Source: Tulsa World, Okla.自存倉Oct. 18--CATOOSA -- The Tulsa Port of Catoosa's board of directors approved a $333,149 bid to construct 19,000 feet of fencing around the facility Thursday during its monthly meeting.The project will fill in the currently unfenced portions, mostly near Oklahoma 167.The winning bid by Cherokee Pride Construction Inc. came in well under the estimated cost of $760,000, board officials noted.They said that though a planned federal grant could have paid up to $380,000 of the project cost, the expectation is that the grant will now pay for half of the $333,149 actual cost.The fence will be 7 feet high and have three-strand barbed wire.Port officials also announced that shipping for the year through September reached 2.02 million tons, which is slightly lower than the same period of 2012. Last year was a record for shipping at the port.September shipments tota迷你倉ed 145,900 tons. Inbound shipments topped outbound shipments, with steel contributing to the port's best inbound total since April.A reduction in some types of cargo, such as remaining stockpiles of this summer's wheat harvest and bulk liquids such as crude oil, contributed to lower outbound shipping totals.David Page, chairman of the City of Tulsa-Rogers County Port Authority, said even though it is too early to tell whether the port will set another yearly record, shipping totals will likely be excellent through the end of 2013.Also during the October meeting, John E. "Ed" Fariss was reappointed to the Tulsa Port of Catoosa Facilities Authority for an additional five-year term.Robert Evatt 918-581-8447robert.evatt@tulsaworld.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) Visit Tulsa World (Tulsa, Okla.) at Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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□晨報記者 張佳昺P2P網貸以民間草根為主的局面或將打破,mini storage他們正面臨著來自兩個領域的龐大競爭對手——銀行巨頭們、跨界金融的IT巨頭。沒有任何宣傳,招商銀行在小企業金融服務平台下上線了P2P網貸業務“e+穩健融資項目”,再加上已經試水的平安系陸金所和謀劃殺入的IT巨頭百度,已有三家巨頭殺入P2P網貸市場,這或將成為互聯網金融的一個新熱點。招行網貸單筆達1500萬“最小投資單位10000元,預期年化收益6.1%”,在招商銀行小企業金融服務平台下,悄然出現了一款名為“e+穩健融資項目”的產品。表面看來,這不過是一款銀行理財產品,但細細分析,卻是如今熱火的P2P網貸產品。所謂P2P網貸,是P2P借貸與網絡借貸相結合的金融服務網站。相比傳統銀行分別與借方和貸方發生關係不同,P2P的借貸直接在兩者之間完成。而網絡借貸則是借貸過程中,資料與資金、合同、手續等全部通過網絡實現。P2P借貸由於年利率往往可高達15%以上,所以曾風靡一時,但存在借錢人無力償還的風險也制約了其發展。而此次招商銀行試水的P2P網貸,則是傳統P2P業務的改良版。記者在招行網站上看到,相關產品在招行Logo下打著“本息安全”的字樣,並在下面的說明中強調這“表示該融資項目的還款資金具備安全對接機制,還款資金來源明確,與銀行兌付憑證安全對接,有效支持融資方按時歸還本金、利息。”而最新一次完成的貸款總額1500萬元,有302迷你倉客戶表達了願意出借資金的意向。平安陸金所已試水一年多“招商銀行的這個產品可能和平安陸金所的類似,都引入了額外擔保機制”,有關注P2P網貸業務的分析人士指出。陸金所是中國平安集團2011年9月推出的互聯網金融平台,其目前主打“穩盈-安e貸”產品也是P2P的模式,由資金的出借方直接將資金借給資金的借入方,陸金所僅作為信息中介。不過,相比傳統的P2P借貸,陸金所引入了平安擔保公司對相關貸款進行擔保,資金的借入方除支付貸款利息外還需要支付擔保費,而一旦借入方無力償還貸款,則平安擔保將在擔保能力範圍內,按照規定墊付資金給資金的出借方,一定程度上確保資金的安全性。除招商、平安兩家脫胎于金融機構的P2P網貸新軍外,據悉互聯網巨頭百度也有意進軍這一業務。P2P草根為主局面或改變總體而言,國內P2P平台還是以草根化的野蠻生長為主,缺乏相關法規監管。如P2P平台天力貸一度出現無法提取現金的問題,引發借貸者的恐慌。而此前重慶開展P2P平台的整改活動,注銷1家P2P公司,4家P2P公司被要求逐筆清退現有的債權債務,共計4.86億元。“P2P終究是金融業務,信心是第一位的。與其相信不知名的小公司,不如相信巨頭投資的P2P網貸”,分析人士認為在如今相對無序的P2P市場下,巨頭殺入有先天優勢,他們憑借各自品牌的優勢,可為消費者提供更多信心,P2P網貸業務也有可能因此從草根百花齊放變為巨頭逐鹿的格局。/CFP文件倉

