suk Mathon was able to get more involved in the offense. The 6-8 sophomore, who finished with 15 points and 10 boards, paced a 9-2 run to start the fourth quarter. The Mountaineers, who have already equalled last season's win total, were unable to sustain the run."Our whole thing is we have to play together. We don't have a star," Dallas coach Doug Miller said. "We have players who when they play together are dangerous. But if we don't play together and execute our offense, we have a tough time."Defensively, Dallas held its fourth consecutive opponent to 50 points or less. The caveat was the offense had its worst output of the season.Hazleton Area 64, Coughlin 44Sal Biasi ignited for 32 points for Hazleton Area. Biasi hit 14 field goals, including four 3-pointers. Kyle Karmonick added 13 points, and Reynal Santana contributed 11.Coughlin's Darik Johnson was a point shy of a double-double with nine points and 10 rebounds.Tunkhannock 87, Berwick 57Austin Yanora had a big night with 47 points for the Tigers, draining eight three-pointers. Sean Soltysiak had the next highest total with 15 points.Tyler Evans led the way for the Bulldogs, sinking five three-pointers. Dalo also contributed with 20 points.Crestwood 73, Wyoming Valley West 50After trailing b迷你倉將軍澳 two after the first quarter, the Comets never looked back as Chris Fazzini led the way with 22 points. Luke Casey (16 points) and Brady Gallagher (11 points) also reached double figures.Jamie Calloway was the only player for the Spartans to reach double digits in points with 20.Pittston Area 49, Dallas 39DALLAS (39) -- Chad DeBona 3 0-0 8, Stephen Wempa 1 0-0 2, Suk Mathon 4 7-8 15, Matt Ross 1 2-2 4, Allen Fell 3 2-4 8, Payden Rybicki 1 0-0 2, Gurmail Mathon 0 0-0 0, Brian Drouse 0 0-0 0, Michael Farrell 0 0-0 0. Totals 13 11-14 39.PITTSTON AREA (49) -- Mason Gross 5 6-6 18, Michael Schwab 0 2-7 2, Hassan Maxwell 6 4-5 16, Tyler McGarry 1 0-0 3, James Emmett 3 0-1 8, Carmen LoBrutto 0 0-0 0, Kyle Gattuso 1 0-0 2, Ryan Hannon 0 0-0 0. Totals 16 12-19 49.Dallas'7'11'10'11'--'39Pittston Area'13'16'12'8'--'49Three-point goals -- DAL 2 (DeBona 2), PA 3 (Gross 2, McGarry).Hazleton Area 64, Coughlin 44HAZLETON AREA (64) -- Sal Biasi 14 0-0 32, Michael Makuta 0 0-0 0, Chris Panzarella 0 0-0 0, Zach Zukoski 0 0-0 0, Chris Woodring 0 0-0 0, Brett Barron 1 0-0 2, Jon Fogarty 1 2-2 4, Reynal Santana 4 3-4 11, Kyle Karmonick 5 3-6 13, Mark Brehm 0 0-0 0, Hunter Samec 1 0-0 2. Totals 26 8-12 64.COUGHLIN (44) -- Alex Cerep 3 0-0 6, Kendal Davis 1 0-2 2, Darik Johnson 4 1-2 9, Nick Cerup 1 0-0 2, Devin Rajza 3 0-0 7, Jacob Khalife 0 0-0 0, Collin Krokus 0 