Source: The Baltimore SunJuly 19--"I don't breathe fire.self storage I love my mom," said Kevin Davis, breaking the ice as he introduced himself to a group of Anne Arundel officers in Pasadena.It was the Eastern District's 3 p.m. roll call Thursday, one of many rounds he's been making in his new role since he left his job as assistant police chief in Prince George's County to take over the troubled Anne Arundel department barely a week ago.His priorities include getting out to listen to what Anne Arundel County police officers and district commanders have to say, getting the lay of the land from his staff and evaluating everything from the people to the facilities where they work. There will also be meetings with county neighborhood groups and organizations.It's all in an effort to rebuild trust, he said."There's a cloud over the government and a cloud over you, all that you did not cause. And that overshadows your good work," he told the officers.Minutes earlier, speaking with the district's commander, Frank Tewey, Davis acknowledged that he'd gotten lost the previous day in the department's headquarters in Millersvllle. The good part was that he landed amid evidence technicians, where he learned that they love their schedule, which keeps them on shifts with the officers and dispatchers they regularly deal with. "I'm learning too," he said.Davis' priorities include improving the atmosphere in a department in which frustrated workers have taken to venting allegations in anonymous letters to politicians and news media. He said he wants to stress community policing strategies, improve community relations and make sure public safety issues are professionally addressed.The department is also struggling with aging facilities, including a police academy in need of replacement, and old police cars that require constant repair.Davis said officers and resources -- the department is authorized for 679 officers and 240 civilian employees, though some positions are vacant -- must be used to make a difference. The focus should not be on the number of traffic tickets, he said, but rather are tickets being written in areas where there are a lot of crashes?"Quality trumps quantity every day of the week," he said. "I'm not a crime accountant."County Executive Laura Neuman called Davis the "perfect candidate," someone who can tackle the job of restoring "faith and integrity to the department."Davis said how people feel about safety and their police department is crucial: Working with residents routinely helps police "put some goodwill in the bank" when crises arise. A key way of building relationships will be getting officers out to meet residents more often, and he said police should include other county agencies in dealing with neighborhood issues.Davis' interest in working with residents was spurred when he was a district commander in Prince George's from 2005 to 2009. One success in building community relations, he said, was devising a "graffiti wagon" and going out on weekends with residents to clean up graffiti in his district.He said he sees Anne Arundel's four district commanders as chiefs of their districts, deciding what works best for their neighborhoods in a diverse county of about 540,000 residents.Anne Arundel's department has had a tumultuous few years. An investigation of County Executive John R. Leopold culminated in his conviction five months ago for offenses that included misusing his executive protection officers for personal and political tasks.Davis is the fourth police chief within 12 months for a force that became embroiled in the scandal that