- Sep 28 Sat 2013 18:10
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 17:16
Bus company ends bid to get back Dallas contract
Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.self storageSept. 27--WILKES-BARRE -- A Dallas bus company's effort to regain a school district contract that was thrown out by a judge has seemingly come to an end in Luzerne County Court.Jonathan Comitz, an attorney who represents Emanuel Bus Line, filed a request to "discontinue" a court action in the company's attempt to regain a contract with the Dallas School District after another company received the contract.In June, Emanuel Bus Line filed a preliminary injunction after the school board sought competitive bids for bus service. In the filing, Emanuel sought to have a contract awarded to the company.The board received bids from Emanuel and G. Davis Inc., of Pike County, which offered a contract at $83,000 less than Emanuel's. The public complained and the board allowed both c迷你倉mpanies to resubmit new proposals.Only Emanuel did, and district Business Manager Grant Palfey determined G. Davis was still about $7,600 lower. The board voted a second time to hire G. Davis.Later that month, county Judge Michael Vough ruled that Emanuel Bus Line would not regain the bus contract it previously held for many years.At the time, Comitz said the decision could put 25 people out of a job and that other options available to Emanuel to regain damages were not out of the question.Comitz did not return a phone call seeking comment Thursday.A search through county court records did not reveal any other court filings regarding the issue.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services自存倉
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:42
微軟鋪新機 英業達仁寶望春風 WINDOWS 8.1將在10月上市,代工廠力拚Q4出貨與本季持平
NB產業今年的最後拚搏機會—微軟WINDOWS 8.1,迷你倉最平將在10月上市。代工廠因9、10月新機鋪貨效應,出貨維持高峰,英業達(2356)、仁寶(2324)力拚第4季出貨與第3季持平,但業者也認為,還是得觀察WINDOWS 8.1後續買氣,第4季業績仍有變數。 NB族群昨(27)日股價表現持穩,仁寶、英業達、緯創(3231)、和碩(4938)漲幅都超過1%,僅宏�(2353)因再度澄清無被併購意願,連續第三天回檔,也把周二當日大漲的幅度悉數吐回。 今年NB淡旺季不明顯,第3季無太大成長空間,只有英業達出貨有機會成長1成,表現最強,廣達、仁寶可能與第2季持平。另外,和碩因IPHONE 5C放量,有效拉抬第3季營收衝高,但若單看NB產品,估算出貨將季減5∼10%。 微軟WINDOWS 8.1於10月18日全球上線,眾多新機種將配合同步上市,加上為年底購物旺季預備,帶動代工廠9月出貨開始成長,10月則維持高峰。仁寶、英業達初估,第4季有機會與第3季持平,但因訂單能見度不高,儲存得看WINDOWS 8.1後勁強不強,是影響第4季業績的關鍵。 但法人看法則保守得多,評估第4季 NB展望仍不樂觀,除了WINDOWS 8.1本身的改變並無太多驚喜之外,消費者在感恩節、聖誕節購物還是以平板為首選,而且新平板電腦陸續推出,包括亞馬遜、蘋果,也將對NB造成排擠效應,預估台灣代工廠第4季筆電出貨量比第3季減少3∼5%。 仁寶因接下亞馬遜新平板,成為第4季出貨的主力,而且掌握戴爾商務筆電,整體出貨相對穩定。 而英業達董事長李詩欽先前指出,根據內部最新數字,該公司下半年業績約比上半年成長1成,上、下半年比重約47%比53%,但因第4季展望不明朗,可能跟第3季持平或衰退。 另外,外電報導,GOOGLE NEXUS 10平板的合作夥伴將從三星改為華碩,主要是英國通路商CURRYS的報表資料洩露一款GOOGLE ASUS NEXUS 10產品,定價349.99英鎊,並不便宜,預計將採用ANDROID 4.4 KITKAT新系統,可能搶先在蘋果新IPAD推出前上市。mini storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 16:21
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 15:06
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/據新華社電 國家發改委27日宣佈,迷你倉為營造良好的旅遊價格環境,降低群�旅遊成本,近期,各地價格主管部門按照發改委部署,在國慶節期間推動全國約1400家景區實行門票價格優惠,平均優惠幅度約20%。據統計,全國有5個省份(湖北、廣東、海南、雲南和新疆)轄區內所有實行政府指導價和政府定價的景區在國慶節期間實行門票價格優惠,山西轄區內國有A級以上景區門票價格全年實行6∼8折優惠。一些著名景區如山西五台山和雲岡石窟、福建武夷山、江西廬山、湖北神農架和武當山、廣東丹霞山、海南天涯海角、重慶大足石刻、四川黃龍、貴州黃果樹、雲南石林和香格里拉等景區均在優惠之列。為落實門票價格優惠措施,確保平穩有序實施,發改委要求各地價格主管部門要在國慶節前公佈優儲存倉方案,將優惠政策落實到位。同時,要密切跟蹤監督有關政策的執行,對不按照規定實行門票價格優惠的景區,要依法進行查處並向社會公佈。新聞分析旅遊法倒逼景區轉型將在10月1日實施的旅遊法給門票價格戴上“緊箍咒”:旅遊法規定,門票漲價應該給消費者一定的消化時間,提高門票價格應當提前六個月公佈。尤其是針對利用公共資源建設的景區,不得通過增加另行收費項目等方式變相漲價;另行收費項目已收回投資成本的,應當相應降低價格或者取消收費。記者調查發現,在多重因素影響下,上半年靠景區吃飯的旅遊企業日子並不好過,單靠漲門票價格和無限制放行的粗放經營方式難以為繼。上海財經大學旅遊管理系教授何建民認為,旅遊法的實施將進一步倒逼景區轉型。有專家建議,應以境外運營成熟的景區為參照,開發多種旅遊類型,提供人性化的服務,讓遊客感到物有所值。迷你倉最平
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:36
Financial leaderin the market