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【香港商報訊】消息人士周四透露稱,迷你倉中國聯想集團正積極考慮全盤收購加拿大黑莓公司,聯想已與黑莓簽署非公開協議,因此有權查閱黑莓賬目。截至目前,聯想及黑莓的發言人對此均未予置評。 多家投資公司曾出手 美國《華爾街日報》報道稱,黑莓大股東Fairfax金融控股(Fairfax)上月向黑莓提交暫定的私有化要約,欲以47億美元私有化這家公司。聯想集團目前是黑莓的潛在買家之一。 黑莓聯合創始人麥克•拉扎里迪斯和道格拉斯•弗雷金上周表示有意參與競購黑莓。本周又有消息稱,擅長於處置不良資產的美國私募公司CerberusCapitalManagementLP,已同黑莓簽署了保密協議,獲准查閱這家加拿大智能手機製造商的財務信息,從而擬定出私有化黑莓的競標價。 此外,投資公司AlbertaInvestmentMan-agement此前曾考慮參與競購黑莓。 收購或給聯想帶來風險 在智能手機市場份額不斷被蘋果和三星電子蠶食之後,黑莓今年8月宣布將對外出售。黑莓此前發布的財報顯示,該公司上一財季營收暴降45%,並因旗艦智能手機產生的庫存支出而導致淨虧損達到9.65億美元。 聯想集團收購黑莓的交易,將會是中國企業收購知名西方公司最大、最引人矚目的交易之一,它一定會面臨著加拿大政府和美國政府的詳查。 北京同鑫會投資基金管理公司總裁王世渝稱,聯想如果最終成功併購黑莓,在品牌方面可以採取雙品牌策略,採用類似「聯想黑莓」這樣的聯合品牌,以整合兩邊的技術和市場資源。 不過,授予聯想「強於大盤」評級的SanfordC.Bernstein分析師AlbertoMoel稱,如果他是self storage想的話,不會這麼做。他說,鑒於黑莓市場份額快速下滑、客戶基礎遭到侵蝕、員工士氣低落,與聯想過去完成的收購交易相比,這一宗的風險將要大得多、而收益卻更小。 投資者熱情不高 據悉,受此消息的推動,黑莓股價周四在納斯達克證券市場常規中瞬間拉升,盤中一度上攻至8.45美元。截至發稿時,黑莓股價上漲0.07美元,漲幅為0.85%,報收於8.27美元。過去52周,黑莓最低股價為7.46美元,最高股價為18.32美元。 但是,MoneyBeat欄目注意到,對於黑莓出售一事,投資者的熱情並不高,因為他們擔心,就連Fairfax提出的初始底價也會被突破。黑莓的聯合創始人拉扎里迪斯和聯想雖然表現出了興趣,但這並不能讓投資者放心地以為,收購交易將會達成。 將遇美加雙重監管障礙 此外,有知情人士透露,如果聯想全盤接手黑莓,那勢必會面臨監管方面的障礙,所以聯想很可能只會收購黑莓的部分資產。 不少安全專家都認為,黑莓最重要的資產莫過於該公司的安全網絡,這一網絡每天處理來自公司和政府的上百萬封機密電子郵件。 由於這一原因,這一部分資產很可能只被允許出售給北美公司。至於該公司的手機業務則沒有多少問題,有可能被出售給亞洲手機製造商。 加拿大投資法規定,如果境外公司對加拿大企業或資產的收購不會對國家帶來「淨利益」,或者對國家安全造成威脅,那政府有權否決這筆交易。 上周加拿大政府剛剛否決埃及電信企業對加拿大Allstream光纖網絡的競購請求,因為這筆收購存在對國家安全造成威脅的可能性。 如果聯想要收購黑莓,那不僅將面臨加拿大政府的監管,還將面臨來自美國相關部門的監管。迷利倉

sgusers5 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()  編者按:水電煤油氣皆非小事,儲存倉事事關係國計民生。中新網能源頻道通過"能源周刊"系列報道,從國家政策,到百姓民生,從國際能源糾紛,到國內市場波動,梳理過去一周的能源要聞,回顧值得記憶的能源故事。  中新網10月19日電 (能源頻道 史建磊)"霧霾"的頻頻來襲,讓天然氣的綜合利用成為大氣汙染防治的熱門首選,其中天然氣發電大受青睞。在國家發改委15日發佈的《關於調整發電企業上網電價有關事項的通知》中,貴州等27省(區、市)燃煤發電企業脫硫標杆上網電價被下調,而上海等8省(區、市)天然氣發電上網電價則明確上調。  受採暖季即將來臨的刺激,國內動力煤價格也結束近一年的陰跌局面,出現了首次上漲,與此同時,多地煤價也呈現試探性回漲現象。不過在國際原油價格的波動中,新一輪成品油調價窗口雖然在本周四打開,但卻因調整幅度不足50元/噸,迎來新機制下的第5次擱淺。  備受關注的三一集團訴訟美國總統奧巴馬一案又有了最新進展,在被美國哥倫比亞當地特區法院駁回訴訟7天後,三一在美關聯公司羅爾斯公司再度提交上訴通知,對此前美國政府禁止公司建立風電場項目沒有違反美國憲法的初審判決進行上訴。  10月16日 經濟參考報:多省天然氣發電上網電價將上調 成本壓力緩解  國家發改委15日發佈《關於調整發電企業上網電價有關事項的通知》,提出下調貴州等27省(區、市)燃煤發電企業脫硫標杆上網電價,幅度在0.9分/千瓦時至2.5分/千瓦時。與此同時,明確表示將提高上海等8省(區、市)天然氣發電上網電價。  業內人士認為,這"一降一升"是中國完善天然氣等產業價格機制、鼓勵利用清潔能源採取的多項措迷你倉最平之一。在各地"煤改氣"步伐加快之下,成本壓力的緩解將推動整個天然氣產業鏈迎來新一輪的投資潮。  此次發改委明確表示,適當疏導部分地區燃氣發電價格矛盾。提高上海、江蘇、浙江、廣東、海南、河南、湖北、寧夏等省(區、市)天然氣發電上網電價,用于解決因存量天然氣價格調整而增加的發電成本。具體調價標準由省級價格主管部門從緊制定,並報發改委備案。  一位業內人士告訴記者,從盈利來看,以全國火電上網電價平均下調1.2至1.3分/度計算,電企利潤將減少近500億元。