led to Leopold's conviction and resignation. James Teare Sr. retired last summer before Leopold's trial, ending a state investigation into his role in the misconduct case involving his boss. Teare was not charged with any offense. His replacement, Larry W. Tolliver, a former state police superintendent, left after 10 months, admitting that he used an anti-gay slur and saying that constant questioning of his leadership was taking a toll. Deputy Police Chief Pamela Davis -- no relation -- has been serving as acting chief since late May, while Neuman appointed an outside task force to evaluate the department.The tumult aside, the new chief said he jumped at the opportunity to lead his hometown police force after 21 years in Prince George's County, where he had worked his way up from beat cop to assistant chief.Davis has lived in Crofton since 1995 and said he knows many Anne Arundel officers from working in an adjacent county. He coaches youth football in Crofton. His children swim w迷你倉th County Councilman Jamie Benoit's kids, and he went to DeMatha High School in the 1980s with O'Brien Atkinson, president of the union that represents rank-and-file police officers.Davis "dealt with scandals of his own in Prince George's County," Benoit said, adding that he is "very, very comfortable with both his experience and his character" and thinks he can right the Anne Arundel department.Atkinson said Davis was the only candidate during the previous search for a chief to contact him about his ideas for the department. "I think that speaks volumes for what kind of chief he would be," Atkinson said."He said he thought a chief should be more involved with the County Council and other elected officials," Atkinson recalled. "He described a more collaborative style and said he'd like to involve the rank and file in decision-making."Davis said Prince George's and Anne Arundel have similar policing challenges: They are large, suburban counties adjacent to big cities.Yet along with success, Davis' record in Prince George's also includes two lawsuits in which he was a defendant. He was cleared of wrongdoing by his department in both incidents.In 1993, a young man alleged that Davis threw him to the ground and handcuffed him without explanation. He won a $12,500 jury award against Davis, according to court records.In 2002, a federal jury awarded about $90,000 to a teenager who said he was taken from his home without a warrant in 1999 by undercover officers, then interrogated for hours about the whereabouts of his girlfriend, the niece of the agency's deputy chief. According to published reports at the time, a jury found the constitutional rights of the 19-year-old were violated but rejected his claims of excessive force. Soon after the lawsuit was filed, the deputy chief, who gave the officers their assignment, retired.Davis said that assignment was given under "false pretenses," as the girl willingly left her home and a missing-person report did not classify her as critically missing, though officers were led to believe she was in danger."The fact that a deputy chief gave it to me, I had no reason to doubt its veracity," he said this week recalling the case. But it was "quite a lesson for me as a young sergeant."Davis said the incident stuck with him. "It made me a better cop. It made me a better leader. It made me a better person.""You will never see Kevin Davis make that mistake," said David Mitchell, a former Prince George's police chief and Maryland State Police superintendent.Mitchell said he's known Davis since he was child, because Davis' father, Robert, was a Prince