Arion Bank is playing an important role in driving Ice- land’s economy forward.文件倉With roots dating back to 1930, the bank of ers corporate and retail banking, investment banking, capital markets, trea- sury, asset management and comprehensive wealth man- agement services to compa- nies, institutional investors and individuals.At the core of Arion Bank’sstrategy is the focus on build- ing strong relationships with customers by delivering excel- lent service and tailored solu- tions.Iceland has experienced dra- matic changes since the col- lapse of its i nancial sector in 2008. Despite great advances, the i scal environment remains challenging.Arion Bank is actively contributing to the country’seconomic development as a leading financial institution in Iceland’s domestic i nancial market.“Immediately following the crisis in 2008, we were involved in a game of survival. This characterized our day-to-day operations until 2010, when we formulated our strategy for growth, restructured the bank and a new management team was brought in to take the bank forward,” said H?skuldur H.?lafsson, Arion Bank’s CEO.‘h e revival in the banking sector during the last couple of years has resulted in our resuming what you could call normal banking operations.We continue to have a strong market position on which we will build.”Following the crisis, Iceland’sfinancial sector was able to make headway due to strong government policy and pro- gressive economic decision- making.The relatively small size of the Icelandic economy also made the situation easier 存倉o manage, resulting in a i nancial sector that is well-positioned to take on future challenges.“The fisheries, energy and tourism sectors weathered the storm well,” ?lafsson said. “Ice-land has the benei t of a strong infrastructure, ample natural resources and a high level of education. The foundations are in place for the Icelandic economy to take the necessary steps forward.”h e next step for the small island country is to address its currency controls in a struc- tured and credible manner.?lafsson believes the lessons learned from the crisis, along with the country’s renewed economic drive, makes Iceland an interesting destination for international investors.“We are seeing increased economic interest between our two countries,” he reiterates.“China is of growing impor- tance to Icelandic companies.“We intend for Arion Bank to play an active role in facilitat- ing business between Iceland and China, as we understand the importance of encouraging commerce between our two countries,” continues ?lafsson.“The Free Trade Agreement between Iceland and China will also enable us to strength- en our i nancial, energy, tour- ism and cultural relations.“Arion Bank has established ties with China’s i nancial ser- vices sector,” he explains. “We are keen to see Iceland’s repu- tation as an investment desti- nation gain momentum with international investors.“We are positive about the future of Iceland’s role within the global economy, and intend to build on our strong position as a i nancial leader within the Icelandic market.”.arionbanki.is儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:22
9月24日,自存倉本報記者確認,緊隨阿里、蘇寧,京東、百度在上海嘉定設立小額貸款公司也已獲批。嘉定金融辦人士對本報記者稱,與一般小額貸款公司不同,這兩家互聯網巨頭旗下小額貸款公司,也均網上展業,可跨區經營。公開數據顯示,截至2013年4月30日,阿里小貸開業兩年累放貸金額已達810.23億元!不難看出,互聯網巨頭新設小貸在經營範圍、業務規模,與一般小額貸款公司不是同一體量。互聯網空間無限性、受�廣泛性,在為互聯網金融提供無限可能性的同時,控制不當,其風險相較于傳統金融,也會數倍的放大。然而作為一個全新的事物,互聯網金融的規範,似乎並沒有如行業一樣大步向前。例如,小貸公司目前仍屬地管理,與互聯網空間無限性並不相配對。這並非僅存在於互聯網小貸領域,又例如火熱的P2P行業,各家企業到處跑馬圈地,可至今歸哪個部門監管都未有定論。幸而一些嘗試也在進行,如央行旗下的上海資信牽頭在做互聯網金融徵信平台;網貸之家最近也推出了首個網貸企業評級,與P2P企業交換借口獲取客觀營業數據……借用印第安人諺語“慢一點,讓靈魂跟上來”。對於一哄而上的互聯網金融,規範同樣不可後知後行。@稅楊林:近日,京東、百度成功在上海布局小貸公司,前有阿里、蘇寧,電商頻繁出擊金融業,意在何?媒體大攪動,最終央行能批幾家?規則未定,自律不夠的情況下,我想熱鬧的成分更多。在中國什麼行業都可以一哄而上嗎?讓人看得心驚,聽得害怕!@受才_小肥:是人是鬼都來做小額貸款。他們估計是看好供應鏈金融。給自己的上下游貸款較多。短期內應該不會對個人發放貸款。@信托圈兒:京東做小貸公司還可以理解,百度咋做呢?@vinW:大數據加小額貸,很猛很強大。@鄧建樂-nancy:很期待越來越多的mini storage型電商平台惠及上下游,大家好才是真的好!@打不死的傑克:高利貸合法化還是融資渠道多樣化?@冬天地東82:政府必將嚴厲打擊電商類網站企圖通過小貸公司入駐金融銀行領域。風險規避不了。