而燃氣發電上網電價上調後,盈利空間則會加大,這一升一降之間企業上馬燃氣電廠的積極性會大大提高。目前以電廠"煤改氣"等舉措為代表的"空氣保衛戰"已在多地打響,燃氣電廠的規劃建設也正在如火如荼地進行。預計天然氣發電將迎來真正的春天。  10月17日 中國新聞網:國內成品油價暫不調整 為新機制下第五次擱淺  國家發改委今日(17日)下午發出通知稱,由於國內成品油調整幅度低於每噸50元,此次油價將暫不作調整,納入下次調價時累加或沖抵。據瞭解,這是新的成品油定價機制實施以來的第5次擱淺。  發改委通知指出:自9月29日國內成品油價格調整以來,國際市場油價高位震蕩,按現行國內成品油價格機制測算,10月17日的前10個工作日平均價格與9月29日調價前10個工作日平均價格相比基本持平,調價金額每噸不足50元。據《石油價格管理辦法(試行)》第六條規定,本次汽、柴油價格不作調整,未調金額納入下次調價時累加或沖抵。  據中新網能源頻道瞭解,自國內成品油新機制運行以來,汽柴油價格調整已經歷了"五漲四跌五不調", 前四次擱淺分別在4月10日、5月23日、8月2日和8月16日。漲跌與不作調整的次數相當,而且調整幅度較之前已明顯縮窄。迷你倉

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Source: St.迷你倉 Louis Post-DispatchOct. 18--ST. PETERS -- Two newly-built Interstate 70 ramps at Mid Rivers Mall Drive opened Friday morning as part of the $12 million revamping of the heavily-used interchange.A new exit ramp takes traffic from eastbound I-70 to the south outer road (Veterans Memorial Parkway). The ramp detours to Suemandy Road to access the mall.Also opening was the new entrance ramp from Veterans Memorial Parkway to eastbound I-70, just east of Mid Rivers Mall Drive. The two replace self storageld ramps.Meanwhile, MoDOT closed the eastbound I-70 exit ramp to Mid Rivers Mall Drive; it will reopen Oct. 29.The agency also announced plans for a two-day shutdown of the Mid Rivers Mall Drive bridge over I-70, beginning at 11 p.m. Monday. Detour signs will be posted.The bridge, which will be closed for repaving, is expected to reopen Wednesday night.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the St. Louis Post-Dispatch Visit the St. Louis Post-Dispatch at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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桃園航空城青埔特區是一般都會少見的44%高綠覆,儲存透過自然景致營造與眾不同的城市意象,國內許多知名建商看到青埔特區是國門之都的重要發展指標,特區內的房地產也火紅,如雨後春筍般大興土木。 太睿建設公司看準青埔特區是一座與世界接軌的航空城,更是出入桃園國際機場第一站,順應「航空城、高鐵站、機捷線、五楊高架」等重大建設,未來將建置國際級商旅特區、會議展覽中心,著重金融貿易、觀光服務、購物娛樂等產業,廣收海內外旅遊、投資人潮,以航運、陸運地理優勢締造千億驚人商機。 「太睿澐極」入主青埔特區老街溪水岸第一排,環聚青塘園、運動園區,創作一席迷你倉擁國門、後倚綠海的國際會所,委託全台綠色建築的首席建築師王銘鴻,以「綠建築巨匠」營造「太睿澐極」綠能宅邸,借重Double Skin、植栽手法、節能建材,突破人與自然的界線,開拓恆景、恆綠、恆溫的住宅微氣候。公共空間由天坊設計公司規畫,詮釋綠色美學、能源趨勢下的典範建築。 「太睿澐極」基地748坪,興建地下3層,地上14層,社區規畫住宅46戶,店面10戶,每戶64坪或83坪,格局3至4房,住戶單純,戶戶三面採光,還有無邊際泳池等多項休閒設施,預定104年底交屋。「太睿澐極」會館位於中壢市領航南路與青埔路口,電話(03)4533306。self storage

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By HE DAN hedan@chinadaily.迷你倉 China is determined to make extra ef orts to protect its traditional and historic vil- lages, as a huge number of them have been demolished amid rapid urbanization.Historic buildings should not be removed but instead put under careful protec- tion, said Zhao Hui, direc- tor of the rural construction department of the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development.