George's officer.Most recently, Mitchell was Davis' professor in a class at the Johns Hopkins University when Davis was working toward a master's degree in public safety leadership. He said Davis has learned from everything, including his and others' mistakes."He will not betray his department," Mitchell said.Prince George's County Police Chief Mark Magaw said he was disappointed to lose his right-hand man to Anne Arundel.Magaw praised Davis' experience, particularly his efforts in community outreach. He noted that Prince George's has seen several years of reduced violent crime and said "a lot of that is because of Kevin Davis."Davis dealt with training, use of force issues and other concerns as the Prince George's department emerged from Justice Department oversight several years ago, which stemmed from police shootings and other incidents. According to Prince George's police spokesman Lt. Bill Alexander, Davis was among those credited with addressing community and federal concerns.Cpl. Vince Canales, president of the Fraternal Order of Police in Prince George's County, said Davis is a "policeman's policeman" who is a smart pick for Anne Arundel."He's come up through the ranks; he's worked the streets of Prince George's County," he said. "He's a hands-on type of manager." DavisAge: 44Position: Chief, Anne Arundel Police Department.Experience: 21 years with Prince George's County police, rising to rank of assistant chiefEducation: DeMatha High School in Hyattsville; bachelor's degree in English, Towson State University; master's degree in management, the Johns Hopkins University; graduate, FBI National AcademyResidence: Crofton, since 1995Personal: Married with four children; football coach for Crofton Athletic CouncilCopyright: ___ (c)2013 The Baltimore Sun Visit The Baltimore Sun at Distributed by MCT Information Services文件倉

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  據中國之聲《新聞縱橫》報道,迷你倉沙田去年十月底,支付寶快捷支付用戶數已經突破1億。去年"雙十一",天貓淘寶交易額191億的背後,通過支付寶快捷支付完成的交易筆數幾乎是網銀和餘額支付的總和。有人形容,那一天,快捷支付,戰勝了銀行。  在快捷支付的頁面上,官方介紹寫著:"快捷支付,是一種安全、快捷的付款方式,只需關聯您的銀行卡,無需網銀,付款時輸入支付寶支付密碼和手機校驗碼即可輕鬆完成付款。"雖然"安全"寫在"快捷"前面,但聽�小包告訴我們,申請快捷支付,還是覺得"不安全"。  小包:他只需要輸入你的姓名,你的身份證號碼,你的銀行卡號碼。還有你的手機號碼,然後呢,等一會它給你發一個手機驗證碼,就只需要這五個東西,它就幫你開通了。以後呢,只需要一個手機驗證碼就可以付錢了,而且我也試過了,確實錢可以付出去,所以我就覺得風險很大。  因為快捷支付主要和手機卡綁定,所以儲蓄卡不需要開通網銀,就可以註冊申請。也就是說,如果擁有對方的個人信息,比如姓名、身份證號、銀行卡號以及綁定的手機號碼,就可以收到驗證碼,並替對方開通快捷支付,從而造成盜刷風險。帶著這個問題,小包來到銀行求解。  小包:在和銀行的溝通當中,他們的工作人員也跟我說,確實快捷支付存在比較大的風險,他們自己也是明白的,包括他們自己的工作人員上網淘寶做什麼的,他們都是單獨開一個卡用來做快捷支付什麼的。然後另外開一個賬戶用來存放大額的資金,這樣才比較安全一些。  連銀行的人都要單開一張卡用來網購,至少說明在他們眼裡,快捷支付並不那麼安全。記者撥通建設銀行某分行電子商務部負責人的電話,他表示,因為銀行和支付寶簽訂有合同,銀行向支付寶所有持卡人辦理快捷支付的渠道都是直接開放的。  建行:它可能存在一定的風險,但這風險是存在客戶自己的操作層面,並不存在業務上的風險,因為這個業務沒有行業標準,沒有官方或者是行業的權威來認定,現在這個業務的所有開通流程都是在支付寶這個層面上,並沒有涉及到銀行櫃台。就是說我在櫃台上用什麼樣的方法幫客戶去開通快捷支付的這樣一個功能。所以暫時現在銀行這邊是沒有這樣的提示的。  本來支付應該是銀行參與其中,但是現在支付寶的強大,所以銀行實際上沒有把自己的職責理直氣壯的提迷你倉價錢來。  建行:可以這樣認為,就是變成了單方面說了算的這樣一個業務,幾乎是這樣,銀行現在也在改變,他有自己的替代產品出來。但是這個產品的部署它不是一天兩天的事。  記者:那也就是說在你們和支付寶的合作當中,實際上銀行是比較被動的。  建行:這個就是誰來認定的問題。  所以為了安全起見,大家在操作的時候,還是從自己操作的層次,做好保密工作,小心操作。  早在2011年4月的時候,支付寶宣佈,聯手工、農、中、建等10家銀行推出"快捷支付",用戶無需開通網銀,快速完成支付。而一般來說,如果辦理網銀,需要到銀行開通電子支付功能,設立網銀密碼,並使用USB安全盾或密碼卡才能登陸並付款。  支付寶的快捷支付功能確實大大簡化了支付程序,但同時,也正因為"快"所帶來的信息簡單即可付費,導致出現盜刷的風險。支付寶公關經理朱健接受了採訪,他認為快捷支付的安全體系是完備的。  朱健:這個系統是我們自己開發的,是經過多年實踐的一個智能化的一個風險級別識別的系統。快捷支付用戶的信息和銀行的交互,全部採用專門的線路,而不是採用公共的互聯網,而支付的使用的上,我們也採用了支付寶的密碼,以及手機校驗碼多重校驗方式。所以,整個安全的體系是非常完備的。  同時朱健說,今年4月,支付寶聯合平安保險,為快捷支付引入保險機制,以應對不斷出現的盜刷事件。  朱健:支付寶的用戶如果發生被盜或者是說非本人使用的情況,我們全部是有72小時全額現金補償的保障,並且我們跟平安保險有一個合作,用戶發生的任何風險都是由平安保險來百分之百承保的。  在互聯網金融時代,講究"快"字至上,網絡消費甚至恨不得點擊一下"付費"就把錢交出去。在這樣的背景下,支付寶以相對強勢的姿態逐漸挖開銀行早已經占據的金融市場。這種"強勢",還體現在,將"安全"二字慢慢拉到"快捷"之後。  在最近舉辦的2013中國銀行業發展論壇上,新浪正式發佈微銀行,未來將涉足投資理財市場;同樣傳出消息的,還有"微信支付即將火速登場"。看來,一場"互聯網金融大戰"就要打響。只是別忘了,不論線上線下,金融安全才是對老百姓財產最重要的保障——金融微時代,莫讓網絡之"快"擾亂"安全"之本。標簽:支付寶 網銀 安全體系 驗證碼 安全隱患迷你倉庫

