【王郁倫╱台北報導】華碩(2357)搶攻日本灘頭堡,儲存董事長施崇棠接受《日經新聞》專訪透露,受惠第2代Nexus 7熱銷,華碩平板今年出貨總量將會優於原先預估的1200萬台目標,進度超前,而華碩也將專注電腦的創新投資,對於日前購併宏�(2353)傳言,他強調:「那只是個傳言。」 日本是全球第3大個人電腦銷售國,華碩為強攻重要市場灘頭堡,由施崇棠領軍前往東京發表新品,華碩昨也宣布拿下日本年度重要設計獎Good Design總計10項獎,其中Zenbook Ultrabook還得到Best Design 100大獎。 獲10項日本設計大獎 施崇棠記者會後接受日媒訪問,電腦市場受到平板威脅已經是不爭事實,但這種情況總有一天會趨於穩定,業者最重要是推出能對應市場變化的產品,由於電腦正在進化中,華碩最優先的考量就是持續加大對電腦的投資。根據市調機構BCN公布資料,華碩平板在日本已取得好成績,統計9月日本當地量產店銷售數據,前10大熱銷平板中華碩就取得6席名次,其中第2代Nexus 7 16GB機種、32GB WiFi+LTE機種及32GB機種分居熱銷前3名,MeMO Pad HD7等迷你倉板則分居第5、7、8名。 10大熱銷平板佔6席 第2代Nexus 7熱銷,施崇棠受訪時透露,今年跟谷歌合作推出的新品需求強勁,也帶動華碩今年平板銷售量可望優於原本預估的1200萬台。由於華碩前3季平板出貨量已經達850萬台,顯然第4季出貨將超過350萬台水準,比第3季成長。而對於之前市場盛傳華碩可能購併宏�,施崇棠坦言,合併消息只是市場傳聞而已,比起藉由合併來擴大公司規模,華碩更重要的是持續進行產品創新,間接否認購併可能性。而根據研究機構WitsView統計,華碩跟谷歌合作的Nexus 7第3季銷量上看210萬台,比第2季銷量倍數翻揚,不過,受到單價偏高,已經觸及7吋平板200美元(約6000元台幣)價格天險下,本季銷量將低於第3季,但因規格定位相近,將對亞馬遜的新平板Kindle Fire造成威脅。 高庫存隱憂衝擊產業 WitsView分析師邱宇彬表示,華碩第3季自己品牌平板銷量僅100萬台,本季在亞馬遜跟蘋果等國際大廠新品上市下,本土品牌銷售成長壓力將更高,不過整體平板銷量仍將因旺季需求季增23%,不過由於平板的買氣已經從激情轉為平淡,高庫存隱憂未來將影響產業發展。儲存倉
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 11:36
平板征日告捷 華碩今年出貨超標 專注創新 購併宏�「只是傳言」
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 11:28
愛回憶的人,儲存翻開相簿,縈繞腦海的溫馨往事總是歷久不散,如孩子出生時家人欣喜若狂,爸爸對孩子無微不至的照顧……有留戀,有喜悅,也有追憶。首次來港舉行展覽的澳洲藝術家Alan Jones,展出主題圍繞家鄉與家人的作品,利用畫筆重現舊照片的家庭故事,喚醒被歲月沖淡的記憶和影像。今年36歲的Alan Jones,作品圍繞故鄉和身邊家人,主題和風格都非常鮮明,原來這源於一次心路歷程的轉變。他說:「早期仍在摸索創作方向,題材大多就地取材,如電視播映的卡通,或是旅遊時風光名勝。直至2004年,有幸奪得Brett Whiteley Travelling Art Scholarship,遊歷歐洲的博物館,近距離接觸大師級藝術品,深感震撼,讓我反思創作的意義,決定由內心世界出發,利用畫筆為家族的歷史留下註腳。」筆下訴說親情是次展覽主題是「Album Paintings」,於16幅作品當中可找到他珍重的家鄉和家人的蹤影:爸爸Mike、大哥Darren、姨媽Sandy和兒子Ingo……創作靈感源自他30歲生日時,收到父母送來的一本家庭相簿。他說:「父母希望我今後能夠不斷為相簿加入新相片,把家族歷史傳承下去。我也希望在擅長的領域�加以發揮,繪畫相簿的家族歷史,如祖先是首批被英國政府送到澳洲的人,故作品《Painting 120》是澳洲風景,背景的蔚藍天空象徵希望,橢圓框則迷你倉徵時光隧道,想像祖先當年如何在新環境努力打拚;《Painting 116》便是記錄爸爸照顧我的溫馨往事。」畫作四周的繽紛花紋,正是模仿相框的圖案;部分兩側有兩個黑白人頭,原來別具意味,Alan解釋:「這些畫作是描述我的家族故事,我當然希望參與其中,故部分畫作加插兩個人頭,一方面追溯回憶,另一方面檢討過去,藉以展望將來。」About Alan Jones現年僅36歲的Alan Jones,1997年畢業於澳洲National Art School的美術系。醉心創作雕塑和畫作的他,於2008年以風景油畫獲得Paddington Art Prize;今年入圍澳洲著名藝術獎項Archibald Prize。其作品自1997年起,於世界各地的博物館和畫廊展出,包括倫敦、巴黎、悉尼和新加坡等。部分作品更被Artbank Australia、 Macquarie Group、 Maitland Regional Art Gallery和Gold Coast City Art Gallery多個集團及畫廊等收藏。Alan Jones 《Album Paintings》日期:即日至11月9日(星期一至五 11:00am-7:00pm、星期六11:00am-5:00pm)地點:The Cat Street Gallery(上環荷李活道222號)查詢:2291 0006儲存倉
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 11:20
Apple to add more sales outlets in China
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 11:13
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 11:05