“Today we launched work to protect traditional villages as a whole, including tan- gible and intangible cultural heritage,” he said. “h erefore, historic buildings should not be removed but gradually repaired and improved.”Zhao was speaking at a news conference held by the State Council Information Oi ce in Beijing on improv- ing the rural environment and strengthening the protec- tion of ancient villages.His comments come just months at er kung fu movie star Jackie Chan said he intended to donate more ancient Chinese houses to Singapore.Chan bought 10 antique sandalwood houses in Anhui province about 20 years ago and said he had planned to refurbish them for his parents to live in. As his parents died before the work was complete, the i lm star decided to donate them. He donated four of the houses to the Singaporean gov- ernment in 2010, which gave them to the Singapore Univer- sity of Technology and Design.Chinese media and neti- zens expressed concern about the future of Chinese historic buildings at er Chan said he was impressed by the Singaporean recipients’ excel- lent preservation work and planned to donate the rest to the Singaporean university this year.Chan changed his mind and announced that he would donate at least four homes from the collection to Yizhuang, a town in Beijing’sDaxing district, in September, media reported.A national survey in 2012 showed the vast majority of traditional villagesmini storagedisap- peared amid China’s urban- ization and only about 12,000 were let , accounting for less than 2 percent of the country’stotal administrative villages, Zhao said.He said experts also esti- mate that less than 5,000 tradi- tional villages with important conservation value still exist.He said three types of vil- lages can be classii ed as tra- ditional ones: those that have abundant historic buildings; those with rich tangible or intangible cultural relics; or those that boast architecture and characteristics that rel ect China’s agriculture civilization.The central government will speed up designing a long- term plan on the protection and development of tradi- tional villages with measures including i nancial and tech- nical support from the central government.During a visit in July to Dongshan, a village in Hubei province, President Xi Jinping said it is vital to prevent mas- sive demolition and recon- struction in rural areas.Zhao said the government is considering legislation on preventing demolition in tra- ditional villages.Yu Jianrong, a professor specializing in rural develop- ment at the Chinese Acad- emy of Social Sciences, urged local governments and village committees to provide more guidance for people to better protect their villages.