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Source: Dayton Daily News, OhioJuly 19--The national conversation that has accompanied the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of an unarmed teen has a special urgency in Ohio, where lawmakers are considering a "stand your ground" law similar to the one in Florida.迷你倉出租Advocates of House Bill 203 say it will make Ohioans -- including young black teens -- safer because most registered gun owners are law-abiding."Law-abiding gun owners have the lowest incidents of crime out there," said State Rep. Michael Henne, R-Clayton, one of the bill's 15 Republican co-sponsors. "I believe that people have the right to protect themselves, rather than being forced to run."But many local black teens and their families say that the verdict -- and "stand your ground" laws in general -- fan the flames of vigilantism. Under such laws, private citizens are allowed to use deadly force to protect themselves with no duty to retreat first, as long as they think their life is in danger, and are in a place where they are legally allowed to be.Alisa Vukasinovich of Dayton fears her three sons will be profiled when the family moves to Kettering this fall. Watching the Zimmerman trial with her oldest, 17-year-old Malik Young, prompted a discussion about race, profiling and self-defense. "There are places you will go where they don't know your name and face, and they look at you as just another African-American male who could just be thuggish and looking to do a crime," she told him.Critics are concerned about the ramifications of "stand you ground" laws. In cases ruled as justifiable homicide, private citizens have killed more than 1,330 people in the country since 2007, according to the latest FBI statistics. That is about 650 fewer than the number of people killed by law enforcement officers during the same period.Jamal Russell, 23, a student at Wright State University, believes he will be less safe if Ohio becomes a "stand your ground" state. "People wouldn't know I went to a $14,000 per year school if I'm wearing a hoodie at night," he said. "They will see a black kid who's looking suspicious and needs to be checked out to make sure he's not doing anything improper, whereas if that were a man of another race that might not happen.""Stand your ground" laws have stirred fresh controversies, protests and nonstop dialogue in the wake of Zimmerman's verdict. A six-women jury found Zimmerman not guilty of second-degree murder and manslaughter in shooting death of Trayvon Martin, 17, in Sanford, Fla..Attorney General Eric Holder called Tuesday for an end to such laws, which have been adopted in 21 states, at the annual convention of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People in Orlando. "By allowing -- and perhaps encouraging -- violent situations to escalate in public, such laws undermine public safety," he said.Avoiding a 'Wild West'Doug Deeken, director of Ohioans for Concealed Carry, said his organization has spoken with lawmakers about removing the "duty to retreat clause" that requires a person who feels threatened to try to escape a violent situation before using deadly force. "People said it would be the 'Wild West' and blood would run in the streets, when we were proposing concealed carry rights, and that's not true," he said. "Most states don't have a duty to retreat like we do, and blood isn't running there."But Russell believes