@公民林立人:百度小貸�動必須的,互聯網金融才剛開始,大家來做才是大產業呢@Eli_stone_season:各行業都想涉足金融,看來混業和大金融是方向了!@iamoutandlost:小貸公司沒有杠杆可以使用,沒有低成本的資金來源,單靠較高的貸款定價,其效率怎麼和銀行相比?百度的投資者在計算這塊業務的ROE時,是提升了整個公司的ROE還是拉低了整個公司的ROE?@南通上市公司股東:改革是個試驗田,至於試驗結果就要時間檢驗,我想銀行會有辦法狙擊這些小貸公司。@Claire_Chan追求理想人生:【突破自有資金限制是做大關鍵】互聯網公司特別是電商涉足金融,其最大的優勢在於對交易數據的掌控和應用。通過對倉儲、物流的監控它們可以及時瞭解貨物的動向,提供了另外一種風險控制模式。而未來,如果它要做大,小貸公司還是會有一個重要的限制,雖然可以向銀行貸款,但主要還是依靠自有資金。@聽風:阿里和京東搞小貸,有天然優勢,可以根據賣家和供應商的發貨數據,自動發放貸款,準確性高,風險低,會顛覆銀行。看不懂百度如何搞小貸,百度是一個連交易轉化都跟蹤不到的平台,根據什麼發放貸款?難道根據廣告投放?@金羊毛工作坊:阿里巴巴成為BAT互聯網金融的頭羊,京東百度只有追隨成立小貸,媒體公司新浪也不得不作個姿態,成立倉石投資。只不過,京東百度小貸玩法也各有不同,跨區經營,無邊界融匯,概念造得再好,卻都玩不過馬雲的大數據,對於新浪這家媒體公司,基因束縛了轉型,但轉型總比不轉的好。儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 14:10
Faucette wants to 'move things forward'
Source: Times-News, Burlington, N.迷你倉C.Sept. 27--Editor's Note: This is the fourth of six profiles about the four candidates running for two open seats on Burlington's City Council, and the two candidates running for mayor in Burlington. The profiles are printed daily through Sunday in alphabetical order, beginning with council candidates and ending with mayoral candidates.Celo Faucette said when he was first elected to Burlington City Council in 2009, he had a "project list." And while he's proud of the influence he's had, especially in North Park and east Burlington, and regarding water and sewer requests that come before council, Faucette said he's not done."I have some things I haven't finished doing yet," he said, and hopes he can have another term on council to "move things forward" on his list.One of the issues that makes that list is bringing medical care to east Burlington, said Faucette, who has always been a champion for the revitalization of the east side of town.Second on Faucette's list is public transportation for Burlington and neighboring cities."I feel like we're going to have to do it, but we've got to have to get all the municipalities involved with it," he said. "It's not fair to have it just in Burlington, when you have overlapping boundaries with Mebane and Haw River, Elon, Gibsonville."Faucette said the system should be a joint effort because people from neighboring municipalities would end up using the transit, anyway."It's not fair to have Burlington's residents pay for it and have other people use it," he said.Faucette said Burlington has already held meetings and discussions with other nearby towns and cities, and, "That's why it's taking so long."He said, "Once we get the green light from everybody then we can move forward a little quicker with it than we've been doing."The other two issues on Faucette's list are more about the city's nuts and bolts.He wants to see the Rockwood Avenue, O'Neal Street extension project move forward. The city's been seeking funding sources for years, and though the project is "on the books," Faucette said he wants to work with the N.C. Department of Transportation to make the project more of a priority."We just have to put the pressure on our representatives to 自存倉ake it happen," he said.Faucette said the project makes his list because it would ameliorate current traffic problems in the city."This would give us a north/south thoroughfare, and eliminate some of the traffic off Webb Avenue," he said. "(Drivers) come in on (N.C. 87) and they come in on Glen Raven Road ... and merge right there at CVS.""The traffic that's coming out of the north side of town is tremendous," said Faucette. "People don't realize that, but it is."What's under the roads also concerns Faucette."We've got some old infrastructure under this city," he said. "We've been having some water (line) breaks here lately," Faucette said, adding, "We've got to be prepared -- we've got to put enough money back to make sure we're able to fix these things."He said Burlington residents shouldn't have to experience breaks in service due to old infrastructure, since they pay