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Okinawa a dream wedding setting for many Chinese, but Diaoyus friction threatens to turn a Sino-Japanese joint venture into a marriage from hellSino-Japanese tension has spilled over into anger and street protests on both sides.自存倉But the dispute, which centres on the Diaoyu Islands, administered by Tokyo, which calls them the Senkakus, but fervently claimed by Beijing as well as Taipei, threatens the chances of a joint venture between Chinese and Japanese wedding firms having a fairy-tale ending.Dream Studio had hoped to cash in by bringing Chinese couples to the picturesque southern Japanese island of Okinawa either for their wedding or their honeymoon, but tensions over the East China Sea have threatened to turn the joint venture into a marriage from hell.The company saw as many as 60 per cent of reservations by mainland Chinese clients cancelled last summer as tensions escalated between Beijing and Tokyo. While business is slowly picking up, it is far from certain that this will prove to be a case of happily ever after.Co-owner Zhang Mengya, a native of Suzhou , Jiangsu province, said the setback had forced the company to rethink its global strategy. If relations between the two countries soured again, she said, the only Okinawa-based wedding company that targets mainland Chinese would have no choice but to cast its net somewhere else.“We are thinking about opening offices in Hawaii and Guam,” she said. “And we will go after people who will be less likely to be influenced by Chinese politics.”Launched in June last year, Dream Studio serves Japan’s domestic market and Chinese speakers on the Chinese mainland and in Hong Kong and Taiwan. It is a joint venture of Zhang’s Suzhou wedding service and Watabe Wedding, an industry heavyweight in Japan.Destination weddings are growing increasingly popular among China’s couples, with spending on weddings reaching 600 billion yuan (HK$758 billion) a year, said Yang Se, chief executive of the Beijing-based IdoIdo wedding service.While there are no statistics on the amount they spend on overseas weddings, many believe the figure is high.Zhang hoped to tap into China’s booming wedding tourism industry by partnering with Watabe, her business plan took an unexpected turn last summer, when anti-Japan protests swept China and Japan’s government nationalised three of the disputed islets after buying them from their private owners.The row escalated after a Hong Kong-based group of activists sailed to the resource-rich islands in defiance of Japanese coastguard patrols.The escalation of the row prompted often violent protests in mainland China and a shift against Japanese products. Japanese lawmakers and nationalists responded with their own voyage to the islands, and Japanese and Chinese patrol ships later came face to face near the islands.Nationalistic coverage in the mainland media did little to ease the concerns of Dream Studio’s customers. “The Chinese were scared and worried about their safety if they travel to Japan,” Zhang said. Many even asked her if she herself had been attacked by Japanese during the tumultuous months of August and September. “I told them residents of the island lived a peaceful life despite disputes with China, and physical attacks against Chinese nationals were a hard thing even to imagine,” Zhang said.But Chinese media reports on the Diaoyu Islands dispute, some more inflammatory than others, had convinced many that Japan was no longer a safe destination.In fact, Okinawa island, controlled by the US until it was returned to Japan in 1972, remains a controversial topic for China. The Communist Party’s mouthpiece, People’s Daily, recently ran an article in which two Chinese academics challenged Japan’s sovereignty over the Ryukyu chain of islands, which includes Okinawa.Besides the territorial dispute, many believe Japan’s complicated visa requirements might also have thwarted Chinese couples. Even if couples were able to obtain visas, the application process could be a hassle for relatives and guests, Yang said.Phuket and Bali ranked higher than Okinawa as wedding destinations for Chinese nationals because they were allowed to apply for visas on arrival, Yang said. Domestically, couples have been flocking to Sanya on tropical Hainan Island , where Taiwanese actress Barbie Hsu and Wang Xiaofei, heir to a restaurant empire on the mainland, famously tied the knot in 2011.For Zhang, business may have dropped among mainland clients, but a steady stream of customers from Hong Kong and Taiwan has helped keep Dream Studio afloat. Many who went to Okinawa for wedding photos and honeymoons told Zhang that it was cheaper to get married on Okinawa than at home.Ashley Chan, a Hong Kong native, signed up with Dream Studio for a four-day resort wedding in July last year. She was immediately impressed by the customised photo shoot and wedding service. The couple had also paid about the same – HK$20,000 – to have another set of wedding photos taken in Hong Kong. But Chan said the Okinawa photos came out better because of the beautiful scenery and the photographers’ refined techniques.“It’s just better value for the money,” Chan said.A basic package offered by Dream Studio started at HK$10,000 and went up to HK$20,000 or more, Zhang said.With better business, Dream Studio now employs four Chinese and two Japanese photographers. But it wasn’t always that way.During difficult times last year, Okinawa’s community helped out.Zhang said officials who had invited her to the island three years ago referred much-needed business to her stagnant operation. The government even asked the studio to produce a tourism promotion video for Okinawa, which aired in Hong Kong and other cities. US soldiers on the nearby Marine Corps base also sought out Zhang after learning of her wedding photo services.Dream Studio has also built a reputation among Japanese couples, who now make up 50 per cent of its business, boosting Zhang’s confidence about surviving another crisis.With business from mainland China finally starting to look up this year, Zhang urged compatriots to consult travel warnings from the government, instead of relying on rumours and newspaper reports.Believing the worst was over, Zhang said she was optimistic that Dream Studio would thrive happily ever after.