“Many farmers lack aware- ness to protect their villages, and some enjoyed bringing in new elements from cities such as tall and concrete resi- dential buildings that failed to match the village’s overall style,” he said.Zhang Bing, who is in charge of intangible cultural relics protection for the Min- istry of Culture, said most intangible cultural heritage in China is in rural villages, especially in areas where eth- nic groups live.“It is our responsibility to protect these traditional villag- es, which helps to protect the diversity of peoples,” he said.儲存

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《華爾街日報》報道,mini storage全球最大個人電腦生產商聯想集團(Lenovo)有意收購陷入財困的加拿大手機生產商黑莓,雙方已簽訂非公開協議,聯想可以查看黑莓帳目,進入潛在競標者名單。不過,聯想的收購計劃將面臨加拿大以至美國當局的審查。聯想和黑莓均拒絕回應報道,但市場對消息反應欠佳,聯想(0992)在港股價受挫,昨日收市跌1.71%。聯想股價跌1.7% 與加國企業競逐黑莓在智能手機市場節節敗退,市佔有率僅剩2%左右,陷入財困下被迫掛牌求售,上月更與其最大股東之一的加國保險公司Fairfax 達成47 億美元的初步收購協議。《華爾街日報》未提及聯想提出的收購金額,消息指投標截止日期為下月4 日。聯想有意收購黑莓,或許是想進一步強化智能手機業務,該公司在國際上雖以個人電腦為人熟悉,但其實它是中國第二大智能手機供應商,銷量僅遜三星,甚至超過蘋果,但其手機在國外名氣不大,不利於開儲存新興市場。不過分析師普遍唱淡這項交易。Sanford C.Bernstein 分析師Alberto Moel 聲言,如果他是聯想管理層,不會作出收購決定,因為黑莓市場佔有率迅速下滑、客戶基礎遭到侵蝕、員工士氣低落,交易風險遠比聯想昔日完成的收購高,收益卻少得多。美總統與國防部多用黑莓事實上,聯想收購黑莓的大計勢必遇上重重障礙,加拿大保守黨政府上台以來已拒絕了三筆收購本國資產的交易,加國官員普遍採用黑苺手機,故這宗交易亦關乎國家安全問題,當局上周才否決一宗戰略意義不及黑莓的海外收購計劃。此外,美國海外投資委員會亦可能加入審核,以衡量國家安全風險,蓋因美國國防部擁有和下發的60 萬部手機中,有47 萬部是黑莓的產品,連總統奧巴馬也是黑莓用戶。雖然聯想在2005 年曾成功收購IBM 個人電腦業務,但有分析指出,上述審批障礙,或迫使聯想打消收購黑莓的念頭。(華爾街日報)迷你倉

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DALLAS, Oct.迷利倉 18, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Global LTE Base Station (eNodeB) market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 49.5% over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the inexorable rise of data. The Global LTE Base Station (eNodeB) market has been witnessing the deployment in the re-farmed spectrum. However, the spectrum fragmentation could pose a challenge to the growth of this market.(Photo: report, Global LTE Base Station (eNodeB) Market 2012-2016 ( ), has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts. The report covers the Americas, and the APAC and EMEA regions; it also covers the Global LTE Base Station (eNodeB) market landscape and its growth prospects in the coming years. The report also includes a discussion of the key vendors operating in this market.The key vendors dominating this market space are Airvana LLC, Alcatel-Lucent SA, Cisco Systems Inc., Ericsson AB, Huawei Technologies Co. Ltd., NEC Corp, Nokia Solutions and Networks Oy, Samsung Electronics Co. Ltd., and ZTE Corp. Other vendors mentioned in the report are Airspan Networks Inc., Fujitsu Ltd., Ip.access Ltd., Juni Global, NEC Corp., Powerwave Technologies Inc., and Ubiquisys Ltd. (Now Cisco). Key questions answered in this report include: What will the market size be in 2016 and what will the growth rate be? What are the key market trends? What is driving this market? What are the challenges to market growth? Who are the key vendors in this market space? What are the market opportunities and threats faced by the key vendors? What are the strengths and weaknesses of the key vendors? Order a copy of this report at .Global Submarine Fiber Cable market is forecast to grow at a CAGR of 9.87% over the period 2012-2016. One of the key factors contributing to this market growth is the interlinking countries for economic growth. The Global Submarine Fiber Cable market has been witnessing the proposal for deployment of submarine cable in Artic Ocean. However, the man-made fiber cut hazards could pose a challenge to the growth of this market. The report, Global Submarine Fiber Cable Market 2012-2016 ( ), has been prepared based on an in-depth market analysis with inputs from industry experts.The key vendors dominating this market space are Alcatel-Lucent Submarine Networks Ltd., Ericsson (Lm) Tel-Sp Adr, Fujitsu Ltd., Huawei Marine Networks Co.Ltd., NEC Corp., Nexans SA, Norddeutsche Seekabelwerke GmBH (NSW), Reliance Globalcom Ltd., and Tyco Electronics Subsea Communications LLC. Other vendors mentioned in the report are Brasil Telecom Celular S.A., Ciena Corp., Columbia Ventures Corp., Infinera Corp., Mitsubishi Corp., NTT Communications Corp., Pacnet Ltd., Southern Cross Cables Holdings Ltd., Tata Communications Ltd., Telefonica SA, Telstra Corp. Ltd., and Xtera Communication Inc. Order a copy of this report at .List of Exhibits provided in Global LTE Base Station (eNodeB) Market 2012-2016 report includes:Exhibit 1: Market Research MethodologyExhibit 2: Evolution of LTEExhibit 3: LTE Radio Access NetworkExhibit 4: VoLTE BenefitsExhibit 5: VoLTE Coverage ScenariosExhibit 6: VoLTE TimelineExhibit 7: Voice Quality for Circuit-switched and VoLTE Radio Sets (PESQ(MOS) Score)Exhibit 8: LT自存倉-Advanced: BenefitsExhibit 9: Architecture of Telecom Wireless NetworkExhibit 10: Base Transceiver Station: Distributed ConfigurationExhibit 11: HSPA/HSPA+/LTE Global Deployments by 2012Exhibit 12: Global LTE and HSPA Subscribers 2012-2016 (units in billion)Exhibit 13: Region wise Deployments for LTE/HSPA/HSPA+ Networks 2012Exhibit 14: Cloud RAN ArchitectureExhibit 15: Cloud RAN: ConceptExhibit 16: BTS Market by Coverage SegmentationExhibit 17: Global Small Cell Market by Types 2012Exhibit 18: Global Small Cell Deployment 2012-2016 (in million units)Exhibit 19: LTE Small Cell: Business CaseExhibit 20: Proportion of Data Usage 2016Exhibit 21: Carrier Wi-FiExhibit 22: LTE Network Deployment StrategiesExhibit 23: LTE Network Implementation