【廣編特輯】有著「史上最會放水主持人」之稱的依依,迷利倉最近開始更忙碌了,因為進入了Q4,可說是會展活動的高峰,在洽接主持及表演活動之餘,依依最常做的,就是去向朋友打聽,看看有哪些好看或是好笑的影集,像是韓國綜藝節目Running man、日劇半澤直樹等,都在她的觀賞清單中,這樣,就可以消磨許多零碎的時間。 依依的媽媽一直覺得現在年輕人很奇怪,怎麼一直盯著那麼小的螢幕看,眼睛都花了,所以一直碎碎念依依,依依要媽媽不要擔心,因為她拿的手機可是目前市面上數一數二的大尺寸螢幕手機,除了有5.9吋的螢幕外,還擁有1920*1280 Full HD的解析度,觀看影片相當輕鬆,說完,依依就把手中的VEGA No6平板手機拿給媽媽看。 其實,依依媽早就有計畫要換手機了,只是現在手機款式種類真的很多,讓她不知道該怎麼選擇;依依說,這一款No6平板手機,來自韓國第三大手機製造商,主打5.9吋Full HD大螢幕之外,還有一個特點,就是背後多了一塊V-Touch觸控板,跟NB的觸控板很類似,可以上下左右拉動螢幕頁面,或是透過點擊來拍照,所以雖然是台大尺寸平板手機,但是卻相當的好操作,加上支援亞太電信新的上網技術,下載上傳的速度都很讓人滿意,說完,依依就上網搜尋最近在迷你倉出,由宋慧喬主演的「看見你的愛」(那年冬天風在吹)給媽媽看,看了一會,依依就指著劇中人所用的手機說:媽咪妳看,他們用的就是我這一台No6,在韓國還是李秉憲代言,可見這款手機在韓國可是很紅的呢。 依依看出來媽媽對這台手機頗有興趣,於是繼續介紹No6的一些特殊功能及規格,在硬體上,擁有4核心處理器,1300萬畫素主相機及200萬畫素前鏡頭,拍照也相當方便,依依搭著媽媽的肩膀,將手指一拉,自拍的倒數計時器就開始倒數了,媽媽驚呼說,這個自拍鍵的功能好方便啊!此外,因為螢幕兩邊做了弧度的設計,讓這款大尺寸手機在拿手上時,也相當的方便握持,這也讓依依媽對大螢幕手機的好感度倍增,依依又把No6的多重視窗開給媽媽看,在看影片的同時,也可以叫出記事本、計算機等實用的小工具,功能超級強大。 不過依依媽畢竟也是很精打細算的,她轉頭問依依:「這支手機不便宜吧?」依依說,現在搭配指定專案,手機就可以0元帶回家,或是選擇亞太電信全民上網743以上的方案,就可以行動上網吃到飽,相當划算喔。No6的詳細介紹請按此連結。.aptg.com.tw/eshop/productPortal/initDetail.action?entry=BP&productId=1404自存倉
- Oct 31 Thu 2013 10:57
《城市輪壇》中移動或下月開賣4G手機,後市留意購27010 (09:36
《城市輪壇》美聯儲局議息後宣布維持目標利率在0%到0﹒25%,迷你倉並繼續現時每月850億美元的購債規模,美股3大指數回調約0﹒5% 恆指昨日隨內地股市走高,單日大升逾450點或2%,但大市成交額仍只有600億水平。 恆指牛熊證:昨日恆指大升,約12隻熊證共1600張期指等值街貨被收回,留意熊證街貨於23600點至23800點收回區有逾1300張期指等值街貨累積。 昨日中移動(00700)於其官方網站上發放了關於4G的self storage告,令市場憧憬其與蘋果公司達成合作。有消息報道,中移動可能最快於下星期,宣布開售4G版iPhone5S和5C。 受消息刺激加上大市造好,中移動昨日急漲1﹒4元或1﹒8%,收報81﹒6元,挑戰重上10天線。如看好中移動後市,可留意花旗中移認購證27010,行使價86﹒88元,約7%價外,2014年2月到期,實際槓桿約13﹒8倍。《花旗環球金融亞洲提供》 * 請瀏覽花旗認股證網頁https:╱╱hk﹒citifirst﹒com迷利倉
- Oct 30 Wed 2013 12:47
在壽險公會爭取下,迷你倉金管會同意放寬壽險業投資素地延期開發加計RBC(保險業資本適足率)風險係數規定,對於公辦都更案件的定義,也將在專案核准方式下彈性處理。對於RBC不到200%的保險公司,金管會仍拒絕,不能投入公共建設及長照事業;至於壽險業處分債券的利益,能否計入RBC自有資本問題,對業者意見,金管會會再研議。壽險公會理事長許舒博昨(29)日拜會金管會副主委王儷玲,爭取鬆綁多項監理規定,許舒博表示,感謝金管會基於實務考量,願意在投資用不動產展延次數計算、道路或公共設施用地申報、公辦都更案定義等,給業者比較有利且彈性的處理方式。另外,金管會擬修法將保險業投資單一股票上限從10%降至5%,引來業者反對聲浪,不過也有學者支持金管會的改革方向認為,保險業投資追求穩定收益外,也應重視分散風險。壽險公mini storage理事長許舒博昨(29)日拜會金管會,溝通多項保險監理議題,許舒博表示,副主委王儷玲已轉達主委曾銘宗的意見,將再開公聽會聽取各方意見。保險公司購買道路用地或公共設施用地,以致整體不動產投資無法符合兩年即時利用規定,必須申報展延時,可以只申報一次,然後等被政府徵收後再申報,降低保險局與業者的行政作業困擾。至於公辦都更案,金管會同意放寬認定標準。許舒博說,現行規定下,保險資金只能投資100%公有或國營事業所有的公辦都更案,造成業者把周邊的民間畸零地納入規劃時,可能不符標準。昨日會議,金管會同意放寬。此外,金管會擬仿照美國利率維持準備金(IMR)制度,壽險業債券處分利益,考慮只能50%計入自有資本,或100%不能計入自有資本。此舉有助強化壽險業清償能力,但壽險業RBC受影響,業者也將面臨增資壓力。儲存
- Oct 30 Wed 2013 12:27