0-0 0, Matt Monaghan 0 0-0 0, Jose Rivera 3 1-2 7, Charles Cobbs 4 0-3 8, Melvin Robinson 1 1-1 3. Totals 20 3-10 44.Hazleton Area'17'15'18'14'--'64Coughlin'8'13'11'12'--'44Three-point goals -- HAZ 4 (Biasi); COU 1 (Rajza).Tunkhannock 87, Berwick 57BERWICK (57) -- Alex Koch 0 0-0 0, Josh Edwards 0 0-0 0, Max Melito 2 3-7 7, Holden Reigel 0 0-2 0, Tyler Evans 9 3-7 26, Matt Dalo 5 8-9 20, Kyle Roberts 1 0-0 2, Jude Goodard 1 0-0 2, Kyle Pierce 0 0-0 0, Jordan DiValero 0 0-0 0. Totals 18 14-25 57.TUNKHANNOCK (87) -- Brian Beauchemin 2 0-0 4, Austin Yanora 11 17-19 47, Eric Stamer 2 0-0 5, Tony Maloney 0 0-0 0, Sean Soltysiak 6 2-2 15, Cody Brown 0 3-6 3, Matt Grebeck 1 0-0 2, Adam Billings 4 0-0 9, Brett Soltysiak 0 0-0 0, Ethan Hoefert 0 0-0 0, Ryan Ell 1 0-0 2, A.C. Macko 0 0-0 0. Totals 27 22-27 87.Berwick'6'12'22'17'--'57Tunkhannock'26'22'16'23'--'87Three-point goals -- BER 7 (Evans 5, Dalo 2); TUN 11 (Yanora 8, Stamer, S. Sotlysiak, Billings).Crestwood 73, Wyoming Valley West 50WYOMING VALLEY WEST (50) -- Sean Judge 0 1-2 1, Jamie Calloway 8 2-2 20, Mike Sands 1 0-0 3, Larry Anderscavage 2 0-0 5, Damian Clark 2 0-0 6, Mitch Pilarz 0 0-1 0, Steve Doroskiewicz 2 0-0 4, Mike Baur 1 2-2 4, Evan McCue 2 1-2 5, Darius Weaver 1 0-0 2. Totals 19 6-9 50.CRESTWOOD (73) -- Brady Gallagher 3 2-2 11, Cole Wasco 3 1-2 8, Brian Markowski 1 2-3 4, Luke Casey 7 2-3 16, Chris Fazzini 10 2-6 22, Robbie Hopkins 2 0-0 5, Jason Dotzel 1 0-0 3, Leonny Rojas 1 0-0 2, Adam Klimchok 1 0-0 2. Totals 29 9-16 73.Wyoming Valley West '12'12'10'16'--'50Crestwood '10'24'18'21'--'73Three-point goals -- WVW 6 (Calloway 2, Clark 2, Anderscavage, Sands); CRE 6 (Gallagher 3, Dotzel, Hopkins, Wasco).Copyright: ___ (c)2014 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services

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Source: Standard-Examiner, Ogden, UtahJan.迷你倉 10--OGDEN -- Patsy Ellis lost her father in a train accident 62 years ago. It was on the same rail line, a similar rear-end collision and around a curve in a snowstorm just like the accident that happened Wednesday in Weber Canyon. The only major difference between the two is, Wednesday's train wreck didn't result in fatalities."When we read (about the story), I was like, 'That is kind of like deja vu,' " the West Weber woman said Thursday afternoon.One lane of traffic was closed Wednesday in Weber Canyon after a locomotive rear-ended another. The crash derailed three locomotives and five rail cars, spilling animal feed grain and diesel fuel down the hillside above Interstate 84.Four people were involved in the accident, but there were "no major