Strategies AssessmentExhibit 24: LTE-FDD Deployments by Frequency Segmentation 2012Exhibit 25: LTE Base Station: Scope of the ReportExhibit 26: Map: LTE Commercial Networks by 2012Exhibit 27: Map: LTE TDD Networks by 2012Exhibit 28: Global LTE Base Station Market 2012-2016 (units in thousand)Exhibit 29: LTE Commercial RolloutsExhibit 30: Global LTE Macro Cell Base Station Market 2012-2016 (units in thousand)Exhibit 31: Global LTE Macro Cell Base Station by Technology Segmentation 2012-2016 (units in thousand)Exhibit 32: Global LTE TDD and FDD Connections 2012/2016 (units in million)Exhibit 33: Global LTE Small Cell Base Station Market 2012-2016 (units in thousand)Exhibit 34: Global Small Cell Market by Geographical Segmentation 2012Exhibit 35: Growth of LTE Subscribers by Geographical Segmentation 2012-2016 (units in million)Exhibit 36: 3GPP Technologies in The Americas 2012-2016 (Subscribers in million)Exhibit 37: LTE Base Station Market in India 2012-2016 (units in thousand)Exhibit 38: LTE Subscribers in China 2012-2016Exhibit 39: Global LTE-A Base Stations 2012-2016Exhibit 40: Growth of Global Mobile Data Traffic 2012-2016 (Exabyte per month)Exhibit 41: Maximum Number of Voice Channels per 5 MHzExhibit 42: Global VoLTE Subscribers 2012-2016 (units in million)Exhibit 43: Cell Coverage with Technology EvolutionExhibit 44: Global Mobile Subscribers Market 2012-2016 (units in billion)Exhibit 45: LTE versus HSPA Connections 2012-2016 (units in billion)Exhibit 46: Wi-Fi Market: EvolutionExhibit 47: LTE Connections by Spectrum FragmentationExhibit 48: Global Base Stations Market by Technology Segmentation 2012-2016Exhibit 49: Common LTE Bands by 2016Exhibit 50: LTE Connections by Frequency Band 2016Exhibit 51: Key Prospective LTE-TDD Rollouts during 2013Exhibit 52: Heterogeneous NetworksExhibit 53: Ericsson AB: Quarter-wise Revenue 2012 (US$ billion)Exhibit 54: Huawei Technologies: Revenues in Last 5 YearsExhibit 55: Huawei Technologies: Products' OfferingsExhibit 56: Business Segmentation of Nokia Solutions and NetworksExhibit 57: Nokia Solutions and Networks: Net Sales (US$ billion)Exhibit 58: ZTE Corp.: Quarter-wise Revenues 2012 (US$ billion)Exhibit 59: ZTE Corp.: Products' OfferingsExplore more reports on the IT & Telecommunications markets at .About is an online market research reports library ( ) of 350,000+ in-depth studies of over 5000 micro markets. Call +1 888 391 5441 with your research requirements.Media Contact: Priyank Tiwari,, +1 888 391 5441, sales@reportsandreports.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comPhoto: Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comReportsnReports.com迷你倉

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