�指昨日收報22846點,迷你倉漲39點,成交596億元;中資銀行股、石油股保險股造好,跑贏大市。摩通剛看好騰訊(700)見506元,股價馬上大跌3.3%,金山軟件(3888)更跌10%。大摩則唱淡濠賭股,銀娛(027)跌3.2%。大市欠方向,高追當炒股隨時被綁,現水平還是低吸低殘股有勝算。內地空氣污染嚴重,國務院目標是把內地火力發電所佔比重,由現時超過70%降至65%。要把核電機組投運規模擴張多達3倍,有利核電設備龍頭東方電氣(1072)。根據國家核發展規劃訂下的2030年核電裝機容量要求,需要有近200台機組。 東方電氣(1072)在內地核電及風電設備市場佔有率分別排名第一及第三,截至今年6月底半年營業額按年增長2.28%至204億元(人民幣,下同),純利按年下跌4.6%至11.8億元,每股收益0.59元。期內毛利率按年下跌1.3個百分點至18.05%。期內集團新增定單202億元,在手定單超過1,400億元,其中高效mini storage潔能源佔59.5%、新能源佔14%、水能及環保佔7.3%、工程及服務業佔19.2%。在手定單中,出口定單佔21.8%。積極拓海外市場 內地媒體早前曾報道,中廣核福建寧德核電站一期首台機組正式投運。業內預期,今年核電項目開工數有望較去年翻一番。隨�核電項目逐步加快投資,將有利一批低迷多時的設備生產商,定單有望見底回升;其次,東方電氣亦積極開拓海外市場,尤其是東南亞及南非這些缺電國家。 東方電氣股價跌幅頗巨,但其實全球再確認同步減炭目標,仍然相信未來大部分國家仍將依賴核能發電,相信中國的核電設備股遲早可回升。東方電氣股價由40元跌至三年低位10元水平築底,已反映負面因素,已築底反覆回升,可博反彈。 花旗認為需取決於海外EPC(總承包)的定單,相信目前疲弱的基本面已反映於現價。由於東方電氣燃煤設備佔比較同業哈爾濱電氣(1133)及上海電氣(2727)的55%少,因此受到該產品下行周期的影響亦較少,評級「買入」,目標價14元。儲存
- Oct 30 Wed 2013 12:13
Retired cop to face sentencing in child abduction case
Source: Philadelphia Daily NewsOct.self storage 29--THE 8-YEAR-OLD sat near a sand bucket in her therapist's office Sept. 24 and was asked to act out her biggest fears for the next day, when she would go to court and face the man who tried to take her and threatened to kill her.The girl took a toy lamb and put it on one side of the bucket: That was her. She took a dinosaur and put it on the other side, between two animal guards: That was him.After a short time, the dinosaur knocked the guards down, ran up to the lamb, grabbed her, dug a hole in the sand and buried her alive. Then he ran away."I'm just sitting there watching all of this and the tears are building," recalled the girl's mother, Donna Harte. "I can't even imagine what is going through this child's head."Not 10 minutes later, Harte took a call from the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office. Her daughter would not have to testify the next day, she was told, because prosecutors had brokered a plea deal that would give the man who tried to abduct her daughter -- retired Philadelphia police inspector Leo Haley -- five years' probation."Just imagine watching your daughter do this and then having someone tell you this guy is getting off," said Harte, 44. "I broke out in hives."Haley already was serving seven years' probation in Delaware County for pleading guilty in 2011 to possessing and disseminating hundreds of images of child pornography. He was still on parole when he was picked up by Philly police in October 2012 for allegedly trying to lure Harte's daughter from the front yard of their Roxborough home into his car.So far, the retired Army major has evaded jail, despite admitting in court to viewing child porn and to threatening a child. Tomorrow, Haley, 