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJuly 12--Nathan Smith is one of the top local amateur golfers and has always enjoyed watching those he has played with -- pros and amateurs -- in the Mylan Classic at Southpointe Golf Club.自存倉 He had always wanted a chance to participate in it, but never thought he would get it for a variety of reasons.So imagine his surprise when, a few weeks ago, he received an email from tournament director Chase McClain informing him he would be included in this year's field.The news surprised Smith, but that's because he hadn't heard the Mylan Classic format changed in its fourth year -- it is now the only Web.com Tour event that has 12 spots designated for the top amateur players.McClain said it's called the "All-American" format, as the players eligible for the spots must be a college All-American (Division I first or second team, or Division II first team), the Division I or II player of the year, a Division I NCAA champion or a member of the most recent U.S. Walker Cup team.Smith, who lives in the North Hills, was a member of the 2011 Walker Cup team and, being a local amateur, was an easy choice for one of the final two spots in the field.And while he has played in the Masters four times as an amateur -- including once when he was paired with legend Arnold Palmer -- he said being picked to participate in the Mylan Classic is one of the most special golf moments for him because it is one of the biggest events in Western Pennsylvania."The new format, amateur-wise, really opened up some doors," Smith said Thursday at the Mylan Classic media day. "The last couple of years, I was always rooting on some of the local pros. It was fun but I didn't realize they had changed the format when I got the call. It will be fun to play with a lot of these guys and fun to reminisce with so many of them that I have played with in the past."I was really honored; I was blown away and really excited to come down here and get this opportunity. I have always loved the course."Smith won the Jay Sigel Match Play Championship last week at Huntingdon Valley Country Club and said his game is in great shape. But he knows he must play well to have a chance in the Mylan, one of the top events on the Web.com Tour.McClain said the inclusion of the 12 amateurs under the All-American format is special because only one tournament on the tour is selected for that."It was a tremendous opportunity for us. There is only one event in the world that has this format and that is us now," McClain said. "And for us, it helps put the spotlight on Washington County. We did lose a few local spots, but this gives the tournament greater international exposure. We went out and wanted to get the best guys available and I think we have."We expect every year that the top players on the Web.com Tour are going to come here because we're late enough in the season that they all know they need to be here."Along with the new format, the Mylan Classic also has a new date. It was previously played in late August/early September but was moved up to July 29-Aug. 4. The tournament officially begins Aug. 1 but there are several events in the three days before.McClain said the new date was to accommodate the new Web.com playoff system, a series of four tournaments at the end of the year.The playoff will take the top 75 players on the tour money list and players ranked No. 126-200 on the PGA Tour and put them in a field together. The top 25 finishers who haven't already earned a PGA Tour card will earn one for next year."It is a good time of year for us because there isn't a lot going on, to be honest," McClain said. "School and the football season hasn't really begun so we think it is a very good spot on the calendar for us."The event is a big boost to Washington County, as it has brought an average of 23,000 visitors to the region and has about an $8 million economic impact. Most important, it has raised $1.8 million over four years for various charities.Paul Zeise: pzeise@post-gazette.com, 412-263-1720 and Twitter @paulzeise.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at www.post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services