their water and sewer bills."You pay your city taxes, you want city services," said Faucette.Name: Celo FaucetteAge: 66Family: Faucette and his wife of 46 years, Patsy, have one daughter and three grandsons.Education: Faucette graduated from Jordan Sellars High School in Burlington in 1965, and graduated from the City of Burlington Government Academy in management courses, which he took through LabCorp.Work: In 1969, he started working at LabCorp, where he held several positions over a long career there. In 2005, Faucette retired, after 36 years with the company.Political Hero: Faucette said he respected Jack O'Kelly, who was the first black county commissioner in Alamance County in 1972, and lived in the same neighborhood as Faucette when he was a teenager.Faucette said, "I sort of take my philosophy from him," which was do the most good for the most people.He said he also admired W.B. "Junior" Teague, who was a former Alamance County commissioner and state representative."When I first ran for office, I had a long conversation with him," said Faucette. He said Teague gave him advice he's tried to incorporate as a city councilman: "Help as many people as you can and do the right thing by them."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) Visit Times-News (Burlington, N.C.) at .thetimesnews.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:50
Conference aims to humanize science
Source: Albuquerque Journal, N.自存倉M.Sept. 27--When challenged to make materials science sound exciting to a middle school girl, Ellen Cerreta suggests picturing an airplane that has been downed after sucking birds into its engines.Maybe the famous "Miracle on the Hudson" in 2009, when all 155 passengers survived the ditching after their U.S. Airways plane ran into a flock of Canada geese.Now, wouldn't it be cool, she said, if you could design a material and airplane engine system durable enough to keep operating after an encounter with birds? It could save lives.That's the kind of information to appeal to girls' imaginations, along with lots of hands-on experimentation, that will be offered at the Expanding Your Horizons Conference on Oct. 5 at Santa Fe Community College.Cerreta, a deputy group leader in the Materials Science and Technology Division at Los Alamos National Laboratory, is among the women in science who will conduct workshops for girls in grades five through eight to help expose them to the possibilities of careers in STEM-C (science, technology, engineering, mathematics and computing)."Girls tend to tune (these career paths) out, to think they can't do them," said Lina Germann, a co-chair of the event, who holds a doctorate in chemistry and teaches the subject. "They're not seeing enough role models. We're trying to expose more girls to that."Clio Andris, another one of those role models, said she found that "a lot of women were not into math and science because they didn't think it would help people, and they wanted to help people. They wanted to feel like they were improving people's lives. ..."But I think there are some ways to do that in math and science. I do want to tell them you can make a difference by doing this."A postdoctoral fellow at the Santa Fe Institute, Andris' background is in geographic information science (GIS), which she will begin teaching next year at Penn State. GIS takes information and maps it out to spot relationships. It can determine the best place to locate an airport, for example, by mapping the ease of access to particular sites.Andris herself focuses on social networks and what they can tell about our world. How do people you know affect where you -- and larger populations -- move? Can tracing the volume of telephone calls among different cities predict or track economic downturns?"You use these methods to tell a story," she said.OutnumberedBoth