73, returns to Delaware County to face sentencing for violating parole.'Like a chameleon'One source who knew Haley well says that he believes he's invincible."My big fear is he absolutely fits the profile for a sociopath," said the source, whose identity the Daily News has agreed to protect. "He's charismatic and, like a chameleon, can change to any situation. He's the least likely person you think would do anything."Haley grew up in Philadelphia and joined the Army, but never saw action, the source said. Later he married, had four children and joined the Philadelphia Police Department, but stayed with the Army in reserve status, eventually retiring with the rank of major.Meanwhile, he rose in the Police Department to inspector before retiring in 1996 after 26 years.In an emailed statement, Philadelphia Police spokesman Lt. John Stanford said there was no indication that Haley did anything inappropriate while with the department.While a cop, Haley obtained a master's degree in religion from Lutheran Theological Seminary in Philadelphia and a master's degree in business from Temple University.He joined the congregation of Bethany Lutheran Church in Roxborough, where he served on the church council, said the pastor, the Rev. Robert Hopkins."I would say that he was smart," Hopkins said of Haley. "He had a funny personality, in a positive way."In 2010, the Delaware County Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force arrested Haley on more than 100 counts of possessing and disseminating child pornography. His arrest stunned those who knew him."It was an absolute shock to everyone," said the source. "He denied it at first, and everyone in the beginning backed him, but once the facts started coming out we realized it was true."Haley's wife left him, but his church did not. Hopkins said the congregants were in shock but they "support the sinner, not the sin," and allowed him to remain.When his day in court arrived on March 31, 2011, Haley pleaded guilty to disseminating child porn and five counts of possessing child porn in exchange for a six- to 23-month prison sentence, seven years' probation and lifetime registry as a sexual predator under Megan's Law.But Haley experienced no prison time. Instead, he spent six months under house arrest.Delaware County District Attorney Jack Whelan said the sentence was in the standard range for a first-time offender, and files迷利倉show that Haley received house arrest because of medical issues.A 2-mile driveWhile still on parole, Haley drove