injuries," said Union Pacific spokesman Aaron Hunt.He added that "an incident like this is highly irregular." Witnesses saw one person taken away in an ambulance. Three other people were treated at the scene, said Weber County Sheriff's Lt. Mark Lowther.The outcome could have been far worse.Ellis said she couldn't help but have memories from six decades ago come flooding back as she saw similarities. Both accidents involved a rear-end collision that derailed both trains near a curve in the tracks.Now at 83 years old, Ellis vividly remembers how the day played out for her father, who was at just another day of work as a Union Pacific brakeman on the high-speed City of Los Angeles streamline passenger rail car.She was 21 years old and a waitress at Finer Food diner, then at 24th Street and Grant Avenue in Ogden, when a man who worked at a rail station building across the street broke the news to her.Her father, H.B. Preece, of Ogden, was among the 17 people killed, including several doctors onboard commuting from a convention. Preece left behind a wife and five children."It was just bad," Ellis said.She knew her father was on that train because they dropped him off that morning."He was smashed," Ellis said of her father. "My husband (went to the mortuary to) identify him."Her husband, Don, described the accident scene 3 miles southwest of the Utah-Wyoming border as "a total mess."He knew he would be able to identify Ellis' father by his distinguishable long, heavy overcoat, which was the only thing holding Preece together. A Standard-Examiner news report from Nov. 13, 1951文件倉 describes the graphic scene of body parts strewn across the wreckage site.At the time, both trains were running behind schedule. The City of Los Angeles train had stopped for a signal. The City of San Francisco was running 10 minutes behind the other train and came speeding through in the blizzard."The second train went through the last car like a plowshare and crushed four other cars," the report stated, adding that all cars on the second train flew off the track but stayed upright.Just two hours after the wreck near Evanston on Nov. 12, 1951, an Associated Press reporter wrote that one freight train farther down the line outside of Laramie, Wyo., rammed into the back of another in the same fashion as the previous accident.Authorities gave no details of injuries or cause of the accident.To this day, Patty Ellis doesn't know the actual cause of the accident that killed her father, even though one crew member, the City of San Francisco train fireman, survived.Union Pacific said at the time it could only presume the crash was