Andris and Cerreta said they often find themselves vastly outnumbered by men in their work."In graduate school, I noticed fewer and fewer womini storageen," Andris said. "And I'm the only female postdoctoral fellow here.""We're certainly the minority," Cerreta said, while adding, "I think that's changing."The percentage of women among the highest degree-holders in science and engineering increased from 31 percent in 1993 to 38 percent in 2008, according to the National Science Foundation. Their representation in science and engineering occupations rose from 21 percent to 26 percent over that same time period.But women seemed concentrated in particular fields, making up 53 percent of workers in the social sciences and 51 percent in the medical sciences. In fields such as engineering and computer and math sciences, the numbers linger at 13 percent and 26 percent, respectively, according to the NSF figures.Citing the presence of the national labs in New Mexico, Cerreta said, "There is a tremendous amount of opportunity... for women in this state if they pursue careers in the STEM fields."The Association for Women in Science notes on its website: "Women represent 50 percent of the population and capacity for innovation in the United States, but they represent only 24 percent of the STEM workforce."The path to a science career is not always direct.Cerreta said she wanted to be a pilot until she realized her eyesight was not good enough. So her father suggested she study how to build airplanes instead. After focusing on aerospace engineering in her undergraduate years, she found the materials aspect interested her most, and that's what she pursued in her graduate education.Andris was also influenced by her father, preparing to follow in his footsteps in journalism, but found it didn't suit her. She took a GIS class and really loved it, to the extent that she followed the teacher after that first session and "told her that was what I wanted to do for the rest of my life."Girls, Germann said, need to "see for themselves that math and science are not boring."And I personally think that the younger they are exposed to it, the better." If you goWHAT : Expanding Your Horizons ConferenceOPEN TO : Girls in grades 5-8WHEN : Check-in at 8 a.m., conference starts at 9 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 5WHERE : Santa Fe Community College, 6401 Richards Ave.HOW MUCH : $10, but scholarships are availableREGISTRATION DEADLINE : Monday, or until the 175 slots are filledMORE INFO : . expandingyourhorizons. org/conferences/ SantaFe/Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) Visit the Albuquerque Journal (Albuquerque, N.M.) at .abqjournal.com Distributed by MCT Information Services儲存
- Sep 28 Sat 2013 13:37
Daniel Bruhl underwent hours of makeup to play Formula One racer
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteSept.迷你倉最平 27--TORONTO -- "Call times" for an actor can be a blessing or a sleep-deprivation curse.For select scenes in "Rush," in which he plays racing legend Niki Lauda before and after a fiery crash, actor Daniel Bruhl spent six or seven hours in makeup."Sometimes I was picked up at 3 o'clock [in the morning]. I was looking at the call sheet, and it said, 'Chris Hemsworth, pick-up at 10. First scene, Chris Hemsworth kissing a nurse. Second scene, Chris Hemsworth making love on a plane. Third scene, Niki Lauda checking his tires.' "Mr. Hemsworth portrays Mr. Lauda's rival, Formula One driver and playboy James Hunt, in the Ron Howard film opening in theaters today.The makeup for Mr. Bruhl was essential once the Austrian driver suffered third-degree burns on his head and wrists, broke several ribs, a collarbone and a cheekbone when his Ferrari crashed and burst into flames during a 1976 race. A team of six doctors and 34 nurses worked