the broadness of such a law could lead to a rise in the number of crimes committed under the guise of self-defense -- and that, because of racial profiling, the most likely victims are young, black males such as Martin. "You have to think about what you're doing and the way you're regarding someone," he said. "When you see a black person on the street, do you lock your doors? Why? Do you instinctively clutch to yourself when you see a large black person on the street? If so, why? Keep that in your mind, think about it, and maybe a couple of instances like this will be prevented."Michael Mannheimer, a law professor at Northern Kentucky University's Chase College of Law, said the verdict does not mean it's open season on young black males. Given the nature of the jury instructions, as well as Florida law, he said, "It would have been difficult for the jury to convict here, and I'm not sure it would have been upheld on appeal."He added, "This case is getting so much attention because it is so unusual. Young black men are being killed in inner cities in far greater numbers over drug deals gone bad, or being subjected to monstrously long prison sentences for minor drug deals. This case is a distraction, because this hardly ever occurs."Others argue that being concerned with drug violence does not preclude being concerned with an unequal justice system -- that the Martin case, in fact, symbolizes the larger societal problem. Natasha R. Spears, director of the Dayton Boys and Girls Club, brings in police officers to meet the children in the building every week. "We ask them to come in uniform so the kids know who these gentlemen are and see they're humans just like them," said Spears, who is on the community Police Relations Committee. Yet she finds it difficult to have these conversations about respecting authority when many youth do not feel the respect in return.Case sparks dialogueThe verdict sparked protests as well as rallies in 100 U.S. cities Saturday, including an 11 a.m. rally at the federal courthouse in downtown Dayton. It also has launched reflective conversations in the living rooms of countless local families of all races.Jarred Chase, 14, a freshman at Centerville High School, said he is one of many white students at his school who are outraged by the verdict. "Zimmerman was racially profiling Trayvon Martin," he said. "I think it's terrible he got away with it and got his gun back. It儲存倉sends a message that, according to our court of law, it's OK to kill someone based on their skin color.""It's unconscionable," said Jarred's mother, Ann Wightman of Washington Twp., who worries about the inequities in the American judicial system. "For me, it is a racial issue," she said. "This country has a long sad history of racism and lynching."Wightman also believes the proposed "stand your ground" law will only exacerbate the problem. "The fundamental problem is that people have too many guns and Zimmerman was allowed to drive around in a car with a gun," she said.Peter Pullen, athletic director and boys' basketball coach at Dunbar High School, said that the Martin tragedy struck a chord among all black parents: "It does bother me when I have to have this conversation with my kids, when I have to tell them that something could happen when they're walking to their car and not doing anything wrong," he said. "I tell my son there are things that those black males have to do, that he has to watch his 'P's' and 'Q's' and be aware of his surroundings."Added his wife, Shawn Pullen, "My son is 22, and I still worry about his going around town. He could be in