because of the blizzard-like conditions. However, Ellis says, after the accident, Union Pacific installed new stop signals higher above the tracks at the station where the accident happened.This wasn't the only similar accident to happen around that time. Seven years previously, a rear-end collision killed 50 people 17 miles west of Ogden.The cause of the train derailment that happened Wednesday is still under investigation by Union Pacific and the National Railway Association and could take weeks or months to finalize.Both would not comment, citing policy related to an ongoing investigation.Hunt did say the crash site cleanup is expected to last several more days, but it is hoped that the rail line can be opened for train traffic this evening.Hunt added that Union Pacific knows the location of each of its trains at all times, as it monitors them from its headquarters in Omaha, Neb.The trains are controlled by a two-man crew of an engineer and a conductor.Because the trains are not automated by computers, the crew has the responsibility of operating the train.Contact reporter Cimaron Neugebauer at 801-625-4231 or cneugebauer@standard.net. Follow him on Twitter at @CimCity.Copyright: ___ (c)2014 Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) Visit the Standard-Examiner (Ogden, Utah) at .standard.net Distributed by MCT Information Services存倉

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  近日報載,self storage橫琴島為澳門各大賭主覬覦發展地區,個別項目所涉資金規模,動輒百億元計,並為建造業繼澳門賭業後,帶來極大的商機。  新昌營造(00404)尤以澳門建造業為其核心,澳門建造業興旺為新昌帶來增長動力。在可見中、短期,比鄰橫琴區發展,亦為另一豐厚商機所在地。新昌現價,仍較主席增持成本價1.53元潛水,反映現價有收集價值。一:建造業豐收期  新昌至去年6月底止,未完成合約高達220億元,為集團歷來的新高紀錄。表列所見,新昌自2011年度以來,來自建造業收入及新增合約,穩步提升。  澳門賭業暢旺,新昌受惠自當地大興土木,多個娛樂場相繼興建或擴建,予其業務實在支持。  新昌2013年(12月底年結)半年度業績報告述,集團未來數年來自澳門項目,可為其帶來逾30億元的營業額。信息所示,新昌核心本業,維持豐收年。二:基建需求 陸續有來  在可見中、短期,包括位於西九啟德運動場館工程(建造工程已提價至200億元),另澳門新建娛樂場所,已為包括新昌在內建築商,持續提供商機。  另比鄰澳門的橫琴島,發展方興未艾。據介紹,該區可供開發土地面積,達到53平方公里。  近日報載,澳門各大賭主,有意於橫琴發展休閒度假村,涉資數百億元計算。至於大馬賭王林國泰,亦有意於該地迷你倉發展主題樂園,投資額達375億至500億港元。  數據及信息所示,各大發展商有意於橫琴大展拳腳,且涉資龐大。橫琴是否繼澳門之後,可憧憬為包括新昌等建造商提供龐大的商機。三:內房收益 快將入帳  如前述,新昌位於遼寧鐵嶺所持項目「星悅南岸」項目,首期應已於去年下半年進行預售,並於今年及明年,分階段落成。新增內房業務的預售成績,料於集團即將公布的2013年度業績內,有所提及。  又基於項目為內地新城地區,故仍只維持保守估計,以集團所持土儲每方呎增值/獲利150元作參考。集團總增值/獲利,仍有望達到45億元。連配股及CB兌換的攤薄效應計,新昌每股NAV由2.23元增至3.16元,現價1.16元的NAV折讓,進一步擴至63.3%。  新昌主席王英偉,去年透過旗下「新峰」,行使本金額5.09億元新昌CB,以每股1.53元兌換集團3.33億股,新昌現價較主席兌換價仍潛水24%。結論:待升抵目標價  去年11月26日撰文推介新昌(當時造價1.06元),股價曾最高見12月30日1.27元,其後整固至今。在可見中、短期,包括港澳及橫琴所提供的建造業商機,另新昌新增內房業務,均構成對集團業務增長的潛在動力。維持1.53元目標價,新昌現價要升32%,其PB仍只有0.48倍。迷你倉將軍澳