about 2 miles from his home to Harte's Roxborough neighborhood on Oct. 17, 2012.Harte's daughter had a half-day at school and Harte was watching her and baby-sitting two other girls. Her daughter and one of the girls were outside digging for worms. Harte's daughter left the other girl in the back yard while she ran to the front yard to grab a container for the worms.Harte said her daughter told her that Haley pulled in front of their house, got out of his car and grabbed her by her throat and her dress."She said he lifted her up and looked her right in the eye and said, 'If you go in the house and say anything, I'll be back to kill you,' " Harte recalled. "She said she froze and it almost felt like she was having an asthma attack."Something scared Haley off and he dropped her and ran away. Harte's daughter ran to the back yard, locked the gate and told the other little girl not to go out front.Harte said her daughter kept quiet until they got in the car and left the house about three hours later, when her daughter told her what had happened."I asked her why she didn't come in the house and tell me, and she said, 'I was afraid he was going to kill me and I was afraid he was going to kill you. I wanted to wait until we were far away,' " Harte said.Her daughter told her that the man had white hair and a beard that was close to his face. She said the man had a droopy eye and a deep voice and wore an orange jumpsuit.Once the two picked up Harte's longtime boyfriend, the father of her daughter, they went to his sister's house, pulled up the Megan's Law website and entered their ZIP code."Sure enough, she picked him out," said Harte.They went to their local police district and were taken to the Special Victims Unit.Harte said her daughter had nightmares for three weeks."She was waking up in the middle of the night screaming, 'Mom, dad, he's back!' " Harte said.Haley was arrested Nov. 8 and charged with unlawful restraint, luring a child into a motor vehicle, terroristic threats and harassment.Harte said she was not consulted about the plea deal that prosecutors offered Haley.The assistant district attorney on the case told Harte that prosecution would be difficult because police didn't find the vehicle her daughter described, because her daughter said the man was wearing an orange jumpsuit and because she showed her daughter the Megan's Law site before going to police.Tasha Jamerson, spokeswoman for the Philadelphia District Attorney's Office, said Haley's guilty plea to the