the right place at the wrong time."She could barely stand to watch Martin's mother, Sybrina Fulton, during the trial. "It hurts my heart whenever I look at her, but she has handled herself with such grace and dignity."The Pullens' son, Jarrod Givens, does not believe he is afforded equal justice under the law. He said he drives a black Lincoln and is often pulled over by police on suspicion that it is a "drug car.""It's always in the back of my mind that I could be targeted because I am a young African-American male," Givens said. "If I'm wearing a hoodie and jeans at night, it raises eyebrows. African-Americans are always having to prove that they're innocent in a way that other races do not."Malik Young, a senior at Alter High School, observed, "I think instead of changing the law, we need to change the definition of being threatened."His mother said the generational gap with her son translates into a difference in views on race. "I've experienced what I call racism and profiling, and I've learned how to deal with it, " Vukasinovich said. "I'm not going to say it's not a big deal, but it's not worth creating conflict. There are just things about people that won't change. Time heals all."Race has been the central theme in the public discussion of this case since the beginning. Yet it was not admitted into court evidence, and in an interview this week with CNN's Anderson Cooper, B37 Juror said "race had nothing" to do with the verdict. The juror said she was "101 percent" certain that Zimmerman was justified in killing Martin under the "stand your ground" law. In a statement released Wednesday, four of the other five jurors distanced themselves from Juror B37's remarks, saying she represented her viewpoint alone.'We all have our bias'For Desmond Winton-Finklea of Dayton, a communications major at Central State University, the juror's remarks show that many Americans fail to understand the day-to-day reality facing black Americans. As a 10-year-old boy, he said, he was stalked by a gang of young men while walking home from a carnival. He is often stopped by police when driving his father's older-model Mercedes."I try to explain it to my friends, telling them they haven't seen the uglier side of America," Winton-Finklea said. "I want them to understand it, but at the same time I don't want anyone to feel that hatred or paranoia or you shouldn't be in a certain place at a certain time, because of the color of your skin."Concurred Russell, who hopes to attend the rally for Martin this Saturday in Dayton, "'We Are All Trayvon Martin' is not just some glitz, activist slogan; there is a real fear and solidarity behind it. People who are suspicious of blacks treat us as this monolith where we have to act and dress in a certain way, and if we act in a thuggish way, we are opening ourselves up to suspicion naturally, rather than looking at what we've done. People will say, 'He had it coming because he was wearing a hoodie and walking around suspiciously,' and that's criminalizing a state of being rather than an action."Kettering Police Lt. Craig Moore does not believe the stand your ground law will affect how the department handles its job, but does recommend the public think about the responsibilities of gun ownership. "If you want to have a concealed carry weapon, you need to ask yourself if you are ready to take another person's life," said Moore, who is also the department's commander for community relations.As for the racial profiling, which muddied the Zimmerman trial, Moore said, "That's human nature, but it doesn't make it right. We all have our bias, and