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回顧2013年,迷你倉台灣經濟面臨大陸電子產業的崛起,原來與台灣電子產業上下游互補的態勢,頓時轉為競爭對手,原本扮演台股領頭羊的電子股頓失動能;加上國際經濟復甦力道薄弱,使得2013年台股呈現上下震幅僅1,000點狹幅盤整的型態。展望2014年,預期台灣電子業在面臨大陸新供應鏈崛起,與韓國夾殺的態勢下,產業調整仍將持續,很多電子公司仍將繼續摸索,尋找新的定位和出路。過去電子業百花齊放的榮景已成雲煙,未來投資電子產業應著重於有特殊利基或具備國際競爭力的次產業,做為主要投資思考主軸。雖然台灣很多電子產業都因面臨大陸供應鏈取代而日顯艱困,但若仔細觀察,台灣產業突圍的韌性,仍可在不同電子次產業中看見端倪。例如在持續衰退的PC產業當中,看似萬念俱灰,了無生趣,但仔細觀察,還有一些利基市場正悄悄地在蓬勃發展,比如電競產業的崛起,帶給台灣PC硬體廠另一個高毛利藍海。過去提到 ONLINE 遊戲,華人免不了以「業精於勤,荒於嬉」的角度來批判,但對於80後的年輕人來說,他們鬥智鬥力的場合,早就從西門町、東區,搬到了虛擬世界,線上遊戲不再只是「嬉」的世界,更是一個絞盡腦汁、相互競技的新戰場。2004年,大陸體育總局正式將電子競技列為大陸第99項的體育項目,認定電子競技是通過電腦硬體、軟體、滑鼠、鍵盤等做為器械進行的人與人之間的對抗,是一項旨在提高選手身心素質水準的體育活動;身為體育大國的大陸10年前就開始積極培養相關的人才,奠基電競產業的發展。相較研調單位對桌上型電腦(DT)和筆電(NB)持續的保守看待,2014年估計出貨仍持續處於衰退的狀態(-10∼-3%),遊戲產業專業預測機構JON PEDDIE RESEARCH估計,2013年全球電競相關週邊硬體的市場規模約178億美元,2014年將成長至190億美元,2016年可達208億美元,2012∼2013年複合成長率(CAGR)為3%,完全迥異於PC硬體市場衰退的窘況;而以專業的電競品牌RAZER推出之電競筆電,平均售價介於2,000∼3,000美元之間,是一般筆電價格的三自存倉以上。因此台廠已經有不少電子公司默默鴨子划水,投入電競產業市場,力圖在PC紅海中,找尋新的藍海出路。此外,台灣電子硬體製造走到2013年,已面臨非轉型不可的壓力。今年開啟的4G佈建,未來台灣電子業將開始由硬體製造轉向軟體進行整合,「吃軟不吃硬」為未來投資主軸。隨著雲端產業成熟,穿戴式裝置普及,物聯網的成形,最後進入巨量(BIG DATA)時代,台灣轉型成軟硬通吃系統廠商,將是電子業未來唯一出路。在2014年,軟體市場成長速度也將開始後來居上,根據MIC的預估,台灣軟體市場規模呈現平穩成長,未來三年複合年成長率將超過4.5%。風險控管、IFRS與個資保護法等等,將持續誘使企業投入軟體支出;而雲端運算、企業行動應用、智慧型手機的APP下載需求,將持續增溫。其中2014年最值得關注的亮點,莫過於企業資訊安全的需求,此部分軟體未來幾年複合年成長率將有機會達到9%,成為未來台灣電子業可開拓的另一個利基藍海。而台灣最引以為傲的晶圓代工,一直以來在技術層級上,都具備國際競爭優勢,非大陸短期內可望其項背。目前台灣的晶圓代工龍頭,不但在28奈米晶圓代工居領先地位,更積極佈局次世代製程,不僅提高2013年資本支出至100億美元,更宣告要將20奈米量產的時間點提前至2014年第1季,預料台灣晶圓代工廠將是2014年20奈米製程代工產能的主要供應者,也將使晶圓代工產業2014年業績攀上新高峰。此外,為了持續拉開與競爭者的差距,台灣晶圓代工主力廠將在最短時間內完成20奈米及16奈米以下先進製程技術研發及產能建置,並籌組以台廠為核心的大同盟(GRAND ALLIANCE)計畫,相關的協力廠商、設備廠商、耗材供應商將會持續受惠。邁入2014年,台灣過去引以為傲的電子產業仍將面臨許多挑戰,但也有許多廠商在面臨過去幾年的震撼教育之後,已經開始調整心態,準備進行第三波的台灣電子業轉型。在這波轉型過程中,許多利基型的次產業將先脫穎而出,引領整個產業轉型方向,而具備國際競爭力的台灣電子公司,將持續在國際舞台發光發熱,為金馬年台股注入新的希望。迷你倉出租

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【本報訊】澳門廠商聯合會昨舉行第三十屆第三次會員大會,儲存理事長崔煜林表示,澳門製造業對以旅遊博彩業為龍頭的經濟結構調整和轉型,建議企業必須踏上轉型升級道路,借助本澳旅遊博彩業發展的優勢,以及企業自身條件,配合社會經濟發展的變化,與時俱進、利用市場優勢、靈活變通、調整發展思路,更改產業模式,提高產品附加值。該會會長賀一誠,副理事長賀定一、黃志成及監事長何慶出席會議。會上公布第三十屆理事會工作、財務報告,宣讀監事會意見書;討論及審議會務報告、財務報告及監事會意見書,其後舉行第三十一屆理監事選舉。實地了解拓內銷市場崔煜林報告會務時稱,為協助會員轉型升級,藉�澳門製造的健康形象,開拓內銷市場,但由於各地在文化、習慣、消費模式上各有不同,南北有別,因此該會認為要拓展內地市場,必須實地進行銷售,才能有一定程度的了解。該會得到經濟局、貿易投資促進局的大力支持,已組織有意發展品牌產品的企業參加不同的展銷活動,如「活力澳門推廣周」、「澳門廣州名品展」、「澳門迷你倉山名品展」、 「廣東澳門周」及第一屆北京澳門經貿交流洽談會的「澳門特色產品展賣周」,為企業搭建接觸市場的平台。展望未來,崔煜林表示,澳門製造業面對以旅遊博彩業為龍頭的經濟結構調整和轉型,企業必須踏上轉型升級道路,借助本澳旅遊博彩發展的優勢,以及企業自身條件,配合社會經濟發展的變化,與時俱進、利用市場優勢、靈活變通、調整發展思路,更改產業模式,提高產品附加值。未來該會將繼續推廣「MinM澳門製造 澳門創意」,提升澳門工業的整體形象;向外宣傳及推動澳門食品工業的發展空間,吸引外資來澳發展,同時開拓內地食品市場。由於本澳租金高昂,設立門市動用的資金相對龐大,將研究協助設立網購平台;政府推動文化創意產業多年成效不彰,原因是文化創意要達至產業層面須經過不同環節互相配合,業界會配合政府文化創意產業政策;該會曾建議政府研究將工廈用途改為工商用途,讓市場上有更多單位供應給中小企,發展不同行業,提升舊區的營運氣氛,同時亦可帶動舊區人流,讓工廈及舊區得以活化。儲存倉

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