terroristic-threats charge was an admission that he'd broken his parole in the Delaware County case and would face new sentencing there."We wanted to make sure that this defendant was held responsible for the trauma this young girl experienced, and the best way to do that given the evidence we had was to allow the defendant to plead guilty to terroristic threats," Jamerson wrote in an email to the Daily News.Haley has been in prison since his sentencing Sept. 25 in Philadelphia, awaiting the Delaware County parole-violation hearing slated for tomorrow.Whelan, the Delaware County D.A., said prosecutors would seek the maximum of 3 1/2 to seven years in state prison."Now the writing is on the wall," Whelan said. "Once he's proven that he acts out, we have the concern that he could do that again."But Hopkins, the Roxborough pastor, said he thinks Haley isn't dangerous and should be given house arrest again."I always come down on the side of mercy," he said. "I don't see what the county gains with keeping him in prison."Harte, whose daughter is still in therapy and is afraid to sleep or go outside alone, had no idea that Haley faced sentencing this week until she was informed by the Daily News."I hope he dies in prison," she said. "To me, he should not be out on the streets again."On Twitter: @FarFarrAwayOnline: ph.ly/crimeBlog: ph.ly/DelcoCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Philadelphia Daily News Visit the Philadelphia Daily News at .philly.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉
- Oct 30 Wed 2013 11:56
“清廉成業,迷你倉和諧興家”、“惟有兩袖清風,方能一身正氣”……LED滾動著一句句名言警句,政策法規、群�工作、黨風廉政建設、廉政公益短片,各種宣傳載體匠心獨運,寓意深長。近日,記者走進甘孜州發改委辦公樓,就如同跨入了黨風廉政宣傳教育大殿堂,該單位負責人表示,通過各種廉政宣傳載體,讓廉政文化在幹部職工中起到潛移默化、潤物細無聲的作用。今年,甘孜州發改委結合工作實際,扎實推進廉政文化進機關活動,在全系統形成了“以廉為榮,以貪為恥”的良好風尚,有效地促進了發改系統黨風廉政建設的深入開展。領導抓廉 增強黨員法紀觀念把廉政文化進機關當做推動機關幹部作風轉變的重要工作來抓,班子成員特別是主要領導帶頭履行廉政承諾,帶頭參加各項廉政文化創建活動。主要領導、紀檢組長聯繫本單位工作實際,講授廉政黨課5課次。開展定期“述廉”、民主“評廉”、承諾“保廉”、自查“報廉”以及民主生活會“正廉”活動。在抓好領導幹部任前廉政談話基礎上,將廉政談話延伸到科室,落實到關鍵崗位。組織學廉 提高拒腐防變的能力組織全體黨員幹部職工認真學習,深入貫徹落實科學發展觀,深入學習貫徹黨的十八大精神,認文件倉貫徹中央、省、州紀委全會部署,以維護黨章為重點推進紀律建設,組織幹部職工開展作風建設大討論,重點開展“六查六看”活動(即查宗旨觀念是否牢固,看是否做到立黨為公,執政為民;查理論是否聯繫實際,看是否用黨的科學理論指導實踐;查責任意識是否強化,看是否切實履行黨和人民賦予的職責;查政績觀是否正確,看是否切實按客觀規律謀劃發展;查利益觀是否正確,看是否切實把人民利益放在首位;查紀律觀念是否增強,看是否切實做到廉潔自律)活動,促進幹部職工廉潔意識的提高和工作作風的轉變。陣地宣廉 營造廉榮腐恥的氛圍建立相關的活動場所和設施,使廉政文化進機關有相應的宣傳陣地。在甘孜州發改委一、二辦公區設立廉政宣傳欄和黨務、政務公開欄;今年購置了30余萬元的LED顯示屏和LED拼接屏,在辦公區打造了科學適用、方便快捷的黨風廉政宣傳教育陣地,每天 LED拼接屏上都不間斷地滾動播出廉政名言警句和廉政公益短片;在科室辦公桌上放置廉政台歷、電腦上設置廉政屏保,使廉政文化、格言警句隨處可見。通過多種形式抓好委機關黨員幹部反腐倡廉學習教育,營造出一種濃厚的廉政氛圍。岑瑤 四川經濟日報記者 楊琦存倉