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文件倉本報龍勝訊 連日來,素有龍勝“南大門”之稱的和平鄉,吸引中外遊客紛至遝來。作為龍勝各族自治縣百里旅遊長廊的鄉鎮之一,該鄉黨委、政府積極探索黨建與旅遊的結合點,依托獨特山水、良好生態、悠久深厚歷史文化底蘊、原汁原味民族風情,深入挖掘以龍脊梯田為代表的農耕文化游、以少數民族風情為代表的民俗風情游,全力打造“梯田之鄉”。今年5月以來,和平鄉按照自治區關於開展“美麗廣西·清潔鄉村”活動的總體部署,積極開展“清潔家園、清潔田園、清潔水源”活動,效果顯著,一股清新的氣息撲面而來,為打造旅遊名鄉注入了勃勃生機與活力。為推動“清潔鄉村”活動深入開展,該鄉採取有力措施,建立健全規章制度,工作亮點不斷。該鄉通過充分徵求群�意見,激發群�參與的熱情,營造人人理解、人人支持、人人參與的良好社會氛圍。同時,由鄉政府牽頭,派出所、工商所、鄉機關各辦(所)和各行政村共同參與,形成五位一體的聯合執法體制,從而規範了全鄉秩序。此外,該鄉還先後進行了風貌塑造、景區公路河道、農貿市場、道路交通、園林綠化等5個主題的專項整治工作,做到一個階段解決一個突出問題,使全鄉面貌煥然一新,景區品位大大提升。為了鞏固工作成果,該鄉黨委、政府制定完善了環境承包制度、日常巡邏制度、考核獎懲制度等工作機制,從而保證“清潔鄉村”成為一項長期的惠民工程。(宋江傑 蒙雲龍)

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  【中新社7月12日電】澳門推廣周貴州站12日在貴陽開幕,儲存倉以期加深貴州與澳門的合作關係。  「活力澳門推廣周」主要為了推廣澳門品牌產品和服務,加深貴州企業和民眾對澳門的理解,並協助澳門企業拓展內地市場,也為了進一步深化澳門與貴州的交流合作,共享黔澳合作的新機遇。  澳門特別行政區政府經濟局局長蘇添平說:「貴州與澳門同屬泛珠三角區域的成員,一直保持緊密的經貿合作。貴州旅遊資源豐富,生態良好,澳門致力建設世界旅遊休閑中心,兩地在經貿、旅遊、文化、中醫藥方面有巨大的合作潛力。」  貴州省商務廳廳長申曉慶說:「這次活動帶來了琳琅滿目的澳門商品和澳門的文化,貴州人可以近距離瞭解澳門特區的歷史文化,瞭解‘一國兩制’在澳門取得的成就,也將推動兩地在更大範圍、更寬領域、更深層次的交流合作。」  此次展覽面積為7500平方米,展位260個,有超過百家企業帶千種商品亮相展會。由7個葡語系國家、商務參讚及企業領袖50餘人組成代表團來到貴州,是歷次澳門推廣周人數最多的一站。此次澳門活動周亮點之一的是黔澳中醫藥對接洽談,旨在為 黔澳兩地醫藥產業交流合作提供平台和機遇,充分發揮各自優勢,促進黔澳中醫藥事業的發展。

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Osaka-based low-cost airline still eyeing the rebound in Chinese tour groups visiting JapanPeach Aviation, a low-cost carrier based in Osaka, remains cautious about expanding into China even amid signs of a recovery in Chinese leisure travel to Japan.迷你倉新蒲崗Shinichi Inoue, the chief executive of the airline that began operations in Hong Kong in May, said the carrier had not yet gained approval from the Chinese authorities to fly to Shanghai.The number of Japanese-bound Chinese travellers has fallen sharply since August last year, when a territorial dispute between the two countries escalated and sparked a nationwide boycott of Japanese goods and hurt tourism.Although business travel between the two countries resumed shortly after the incident, leisure travel – especially involving tour groups – had more than halved and not recovered, said Peach’s agent in Hong Kong, Pacific Aviation Marketing.“The number of tour groups to Japan has probably fallen 90 per cent since the crisis,” said Eddy Sat, the company’s managing director. “Chinese travel agencies were told not to organise tours. That was a big hit, because tour groups made up half of all leisure travel from China to Japan.”But major travel agencies in China said tour groups to Japan were starting again.“It was true that we didn’t operate any Japan tour earlier this year, but we started running them again in May,” a saleswoman from Guangzhou-based GZL International Travel told the South China Morning Post.Beijing China International Travel Service said it started organising tour groups to Japan again two months ago.A spokeswoman for Peach said the firm wanted to be sure the recovery was for the long term. “Demand from Hong Kong is so much we barely have enough capacity to cope, so we want to make sure that the demand is there before we open a new route,” she said.Peach’s daily service between Hong Kong and Osaka has carried 2.4 million passengers since July last year, with an average of 85 per cent of seats filled.The airline will add flights every weekend during September and October, to cope with increased demand from students returning to school.Peach will receive its 10th aircraft next month but continue to limit its network to a four-hour flying zone, in order to maximise resources. Inoue said the fleet would increase to 17 by 2015.The carrier also plans to start a service between Hong Kong and Okinawa.In light of competition from Hong Kong Express Airways – which will become a budget carrier in October – and Jetstar Hong Kong – which may begin operations in the city at the end of the year – Peach said it would not compete just on prices: it will launch themed flights.

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