it depends on whether people act on it."Federal law prohibits racial profiling in police work, and Kettering, like most departments, has a system in place to investigate profiling accusations. In three years, Moore said he has received complaints, but never found any of them substantiated. "We have a job to do," he said. "It's not personal. We have to work together if we want to make this community better."NKU's Mannheimer acknowledged the inherent tension in accepting the jury's verdict, even though "the shooting probably wouldn't have happened if Martin had been white." He added, however, that protests of the jury verdict are misguided because "the prosecutor didn't overcome the presumption of innocence and didn't prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. We're lucky to be in a system that doesn't put someone in jail for life without a fair trial."Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) Visit the Dayton Daily News (Dayton, Ohio) at Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉沙田

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  為進一步方便旅客往返火車東站,新蒲崗迷你倉7月20日起,杭州公交集團將延長31路、107路、108路服務時間,至此,火車東站末班在23點後的公交線路將達到8條。接下來,公交還將對火車東站的配套推出進一步的措施。  7月20日起,公交將延長31路、107路、108路服務時間:  31路,火車東站東區至吳山廣場末班,從20:40延遲至23:30;吳山廣場至火車東站東區末班,從21:30延遲至次日0:15。  107路,火車東站東區至錢江灣花園末班,從22:30延遲至23:00。  108路,火車東站東區至吳山廣場華光巷末班,從22:30延遲至23:10。  至此,火車東站末班在23mini storage後的公交線路將達到8條,其中,200路、224路、227路、228路運營至次日凌晨。  另5條末班在23時後的線路為:  123路:火車東站東寧路—蕭山站前路公交站,6:40~23:10。  200路:火車東站東區—城站火車站,20:40~次日5:20。  224路:火車東站東區—皇朝花園,21:15~次日5:15。  227路:火車東站東區—和睦新村,20:45~次日5:15。  228路:火車東站東區—浙大,21:40~次日4:50。  記者從杭州公交集團瞭解到,為了方便市民出行,接下來,還將對火車東站的公交配套推出進一步措施。  本報記者 段羅君 本報通訊員 崔曉丹self storage

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【本報綜合報道】日前十名到泰國芭堤雅的中國遊客,迷你倉疑因旅行社安排入住的酒店貨不對辦報警,並滯留於警局,須警方為他們安排另一酒店。稱酒店不符 保安不足泰國《曼谷郵報》前日報道,該批中國遊客經一間內地旅行社報團到芭堤雅旅遊。他們稱行程寫明包五星級酒店住宿,但卻被安排入住一間三星級酒店,又不滿該間酒店保安不足,遂拖�行李到警局報案。警方聯絡負責導遊不果,安排該批遊客入住另一間酒店,終平息事件。有不少泰國網民讚揚警方的表現,亦有人認為應該將事件,交予中國領事館處理。

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《引用數據煩請加註資料來源》上班族最愛職務類型—「管理幕僚/人事行政」最夯 「法務專利/顧問諮詢」最差 1111人力銀行資料庫數據顯示,self storage5月份共有超過35萬個全職工作機會釋出,創下史上新高,但主計處的數據卻顯示,5月份失業人口仍高達46萬4千人。為何這些職缺不能滿足失業者的需求?究竟上班族心目中最嚮往以及最不想從事的職務分別為何? 根據1111人力銀行資料庫顯示,在20大類職務當中,最多求職者想從事的職務為「管理幕僚/人事行政」19.13%、「業務貿易/客服門市」17.58%、「美容美髮/餐飲旅遊」13.26%;而最少上班族想從事的職務類別則為「法務專利/顧問諮詢」0.33%、「軍警消防/保全相關」0.67%、「營建物業/工地施作」1.27%。 1111人力銀行公關總監李大華指出,反觀資料庫釋出職缺最多的工作機會,上班族最愛的「業務貿易/客服門市」26.40%及「美容美髮/餐飲旅遊」15.11%一樣入列職缺最多的前三名,然而上班族最愛的「管理幕僚/人事行政」類職務,工作機會卻遠遠落至第5名,顯示相關職務競爭激烈、求職相對不易的狀況。 求職者理想職務vs.職缺分佈比較表職務大類 求職者理想職務占比 職務別 釋出職缺占比管理幕僚╱人事行政 19.13% 業務貿易╱客服門市 26.40%業務貿易╱客服門市 17.58% 美容美髮╱餐飲旅遊 15.11%美容美髮╱餐飲旅遊 13.26% 機械模具╱生產製程 13.51%機械模具╱生產製程 8.37% 維修加工╱操作技術 7.99%採購物流╱品質檢測 7.31% 管理幕僚╱人事行政 6.44%維修加工╱操作技術 4.86% 採購物流╱品質檢測 4.97%幼教才藝╱補習進修 3.26% 醫事人員╱護理保健 3.82%金融保險╱財務稽核 3.21% 幼教才藝╱補習進修 3.52%美編設計╱裝潢設計 3.20% 金融保險╱財務稽核 3.09%電腦系統╱網路資訊 2.94% 軍警消防╱保全相關 2.57%行銷╱企劃 2.73% 電腦系統╱網路資訊 2.35%醫事人員╱護理保健 2.59% 營建物業╱工地施作 2.12%影視傳媒╱出版翻譯 2.53% 生活服務╱農林漁牧 1.76%光電IC╱電子通訊 2.04% 美編設計╱裝潢設計 1.49%生物科技╱化學製藥 1.76% 行銷╱企劃 1.36%生活服務╱農林漁牧 1.61% 光電IC╱電子通訊 1.34%學術研究╱教育師資 1.35% 影視傳媒╱出版翻譯 1.01%營建物業╱工地施作 1.27% 學術研究╱教育師資 0.54%軍警消防╱保全相關 0.67% 生物科技╱化學製藥 0.36%法務專利╱顧問諮詢 0.33% 法務專利╱顧問諮詢 0.26%上班族「不入」冷門職務—大樓洗窗、水肥、屠宰 1111人力銀行進一步針對上班族進行問卷調查,在職務小類中,上班族最不願意從事的冷門工作前十名依序為:「大樓洗窗工/外牆清潔人員」(45.36%)、「水肥工」(41.43%)、「禽畜畜養/屠宰人員」(38.21%)、「幫傭/看護」(29.64%)、「禮儀師/大體美容」(25.36迷你倉)、「下水道工作人員」(24.64%)、「墓園管理」(24.29%)、「搬家工人」(23.93%)、「鍋爐工作員」(23.57%)、「核電工程人員」(22.86%)。 冷門工作排行榜排名 工作內容 佔比1 大樓洗窗工/外牆清潔人員 45.36%2 水肥工 41.43%3 禽畜畜養/屠宰人員 38.21%4 幫傭/看護 29.64%5 禮儀師/大體美容 25.36%6 下水道工作人員 24.64%7 墓園管理 24.29%8 搬家工人 23.93%9 鍋爐工作員 23.57%10 核電工程人員 22.86% 受訪上班族坦言,選擇工作時的主要考量,以「薪資待遇」(71.43%)、「專長/所學相關」(49.29%)、「興趣嗜好」(43.57%)為主。不願投入上述冷門職務的主要原因在於「工作內容危險」(52.14%)、「工作環境惡劣」(42.50%)「無相關專業」(30.36%)。而進一步詢問受訪者,這些冷門職務,需祭出多少年薪才能吸引受訪者投入,7成的受訪者坦言平均要有156萬年薪,才能打動上班族投入,另有3成受訪者表示「無關薪水」,無論薪資多高,都無意願從事這些工作。 1111人力銀行公關總監李大華指出,上班族最想投入的職務類別,多以入門門檻較低,工作機會較多的職務別為主。而求職者投入意願較低的冷門職務,則多屬辛苦、骯髒、危險的「三K產業」,除工作環境較惡劣之外,社會地位也相對較低,因此難獲上班族青睞。然而,正因為這些職務的工作環境及內容不盡理想,加上求才不易,部份職務的薪資亦相對較高。以大樓洗窗/外牆清潔人員而言,旺季月薪可達7-10萬元,整年平均月薪也有5萬左右的水準,而禮儀師、搬家工人年薪百萬者也不在少數,皆高於主計處公佈的101年平均月薪45,888,也使得這類職務成為就業市場中相對高薪的一群。 李大華認為,「英雄不怕出身低」,工作不分貴賤,只要突破從業門檻、克服心裡障礙,透過基層工作取得專業經驗,並放大格局自我提升,將個人視為「品牌」經營,以創新的思維進行全面性的職涯與生涯規劃,未來必能成為受人尊敬的佼佼者。 李大華建議目前仍在求職的求職者及新鮮人,透過專業的職能適性測驗,在興趣專長的考量下,選擇就業市場人才需求較多較急的職務投入,求職相對容易成功,更有助於未來職涯規劃。而1111人力銀行網站也提供了免費的「九大職能星」測評服務,從「職能」及「個人特質」的客觀評估,給予求職者最適合的職務建議,以協助求職者找到「對」的工作。 為瞭解上班族最不願從事的職務類型,1111人力銀行特設計「十大冷門工作調查」問卷,自7月2日到7月16日以網路問卷方式,針對上班族會員以email方式隨機發送問卷,進行問卷調查,有效樣本數為1120份,信心水準95%,誤差值為正負2.92%。1111人力銀行資料庫數據,分析6月份10萬名開啟履歷的求職者,所填寫理想職務的分佈,以及35萬筆全職工作機會的職務類別分佈。1111人力銀行 電子/張雅婷0920-08-1111 平面/林賢雅0920-28-1111文件倉

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排汙管道在不斷排出汙水。銀灘濕地公園是甘肅省唯一的黃河濕地公園,迷你倉沙田同時也是安寧區市民夏季納涼、遛彎的好去處。但幾處汙水管道直接將汙水注入濕地公園,引發了市民質疑。對此,濕地公園管理辦公室對此現象也是苦不堪言。7月19日,蘭州市環保局、安寧市政工程管理所等相關部門專程來到濕地公園進行勘查,表示將儘快查找源頭,早日還市民一個清潔的公園。現場:汙水直排遭市民質疑 管理方多次上報杳無音訊19日上午,記者前往銀灘濕地公園進行走訪,經過對濕地公園沿線的觀察,確實有5處排汙管道,但只有一條排汙管道在不斷排出汙水,汙水經過一條隱渠排放至濕地公園中。據一名經常在濕地公園納涼的老人稱,他納涼時每次靠近汙水排放區域就能聞到一股惡臭,讓自己非常不舒服,而對於這種狀況,他也曾找到濕地公園管理辦公室反映,但對方對此也是毫無辦法。據濕地公園一名工作人員稱,他已經在濕地公園工作了3年,這5條汙水管道一直困擾著他們,一年四季不斷排放汙水,導致公園內臭氣熏天,而且嚴重影響園內水質。最嚴重的時候在每年迷你倉價錢月份,汙水的臭味瀰漫整個公園,遇到下雨天氣,汙水管道的排水量增大,園內時常可以看到從汙水管道中排出的垃圾以及糞便,很多市民都對這些區域敬而遠之。隨後,記者採訪到了銀灘濕地公園管理辦公室馬曉全主任,他告訴記者,有四個排汙口是在濕地公園建立之前就有的,但公園管理方也不知道具體是誰在排汙水。2010年某施工單位又將一根排汙管接入濕地公園,公園管理方也曾多次阻止,但對方並沒有理睬。對此,管理方多次向環保部門反映此事,但一直沒有得到回應。調查:安寧多部門勘查公園尋找汙水源頭當日上午,蘭州市環保局、安寧區環保局、安寧市政工程管理所等多家單位來到濕地公園進行全面勘查。安寧區環保局監察局辛局長在接受記者採訪時告訴記者,19日上午,市環保監察局和區環保局都到濕地公園現場進行了挨個檢查,發現幾個排汙管有雨水管網和生活汙水管網,他們已經向安寧區市政工程管理所進行了反映,市政部門現在正在對問題的源頭進行排查,並根據汙水來源制定管道改造方案,盡早還市民一個清潔的公園。文/圖 本報記者 陸小樂迷你倉庫

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記者喬雪峰 陳力本報訊 記者喬雪峰 陳力報道:進入夏季,迷你倉新蒲崗內蒙古大興安嶺林區森林旅遊日漸升溫。據統計,林區各景點每天接待遊客超千人,提前進入一床難求的旅遊旺季。內蒙古大興安嶺林區正在走上一條不以消耗森林資源為代價的生態旅遊業之路。在內蒙古畢拉河達爾濱羅國家森林公園,來自重慶的攝影師陳家敏告訴記者,他每年都要到大興安嶺住20多天,在森林中採風、在湖濱垂釣。內蒙古大興安嶺林區總面積1066.7萬公頃,森林覆蓋率76.3%,是我國目前森林面積最大、保存最完整、集中連片的國有林區,它與亞馬遜熱帶雨林並稱為地球的兩大肺葉。國家實施天然林資源保護工程後,內蒙古大興安嶺林管局按照生態產業化、產業生態化的發展思路,大力發展森林旅遊業。目前,林區旅遊產業的吃、住、行、游、購、娛6大服務體系已基本形成。為了開拓旅遊迷你倉出租場,林管局旅遊局還推出了海拉爾-室韋-莫爾道嘎、牙克石-根河-滿歸、加格達奇-阿里河-克一河-達爾濱湖等6條旅遊線路,將生態旅遊、冰雪運動項目與民俗民風結合起來。隨著林區旅遊逐年升溫,內蒙古大興安嶺林管局順勢而為,把森林旅遊業提升為林區發展的核心產業,轉變門票經濟的傳統思路,瞄準中高端市場,著力開發新型休閒度假旅遊。阿爾山按照“東方達沃斯”的理念和標準,正在加快銀江溝、金江溝生態旅遊區的建設;北部原始林區正在參照美國黃石公園模式,建設大興安嶺北部旅遊圈。如今,大興安嶺深處的8個國家森林公園、2個國家濕地公園、2個國家級自然保護區已經成為國內外遊客青睞的旅遊目的地。據專家估算,到2015年,內蒙古大興安嶺年旅遊接待能力可以達到200萬人次,旅遊年收入達到12億元,旅遊收入占林業總產值的12%以上。儲存倉

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來源 : 行政長官辦公室行政長官崔世安今(19)日在政府總部與中山市委書記薛曉峰一行會面,迷你倉探討兩地未來在《粵澳合作框架協議》內的合作發展方向。行政長官歡迎薛曉峰書記率團到訪,讓特區政府進一步了解中山市新的發展規劃,同時增進兩地交流。他提及特區政府與廣東省上月在中山市舉行粵澳合作聯席會議,澳門與中山市就遊艇自由行方面的合作達成意向;粵澳也談到開發中山翠亨新區的課題。他指出,特區政府根據國家“十二五”規劃及《粵澳合作框架協議》積極參與粵澳合作,過去一段時間,粵澳共同努力落實《粵澳合作框架協議》,大力推進珠海橫琴、廣州南沙的建設。對於合作開發中山翠亨新區此課題,特區政府予以重視,因此希望能夠深入了解中山市的具體規劃,再詳細研究下一步的合作方向,最重要是粵澳兩地通過把開發中山翠亨新區納入《粵澳合作框架協議》,共同整體推進。薛曉峰詳細介紹了翠亨新區的發展構思,該區現行規劃大概230平文件倉公里土地,區位優勢獨特,具有完善的交通網絡等多方面配置。他相信可與澳門合作,把翠亨新區建設成粵澳合作的示範區,成為推動粵澳合作的戰略平台。再者,適值澳門大力推動經濟適度多元發展,藉此良好時機,翠亨新區的建設可以為澳門提供一個平台和載體,促進特區多元發展。他補充,中山市與澳門特區在上月的粵澳合作聯席會議簽署了遊艇自由行的合作意向書,屬粵港澳合作的“先行先試”,而中山市與澳門已建立對口聯繫,跟進遊艇自由行的合作。參加會見的包括中山市委副書記兼政法委書記鄧小兵、市委常委兼火炬開發區黨委書記侯奕斌、市政府副市長馮煜榮、翠亨新區管委會主任方維廷、市外事僑務(港澳事務)局局長馮金怡,以及行政長官辦公室主任譚俊榮、行政長官辦公室顧問高展鴻。2013年粵澳合作聯席會議6月14日在廣東省中山市召開,會後,澳門特區與中山市簽署了《廣東省中山市政府與澳門特別行政區政府關於遊艇自由行的合作意向書》。存倉

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