to save Mr. Lauda's life."It was very helpful, this prosthetic makeup because sometimes, I would step on set and some extras didn't realize that it was fake, so they were really shocked when they saw me, and that made me understand what Niki had gone through."In addition to the makeup, Mr. Bruhl had to swallow a piece of bread so a hospital tube could be pushed down into and then pulled out of his throat. "It was really unpleasant, which makes that scene so horrible."The agreeable, coffee-drinking Mr. Bruhl met reporters for the WikiLeaks movie, "The Fifth Estate," in which he plays Daniel Domscheit-Berg, a Julian Assange ally turned adversary. But he obligingly fielded questions about "Rush," also part of the Toronto International Film Festival.The actor, familiar to audiences as a German war hero in Quentin Tarantino's "Inglourious Basterds," looked very different from Mr. Lauda, thanks to collar-length handsomely styled hair, mustache and beard and minus the false teeth used to mimic his character's overbite.Mr. Bruhl, whose heritage is German and Spanish and who speaks in slightly accented English, could relate to the need for speed."I like to drive and I like to drive fast. As you know, on the autobahn in Germany, we don't have limits, but it's a completely different thing to sit in a race car," especially one smelling of gasoline and so low to the ground and noisy that your body vibrates."I totally got the addiction to it. I absolutely fe儲存t the adrenaline. I understood why young boys want to become a race driver. I would be a terrible race driver, though, I realized after the movie ..."It's so difficult to be in control of that beast, of that machine, you know. It's easy to drive fast but if something unpredictable happens, it's very, very hard to control it."The actor had the rare and strange experience of making two movies in a row based on real events and people."On one hand, you feel an enormous responsibility and a weight on your shoulder if you play these real characters. On the other hand, if you have the luck to have a good relationship with both of them and they're willing to answer your questions and are open, it makes life much easier. Fortunately, it happened in both cases."However, Mr. Lauda was "quite undiplomatic" in their first phone exchange, conceding, "I guess we have to meet now. ... Only bring hand luggage to Vienna in case we don't like each other, you can piss off right away."As it turned out, the actor stayed longer than expected and even needed to buy some extra clothes. "He supported us all the way through and he's very happy with the result."As for working with Mr. Hemsworth, aka Thor the hammer-wielding Norse god of thunder, Mr. Bruhl said, "We didn't need that fake rivalry to get into our parts. In fact, we invented our own romantic comedy and a love relationship between Hunt and Lauda in between the takes."It would have been an interesting movie, too," he said to appreciative laughter. "He's a very laid-back Australian surfer kind of guy, and it's very difficult to dislike him."And his other co-star? Benedict Cumberbatch, who plays the title character in the British series "Sherlock" seen on PBS's "Masterpiece" and channels the WikiLeaks founder in "The Fifth Estate," is "the most British guy I met.""The first time I met him in London, it was hysterical. Before he said hi, he could tell me what I had for breakfast, that I'm left handed, that I was trying to quit smoking and he even had a recommendation of how to better clean my shirts."And I said, 'Hi, Sherlock,' it's a pleasure to meet you.' " Unofficial Watson reporting for duty.Movie editor Barbara Vancheri: bvancheri@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1632. Read her blog: .post-gazette.com/madaboutmovies.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage