- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:35
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:28
“大江大湖”是武漢的標誌,迷你倉而山也是武漢重要的自然景觀。如何讓市民親近山體,修復“受傷”山體?昨天,武漢市政協常委專題協商“山體保護”建議案。據悉,我市將在三年內,投10億修復54座破損山體。 龜山將變身武漢“城市陽台” “煙雨莽蒼蒼,龜蛇鎖大江”,東臨長江的龜山將成為武漢的“城市陽台”。昨天,市園林局副局長余鳳生介紹,自2011年以來,市園林局對龜山景觀和基礎設施進行改造。通過前期查閱龜山、月湖的歷史文獻和相關規劃資料,市園林局製作了龜山城市陽台規劃設計方案,將其打造成為武漢市民和外地遊客賞玩的標誌性景觀。屆時,市民可登上龜山“城市陽台”,俯瞰兩江四岸和黃鶴樓。 此外,龜山北區也被納入《黃鶴樓文化旅遊區發展規劃》。黃鶴樓文化旅遊區將展現“龜蛇鎖大江、黃鶴攬勝”的景觀,成為旅遊觀光、生態遊憩、文化休閒等多功能的城中型文化旅遊區。 3年投10億元修復山體 6月,市人大鎖定了我市的基本生態控制線,最終劃定我市1566平方公里的生態底線區,保文件倉總面積為137平方公里的山體。 市園林局調研數據顯示,武漢主城區現有山體58座,其中42座山體植被狀態較好,11座山體“受傷”,部分山形被嚴重破壞。另據不完全統計,三環至外環沿線的229座山,輕度破壞的占11%,嚴重破壞的占15%。 據瞭解,山體修復每畝平均投入約8萬元。我市從今年起,將投入10億元,用三年時間修復54座破損山體,修復面積1.28萬畝。今年將完成21座山體的修復。驗收合格後,修復山體的單位可獲每畝1萬元的獎勵。 今年起不再新增采礦項目 除修復山體外,我市還將加強對礦山的管理。目前,全市經國土規劃部門許可仍在生產的采石采礦企業有34家。2015年以前,我市將關停“三線、三區”可視範圍內的12家采石場,可視範圍外的逐步關停。今年上半年已關停6家。 此外,我市對原《采礦許可證》已到期的,不再辦理延續手續。自今年起,國土規劃部門將不再新增探礦、采礦項目。(記者 王雪 通訊員 阮鵬 實習生 吳文越)標簽:山體 龜山 武漢 園林局 修復存倉
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:22
建造商會 撐發展洪水橋
香港文匯報訊(記者 陳錦燕)政府致力開闢土地,迷你倉沙田新推出的洪水橋新發展區項目,可提供約6萬個單位,預計可容納21.8萬人。香港建造商會昨日發表聲明,歡迎及支持計劃,認為新發展區的規劃和落實,有利於本港經濟發展及滿足港人對房屋的需求,又期望政府能繼續與社會各界保持溝通,讓各界能共同參與規劃。利經濟發展 紓房屋需求 政府近日發表的洪水橋新發展區「初步發展大綱圖」,受到社會各界關注。香港建造商會表示,樂見政府開展計劃。而在政府規劃中,新發展區將會提供6萬個新住宅單位,令該社區的人口由現時4.3萬人,增至21.8萬人,該會認為新發展區有助紓緩人口增長帶來的房屋需求。 同時,新發展區迷你倉價錢會預留62公頃土地作物流用途,10公頃則會提供予資訊科技及電訊業,而計劃中的西鐵洪水橋站一帶,將會設置購物中心、酒店和辦公室等用地,鄰近天水圍的地區亦會發展為零售及商業地帶。該會認為,政府能善用現有和計劃中的鐵路和策略性公路的優勢,有利促進本港經濟長遠發展。涉多方利益 冀廣納意見 「初步發展大綱圖」中又鼓勵興建綠色建築,及把新生新村的鷺鳥林劃為「綠化地帶」以便保育。該會歡迎政府在綠色交通、環保建築和土地規劃上保護環境,促使新發展區可持續發展。因規劃涉及複雜問題和多方利益,香港建造商會期望政府繼續廣泛諮詢公眾意見,同時藉此帶動社會充分及理性討論,為新發展區吸納更多有用的意見。迷你倉庫
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:18
在酒店陽台上搭建帳篷 讓客人在星光燈火中過夜 紐約興起“城市露營”
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:16
熱烈祝賀世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會暨第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節8月1日在敦煌開幕 絲綢之路國際大會在甘肅
世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會暨第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節即將于8月1日在敦煌市拉開帷幕。屆時,自存倉將有來自29個絲綢之路沿線國家和聯合國世界旅遊組織部分會員國、世界銀行、亞洲開發銀行、國際金融公司、聯合國貿易和發展組織、聯合國教科文組織、亞太旅遊協會的嘉賓以及國際媒體、國內旅遊業界及相關省區政府、部門代表300人共同出席此次盛會。節會規格之高,規模之大在甘肅尚屬首次。世界旅遊組織絲綢之路國際大會是聯合國世界旅遊組織為強化“絲綢之路”沿線國家緊密合作,提升“絲綢之路”旅遊品牌影響力,實現絲綢之路旅遊項目的國際合作和可持續發展而倡議召開的旅遊業界國際性會議。至目前,已不定期舉辦過 5屆,其中第一屆、第四屆及第五屆絲綢之路國際大會分別于1994年、2002年、201 0年在烏茲別克斯坦舉辦,第二屆于1996年在伊朗伊斯蘭共和國舉辦,第三屆于199 8年在格魯吉亞舉辦。緣起2012年8月,我省舉辦第二屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節開幕式期間,國家旅遊局協助我省邀請到了聯合國世界旅遊組織、世界旅遊業理事會、亞太旅遊組織以及德國、法國、加拿大等10多個國家和地區的旅遊機構官員、旅行商以及媒體記者100余人。甘肅省豐富的旅遊資源、線路產品給海外代表留下了深刻的印象。參會的聯合國世界旅遊組織亞太部主任徐京認為,甘肅具有世界旅遊市場中的頂級資 源,有些資源全球無可比擬,他表示將作為甘肅的義務宣傳員向世界積極宣傳甘肅旅遊。徐京回總部後積極向世界旅遊組織推薦將世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會舉辦地放在甘肅省敦煌市,支持甘肅旅遊走向世界。2012年9月,省政府主要領導、相關領導借參加首屆澳門“世界旅遊經濟論壇”之際,又與世界旅遊組織秘書長塔勒布·瑞法、國家旅遊局局長邵琪偉,就2013 年在我省舉辦第六屆絲綢之路國際大會進行了積極具體的溝通對接,並達成了共識,初步確定2013年由甘肅省承辦世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會。落戶根據省政府、國家旅遊局和世界旅遊組織達成的共識,省政府於今年5月初向國務院上報了舉辦世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會的請示,2013年5月13日至15日,省政府相關領導帶領省旅遊局和省外辦負責人赴京向外交部、國際旅遊局匯報大會籌備情況,協調相關審批事宜。外交部于6月4日回函,轉達了國務院同意在我省舉辦第六屆絲綢之路國際大會的意見。世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會原定于6月17日—19日在我省敦煌市召開,經過多次與世界旅遊組織、國家旅遊局溝通協調,世界旅遊組織最終同意將第六屆絲綢之路國際大會調整至8月1日與第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節開幕式同時在敦煌舉行。這樣,既避免官員及嘉賓的重複邀請,踐行厲行節儉,又可以使兩項重大活動相互烘托促進,擴大影響,放大效應。願景在積極爭取承辦第六屆絲綢之路國際大會的過程中,我省早已意識到絲綢之路國際大會是國際旅遊業界高規格且具有廣泛影響力的國際性旅遊大會,舉辦此項大會對於提高會議承辦地在國際旅遊業界的知名度,促進甘肅旅遊業以及經濟社會發展,配合和支持我省華夏文明傳承創新區建設具有重要和深遠的意義。甘肅將通過舉辦世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會,深入挖掘絲綢之路歷史文化,加強絲綢之路沿線國家的合作交往,共同打造絲綢之路世界級精品旅遊線路,進一步展示甘肅對外開放的國際形象,促進我省由旅遊資源大省向旅遊資源強省邁進,促進甘肅旅遊業可持續發展,進而促進我省經濟社會轉型跨越發展。同時更好地利用世界旅遊組織這一廣闊平台,借助其影響廣泛的宣傳媒介,在國際旅遊業界有效宣傳甘肅旅遊,進一步提升甘肅“精品絲路、絢麗甘肅”的甘肅旅遊國際新形象。行動也就在爭取舉辦權的同時,各項籌備工作也已全面鋪開。組委會成立了,開幕式文藝演出開始排練了,交通保障方案確定了,配套餐飲文化活動敲定了,志願者們正在抓緊培訓……隨著節會進入倒計時狀態,一項項工作也逐漸走向了縱深。人員就位,預案到位,所有人不敢有絲毫懈怠,都在以飽滿的精神等待著中外來賓的檢閱。為了把本屆大會辦成精彩、成功、務實的旅遊盛會,組委會特別在活動設置上花了很多心思。第六屆絲綢之路國際大會的主要活動有:大會開幕式、新聞發佈會、主旨演講大會、5場次分項討論會議、省委、省政府主要領導與世界旅遊組織要員及國家旅遊局等部委高層會談、大型文藝演出、世界旅遊組織與全聯旅遊交流簽署相關協議、甘肅絲綢之路旅遊產品推介會及旅遊合作洽談、旅遊項目簽約、嘉賓旅遊線路考察、總結儀式等十幾項活動。整個活動安排節奏緊湊,內容豐富多樣,又極具國際性。屆時,將有30多位國際國內知名專家、官員將圍繞“構建新的絲綢 之路旅遊線路”主題發表重要演講,探討國際絲綢之路旅遊品牌打造和線路重振等重大問題,必將對包括我省、我國在內的絲綢之路沿線國家和地區旅遊經濟發展產生重要影響。如今,我們有理由相信這將是一次國際旅遊盛會,必將在甘肅旅遊史上留下濃墨重彩的一筆。8月1日,敦煌,我們一同期待!世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際旅遊大會暨第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅游節門票優惠景區一覽表地區蘭州嘉峪關市白銀天水武威張掖平涼景點蘭州榆中興隆山永登吐魯溝森林公園紫軒葡萄酒莊園嘉峪關新城魏晉墓景泰黃河石林天水麥積山景區天水伏羲廟天水南郭寺武威雷台景區武威文廟武威涼州白塔寺肅南馬蹄寺景區平涼崆峒山景區涇川大雲寺·王母宮崇信龍泉寺景區地區酒泉慶陽定西隴南臨夏甘南景點敦煌鳴沙山月牙泉景區慶城周祖陵慶陽北石窟寺漳縣貴清山·遮陽山景區定西李家龍宮旅遊景區武都萬象洞成縣《西狹迷你倉新蒲崗》景區康縣陽壩景區永靖黃河三峽景區和政松鳴岩景區卓尼大峽溝景區臨潭冶力關景區臨潭蓮花山景區遊客持“敦煌卡”在今年8月1日至12月31日期間到所列景區遊覽,享受門票6折優惠。“一會一節”全景掃描與以往的節會相比,此次我省舉辦的“一會一節”有哪些亮點?一是突出節會國際性。參加世界旅遊組織第六屆絲綢之路國際大會的外賓包括聯合國世界旅遊組織、世界旅遊業理事會、亞太旅遊組織、絲綢之路沿線國家等29個國家和地區及國際組織旅遊機構官員及國際媒體記者約100人,他們同時還都將出席敦煌行節會開幕式,使得參加節會的外賓總人數和規格大大超過往屆。為此,組委會在節會籌備過程中也突出了國際語言、國際化的方式來辦節會。在接待、景點佈置、賓館佈置及路牌、標識、公共設施等方面都將體現國際化。二是注重節會合作開放性。在這次大會上,絲綢之路沿線國家官員、專家共商構建新的絲綢之路大計。對處在絲綢之路黃金路段的甘肅來說,這是一次與絲綢之路沿線國家和地區構建旅遊聯盟、締結合作伙伴關係、提升品牌競爭力的難得機遇,必將促使甘肅的絲綢之路旅遊產品融入到世界絲綢之路的大品牌、大市場中。這次大會期間,將舉辦甘肅絲綢之路旅遊產品推介會和旅遊合作洽談,向境內外推介甘肅旅遊精品線路和景區,一定會推動甘肅旅遊與絲綢之路國家旅遊合作邁出實質性步伐。三是注重節會實效性。舉辦節會的主要目標就是推介甘肅旅遊,帶動旅遊的快速增長。組委會預期本屆節會將吸引1600萬以上游客來甘肅旅遊觀光,實現旅遊收入115億元。為了進一步突出節會實效,省旅遊局從年初開始就組織省內大景區、旅遊公司積極與境內外旅遊企業、戰略投資者開展旅遊洽談與合作,截至目前,組委會已經征集到了74個項目,總投資額406.6億元。其中有20個總投資額350多億元的項目要在節會現場簽約。四是突出辦會節儉性。第六屆絲綢之路國際大會原定于6月在敦煌舉行。第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節開幕式原定于8月1日在張掖開幕。按照中央八項規 定要求,經過相關部門就節會舉辦時間與世界旅遊組織、國家旅遊局的多次銜接,最後確定把一會一節都放在8月1日在敦煌開幕。同時舉辦,既可以邀請同一批貴賓 參加會議,同時大大節約了開支。此外,這次節會組委會已明確規定,不發放紀念品、禮品,嚴格控制賓客邀請範圍,嚴格貫徹中央八項規定和省委省政府雙十條規定,體現了“務實、高效、節儉”的辦會原則。我省在舉辦“一會一節”活動過程中,如何實現與華夏文明傳承創新區建設相融合?此次舉辦“一會一節”本身就是建設華夏文明傳承創新區的重要舉措。�所周知,甘肅是華夏文明的重要發祥地和古代東西方文明交流的重要通道,擁有豐富而獨特的歷史、文化和旅遊資源。我省建設華夏文明傳承創新區規劃的一帶三區十三板塊布局中,絲綢之路是貫穿這一規劃的主線,文化與旅遊深度融合、節慶賽事會展是其中兩個重要板塊內容,成功舉辦絲綢之路國際大會和敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節是彰顯傳承華夏文明的重要載體。絲綢之路大會主題與華夏文明傳承創新結合緊密。絲綢之路國際大會的主題是“構建新的絲綢之路旅遊線路”。而絲綢之路在甘肅有1600多公里,占絲綢之路全長的四分之一。因此會議的研討成果對絲綢之路沿線國家共同開發絲綢之路黃金旅遊線路必將產生極大的推動作用。旅遊節43項活動與華夏文明傳承創新區建設結合緊密。今年的第三屆敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節分項活動有43項,涉及高端論壇、學術研討、精品劇目演出、民族風情表演、書畫攝影大賽、文化遺產展演等33項文化類活動,可謂是一場異彩紛呈的文化大餐。節會開幕式《朝聖敦煌》大型文藝演出,形式主要有敦煌歌舞、戲曲、雜技、器樂等,整台劇目也緊扣甘肅華夏文明傳承的主題。線路考察突出敦煌文化。本次節會組委會在安排嘉賓考察線路時,也充分考慮了敦煌在絲綢之路上的特殊地位,安排了敦煌最具代表性的考察線路,讓與會代表在敦煌感受華夏之魂、藝術之體。通過舉辦大會,甘肅如何推進與世界旅遊組織及絲綢之路沿線國家的合作?世界旅遊組織能夠將第六屆絲綢之路國際大會安排在敦煌市舉辦,就是對甘肅旅遊業發展的關心和支持,也開�了我省與世界旅遊組織及絲綢之路沿線國家的友誼之路、合作之路。通過舉辦絲綢之路國際大會,我省將借助世界旅遊組織及絲綢之路國際大會的影響力,將世界目光聚焦到甘肅,聚焦到敦煌,有效宣傳甘肅旅遊,積極推介甘肅旅遊,進一步提升“精品絲路、絢麗甘肅”的整體旅遊形象和甘肅對外開放的國際形象,促進甘肅省旅遊業跨越發展。通過舉辦絲綢之路國際大會,甘肅將與絲綢之路沿線國家建立聯繫,廣交朋友,深化交流,擴大合作,共同打造絲綢之路世界級精品旅遊線路,推動世界絲綢之路旅遊快速發展。良好的開端是成功的一半。今後,在大家的共同努力下,甘肅與世界旅遊組織及絲綢之路沿線國家合作交流的“新絲綢之路”必將越走越寬廣。節會期間,為了吸引更多的遊客來甘肅旅遊,我省有哪些優惠政策?前兩屆“敦煌行·絲綢之路國際旅遊節”發行的優惠門票“敦煌卡”,在全面完成節會確定的目標任務,激活全省旅遊市場方面發揮了積極的作用。今年為了繼續增強節會的吸引力,激發海內外遊客參與節會的熱情,積極營造節會氛圍,讓利於遊客、吸引更多的人來甘肅旅遊,我們從全省旅遊景區中精選28家作為節會活動重點推介景區,由景區所在地政府作出優惠承諾,省上統一印製1000萬張“敦煌卡”,已經通過《讀者》雜誌、郵資明信片等渠道向海內外客源市場贈送。目前“敦煌卡”已發行,遊客持“敦煌卡”在2013年8月1日至12月31日期間到所列景區遊覽,可享受門票6折優惠。迷你倉出租
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:13
查問看聽 把脈汛期出游安全
信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from .newssc.org/汛期出游,迷你倉沙田注意安全。盛夏,汛期,暴雨,洪水,安全隱患不可忽視。據最新氣象預報,初步預計7月31日?8月初我省又將有一次明顯降水天氣過程。今年自入汛以來,我省天氣比較異常,汛期開始時間早,降雨強度大,發生次數多,間隔時間短,降雨持續時間長,波及範圍廣。特別是從7月初開始,出現了多輪強降雨,加上隨之引發的泥石流、山體滑坡等次生災害,給我省多個景區造成嚴重影響,導致部分通往景區的道路損毀,出現遊客滯留的情況。汛期旅遊安全成為全省旅遊界關注的焦點。夏季是我省的旅遊旺季,同時也是極端天氣和次生災害的多發期。如何在汛期玩得開心又安全,“一查二問三看四聽”,有利於你夏季汛期安全出游。□本報記者 陽帆圖片均為資料圖片:查看目的地天氣和道路交通狀況7月29日,成都市交委發佈路況,由於都汶高速連山村大橋路段再次發生泥石流,道路中斷。目前,都汶高速放行小型車輛,請駕駛員朋友有序通行,服從現場交警指揮。7月28日7時50分,四川省氣象台發佈暴雨藍色預警:未來24小時我省7市的部分地方將有暴雨,局部地方有大暴雨,並伴有雷電。受季風和地理地貌的影響,夏季我省炎熱多雨,天氣變化大,易發生氣象災害。加之山地面積大,很多道路依山而建,容易發生泥石流、塌方等次生災害,易造成道路中斷和阻塞。多變的氣候,複雜的交通狀況,遊客出行前務必瞭解目的地的天氣狀況,同時關注沿線道路的安全情況,瞭解暴雨與泥石流的發生範圍,避開前往受威脅的地段,若有塌方、泥石流發生,則選擇繞道或更改目的地。出行貼士:出行前及出游過程中,收看、收聽電視、廣播以及官方微博等媒體,關注實時天氣、道路狀況。:問景區是否安全,是否正常營業7月17日?18日,為在強降雨中保護遊客生命及財產的安全,市場多地發佈“逐客令”,要求景區、農家樂等暫停營業,組織遊客儘快撤離。16日,成都市旅遊迷你倉價錢對龍門山旅遊區6市縣農家樂進行逐戶清空;峨眉山景區管委會發佈封山令,景區于17日至18日暫停營業;德陽市旅遊局下發通知,要求處於危險區域的沿山和山區農家樂暫停接待遊客;西嶺雪山景區發佈通告,景區17日?20日暫停營業。在旅遊旺季關閉景區,暫停營業,放棄經濟上的收入,這是我省旅遊系統對遊客財產生命安全的保障與尊重。隨著持續強降雨的結束,天氣好轉,暫停營業的景區及配套設施逐步恢複營業,重新開門迎客。出行貼士:前往旅遊目的地前,可撥打當地旅遊部門的電話,咨詢目的地景區和相關配套系統是否安全,是否正常營業。:看災害發生前的前兆,提前預判7月21日,西藏通麥天險路上,一北京男子在騎行中遭遇山體滑坡,被落石擊中頭部,在送醫過程中不治身亡。暑期入藏騎行的人漸多,國道318迎來最熱鬧的季節,這條被譽為中國最美的國道上,雨季經常有山體滑坡。年輕生命的消逝給更多人敲響了汛期出游的警鐘。四川省山地救援隊專業人士介紹,遊客在出游途中可以根據岩石掉塊、泉水變渾、水流泥沙增多等情況,對災害進行提前預判,避免遇到山洪、泥石流,甚至雷暴等災害。出行貼士:根據周邊自然環境變化,提前預判災害發生與否,決定是否前往。:聽從指揮,切莫擅自行動在7月10日至11日的強降雨中,汶川至成都的國道213線和都汶高速多處阻斷,千余名遊客滯留汶川縣,萬余名遊客滯留茂縣。全省旅遊系統及時�動旅遊應急預案,迅速展開旅遊防汛減災工作,對滯留遊客進行安撫、安置。7月15日16時,在省旅遊局和各相關市州政府以及相關部門的努力下,因暴雨受阻的34258名遊客全部安全疏散轉移。遊客在出游過程中因遭遇突發災害,可能會出現滯留的情況。四川省山地救援隊專業人士建議,在旅遊中遇到滯留,遊客在撤離過程中應聽從當地政府和有關部門指揮,不要擅自行動。出行貼士:旅途中遇到滯留及時向當地相關部門報告,在等待救援中保持通訊暢通,在撤離時聽從指揮,切莫擅自行動。迷你倉庫
- Jul 31 Wed 2013 11:12
中國女排隊抵澳 下榻「銀河酒店」
【特訊】中華人民共和國澳門特別行政區(2013年7月30日)- 銀河娛樂集團(下稱「銀娛」)呈獻贊助的「2013澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽」將於周五起,迷你倉庫一連三日盛大舉行。中國女排運動員在教練郎平帶領下中午抵達澳門,並下榻賽事的指定酒店「銀河酒店?」。為了迎接一眾國家隊球員,銀娛舉行了簡單而隆重的歡迎儀式,除了讓球員感受到賓至如歸的款待,亦有機會讓「澳門銀河?」的旅客近距離欣賞各球員的風彩。中國女排球員於周二中午由澳門國際機場乘坐專車抵達「澳門銀河」,她們一踏進渡假城便隨即受到熱烈歡迎,銀娛更派出多名親善大使獻花,藉此送上支持和鼓勵。銀娛總裁兼首席營運總監萬卓祺先生、「澳門銀河」副營運總裁韓德霆先生、「澳門銀河」非博彩營運高級副總裁麥佩欣女士及銀娛公共關係副總裁林志成先生等管理層出席歡迎儀式,並與一眾球員拍照留念。在場的市民和旅客見到國家隊球員齊集於渡假城大堂,都表現得非常興奮,並紛紛表示熱切期待她們在大賽中的精彩表現。 儲存年連續第三年成為賽事指定酒店的「銀河酒店」,將繼續為參與賽事的每位球員提供最優越的款待。「銀河酒店」不但為身材高挑的女排球員將床舖延長至八呎,更提供多款不同質料的枕頭供選擇,讓她們在完成訓練和比賽後能在最舒適的環境休息。在餐飲方面,酒店亦按照不同球隊的飲食習慣,為她們提供最適合的餐飲,務求讓球員能攝取充足的營養以應付緊湊的賽事。「2013澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽」澳門站將是郎平重新執掌國家隊後的首個國際大賽,郎平抵達「銀河酒店」時表示:「這次是我自2007年後首次到澳門,真的很高興。由於球隊只集訓了一個星期,所以今次賽事我們會以賽代練,為今年接踵而來的賽事做好準備。」「2013澳門銀河娛樂世界女排大獎賽」將於周五揭開戰幔,中國女排將會率先迎戰保加利亞,第二天賽事與古巴對壘,周日的對手則是荷蘭。有關賽事的最新情況,可瀏覽澳門體育發展局網頁.sport.gov.mo 或登入銀娛網頁.galaxyentertainment.com。新蒲崗迷你倉
- Jul 30 Tue 2013 15:11
Herrera Beutler delivers prematurely, baby OK
Source: The Columbian, Vancouver, Wash.迷你倉庫July 29--Congresswoman Jaime Herrera Beutler delivered her baby earlier this month, and doctors are considering the baby to likely be the first to survive a diagnosis previously considered fatal.Herrera Beutler and her husband, Daniel Beutler, welcomed their daughter, Abigail Rose Beutler, at 3:13 a.m. July 15 at Legacy Emanuel Medical Center in Portland. Abigail weighed 2 pounds 12 ounces at birth.While in utero, Abigail was diagnosed with Potter's Syndrome, a condition associated with a deficiency in amniotic fluid often caused by a baby's prenatal kidney failure. In Abigail's case, absence of the kidneys resulted in a complete absence of amniotic fluid in the womb, which is critical to lung development, according to a news release from Herrera Beutler's office.Babies born with the condition typically suffer from severely underdeveloped lungs and are unable to breathe once outside of the womb.Multiple doctors told Herrera Beutler and her husband that, based on medical evidence, Abigail's condition was incompatible with life and if she survived to term, she would be unable to breathe and live only moments after birth."The options we were offered were termination or 'expectant management,' that is, waiting for her to die," Herrera Beutler said in a Facebook announcement. "Instead, we chose to pray earnestly for a miracle."Delivered pre-term at 28-weeks gestation -- full term pregnancy is 38 to 40 weeks -- Abigail is believed to be the first baby on record with the condition to breathe sustainably on her own, according to the news release.Herrera Beutler, 34, received the diagnosis during her second trimester of pregnancy. Upon learning the news, she and her husband found a team of specialized physicians at The Johns Hopkins Hospital in Baltimore. There, Herrera Beutler underwent serial amnioinfusion, a relatively uncommon treatment in which a saline solution is injected into the womb in the place of amniotic fluid."Through the outreach of a parent who had faced a similar situation, we found a group of courageous and hopeful doctors at Johns Hopkins who were willing to try a simple, but unproven treatment by amnioinfusion," Herrera Beutler and her husband said in the news release."Every week for five weeks, doctors injected saline into the womb to give Abigail's lungs a chance to develop. With each infusion we watched via ultrasound as Abigail responded to the fluid by moving, swallowing and 'practice breathing.' The initial lack of fluid in the womb caused pressure on her head and chest, but over the course of the treatment we were able to watch them reform to their proper size and shape. Her feet, which were clubbed in early ultrasounds, straightened," they said. "There was no way to know if this treatment would be effective or to track lung development, but with hearts full of hope, we put our trust in the Lord and continued to p儲存ay for a miracle."After the fifth infusion, Herrera Beutler went into pre-term labor while at home in Washington. Abigail was delivered four days later with fully developed lungs, according to the news release.Without functioning kidneys, Abigail was still critically at risk, however, and required immediate peritoneal dialysis under intensive care. At 16 hours old, Abigail was transported to Lucile Packard Children's Hospital at Stanford University in Palo Alto, Calif. She had surgery the next day and began dialysis immediately after, according to the news release."The first doctors we encountered told us that dialysis or transplant were not possible," Herrera Beutler and her husband said. "No local hospital was prepared to perform the procedure necessary -- peritoneal dialysis -- on a baby so small. Johns Hopkins was willing, but too far to transport. After a day of searching, we found a team at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital who were 'happy to have her.'""Despite Abigail's prematurity, small size and life-threatening disease, she is doing well," said Dr. Louis Halamek, neonatologist at Packard Children's and professor of neonatal and developmental medicine at the Stanford School of Medicine. "Together with our colleagues in pediatric nephrology, we are cautiously optimistic about her future.""This case is unprecedented," said Dr. Jessica Bienstock, a professor of maternal-fetal medicine in the Department of Gynecology and Obstetrics at the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine who led the Hopkins team that performed the serial amnioinfusions. "It would be premature to say bilateral renal agenesis should always be treated using serial amnioinfusion, but this suggests it can be part of the conversation when that is the diagnosis. Hopefully science will evolve to the point where we will be able to save babies with this defect. But so far this is just one isolated case whose ultimate outcome is still unknown."Abigail is currently active, stable and breathing on her own at Lucile Packard Children's Hospital. Abigail will require ongoing dialysis and an eventual transplant."We are grateful to the doctors and nurses in Baltimore, Vancouver, Portland and California who, like us, were not willing to accept the fatal diagnosis, but were willing to fight for the impossible," Herrera Beutler and her husband said. "We are grateful to the thousands who joined us in praying for a miracle. But most of all, we are grateful to God for hearing those prayers."For more information on Abigail's specific case, to access photos of the family at Packard Children's or to see full statements from Herrera Beutler and Buetler, The Johns Hopkins Hospital and Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, visit .crosbyvolmer.com/jhbeutler.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) Visit The Columbian (Vancouver, Wash.) at .columbian.com Distributed by MCT Information Services新蒲崗迷你倉
- Jul 30 Tue 2013 13:51
Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Michael Hunt column
Source: Milwaukee Journal SentinelJuly 29--I've been around these parts long enough to have covered or seen Robin Yount's 3,000 hit, a couple of Packers Super Bowl titles, a handful of Rose Bowls, the Bucks' run within a game of the NBA Finals, two Brewers playoffs, Final Four appearances by Marquette and Wisconsin, the Mark Chmura trial and the divisive summer of Favre.儲存倉A whole lot of sporting history has gone down in Wisconsin these last two decades, memorable, infamous and otherwise, but nothing has quite matched the pathos, the outrage, national impact and the historical significance of the rise and fall of Ryan Braun.Even with the passage of eight days to let some of the raw emotion subside, I'm still astounded at how strange, sad and precedent-setting Braun's case continues to be.After spending a weekend with the Brewers in Denver, I came away convinced that Braun confided his secret to none of his teammates. That suspicion was reflected in the measured, insightful words of Zack Greinke, who said the closer Braun got to anyone, the more he used them.It also became apparent that Braun's farewell address to his teammates a week ago Monday included no emotion, no apology, no explanation, just a see-ya next spring.How could that be? If there was ever a time for contrition, that would have been it. But again, Braun again chose arrogance over humility.What I saw during the first road trip after Braun's suspension was a hurt, saddened and betrayed clubhouse.Everyone thought they knew Braun when, in truth, no one knew the guy.Supposedly Braun's best friend, Packers quarterback Aaron Rodgers, had some insight into his restaurant partner. But Braun fooled him like he fooled everyone else. By the time Rodgers offered his candid and admirable words, he had to get in the back of a long line people Braun had cunningly misled.His owner, general manager, manager, teammates and fans believed him. At first I believed him. We迷你倉沙田were all played for suckers. Even then, the backlash against Braun would not have been as severe had he not thrown innocents under the bus during his sanctimonious, convincing spring training speech last year.No one wants to be made the fool, which leads us to the other remarkable, unprecedented byproduct of the Braun scandal.Never, at least in my memory, have other players so viciously turned on one of their own. MLB's rank-and-file's harsh criticism of Braun has been more widespread, pointed, severe and judgmental toward a peer than at maybe any other in baseball history.That, of course, is very good for Bud Selig's game. By making Braun an outcast, they have circled the wagons around the commissioner's get-tough drug policy. Finally, thanks in part to Braun, there is something approaching consensus on performance-enhancing drugs from the players and the union. That advancement alone makes the Braun story one of the biggest to ever come out of Wisconsin.Taking another positive from this lamentable tale, it was good to see how Rodgers freely and sincerely spoke his mind without being controlled by public-relations people.I had expected a PR guy to announce that Rodgers would only take football-related questions at the risk of ending his first training-camp interview. Instead, his comments on what seems to be his former pal were heartfelt and genuine and human, standing in stark contrast to Braun's cold and heartless words.Goodness knows Braun's high-powered Hollywood handlers have botched this situation, but maybe they, too, felt betrayed by their client.Could there have been one person Braun confided in during the last year and a half? To maybe say that, "Hey, I had these nagging injuries and we were in a pennant race"?If not, this story gets even weirder.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel Visit the Milwaukee Journal Sentinel at .jsonline.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉價錢
- Jul 30 Tue 2013 13:49
Another death linked to Legionnaires' disease at Pittsburgh VA
Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteJuly 29--The death of a Delmont man in November 2011, after contracting Legionnaires' disease that was initially dismissed by the federal Centers of Disease Control and Prevention as not being part of the Pittsburgh Veterans Affairs outbreak, may have begun there after all, according to interviews and documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette.mini storageMost significantly, a spokesman at Forbes Regional Hospital said in a statement that the hospital is convinced that Frank "Sonny" Calcagno, 85, a Navy veteran who died Nov. 23, 2011, at Forbes, did not contract Legionnaires' there, as the CDC and the Pittsburgh VA believed."When looking at the full picture surrounding the case over time, however, including Forbes water test results and the lack of any other legionella cases, it is clear that this patient was not exposed to legionella at Forbes," spokesman Dan Laurent wrote in an email.The only other place Calcagno stayed in the weeks before he was diagnosed with the disease at Forbes was at the Pittsburgh VA.If that is the case, that would make Calcagno the sixth veteran to die shortly after contracting the disease during the VA outbreak in 2011 and 2012. After a 2-month-long investigation, the CDC in February determined that 22 men were sickened and five of them died during the outbreak at the Pittsburgh VA.But it found that another 11 veterans -- including Calcagno -- who had been patients at the Pittsburgh VA and had Legionnaires' at some point, contracted the waterborne disease outside of the Pittsburgh VA.The Pittsburgh VA's chief of staff, Ali Sonel, said the VA relied on the CDC's investigation -- which also involved staff from the Allegheny County Health Department and the Pennsylvania Department of Health -- in determining where all of the identified patients contracted Legionnaires'. He referred questions on that issue to the CDC.A CDC spokeswoman, Alison Patti, said officials at the CDC were too busy with other projects to comment this week.Calcagno's daughter, Debbie Balawejder, 58, of Monroeville, wasn't surprised to hear others say now that her dad contracted Legionnaires' at the Pittsburgh VA.She recalled that last November, after the Pittsburgh VA publicly revealed that it was dealing with an outbreak, "I was watching the news and when I heard about these people at the Pittsburgh VA dying from it, I turned to my husband and said, 'I know that's where he got it.' "Calcagno's longtime girlfriend, Becky Krezan, 75, who lived with him for the past 30 years, said no one at Forbes ever bothered to say where they thought Calcagno was infected.Calcagno's case appears to have been inadvertently dismissed as not being part of Pittsburgh VA outbreak because of a simple mistaken date.During a review of Calcagno's case, the CDC investigators determined that the date of "onset" -- that is, when he first began showing symptoms of Legionnaires' -- was on Nov. 5, 2011, according to the case review documents obtained by the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette from the VA through a Freedom of Information Act request.To determine the earliest possible date that a patient might have first contracted the disease, the CDC typically counts backward from the onset date by a full 10 days. But for this investigation, the CDC used a wider response time of 14 days.Counting back from Nov. 5 put the earliest possible date of infection on Oct. 22 -- the second full day that Calcagno was a patient at Forbes.But in another portion of the case review, the CDC investigator wrote that he was "admitted to Forbes Regional 10/21/2011 and + on 11/5/2011." That positive sign refers to Calcagno testing positive for Legionnaires' on that date.It would be unusual for a patient to show the first onset oself storage symptoms, be diagnosed, tested and have a test result come back the same day.The CDC's own list of the 32 possible Pittsburgh VA Legionnaires' cases shows that the time between onset and diagnosis -- which is typically the day a test result is returned -- can be as much as 10 days.Forbes would not provide a date that they believe Calcagno first began showing symptoms.His family says he began having a cough in the last days at the Pittsburgh VA, and it worsened after he got to Forbes on Oct. 20. (The Pittsburgh VA says he was admitted to Forbes on Oct. 21 but the family says he was admitted on Oct. 20, the same day he left the Pittsburgh VA because he had been having health problems. He had been at the VA since Aug. 28 -- during the beginning of the worst parts of the outbreak of Legionnaire's disease.)Sometime at about the end of his first week at Forbes, Mrs. Balawejder said she noticed her father's cough getting worse and that he had developed a fever, and she asked the doctors and nurses about it and was told: "Oh, that's just from his pneumonia."Legionnaires' is a potentially lethal form of pneumonia that is caused by the bacterium Legionella. It is transmitted by water, typically when a patient inhales the infected water into their lungs while showering or bathing.For younger, healthier people who contract it, Legionnaires' typically is not fatal. But for older, immune compromised patients like Calcagno, the CDC estimates that the percentage who die after contracting it can be as high as 30 percent -- which is about the percentage of Pittsburgh VA patients who died after contracting it there in 2011 and 2012.Experts say, however, that if the correct antibiotics are given to patients soon after infection, the disease can be cured, even in immune-compromised patients.Forbes says that Calcagno received antibiotics after being diagnosed with Legionnaires' and was in recovery when other issues worsened.But part of Mrs. Balawejder's and Ms. Krezan's anger is that they said they were never told that Calcagno had contracted Legionnaires' until a week before he died.Her father's doctor at Forbes, Palaniappan Muthappan, merely mentioned it one day as if Mrs. Balawejder had known for a while."I told him, 'No one told us that.' And he said, 'Well, it's on the chart,' like it had been there a long time," Mrs. Balawejder said. "Well, I don't read the chart."Her father had a series of other physical problems -- heart and liver problems, as well as thrush in his mouth and throat that made eating and drinking difficult -- that also contributed to his death.Before he entered the Pittsburgh VA on Aug. 28, 2011, because he had been feeling delirious from the anti-anxiety drugs, "he was fine," Mrs. Balawejder said."He was still driving himself, still paying his bills on his own, still working at Shop n' Save," she said, referring to his full-time job bagging groceries and stocking shelves at the Holiday Park grocery store.The Pittsburgh VA doctors helped treat some of his underlying problems, including fluid in his lungs, during a seven-week stay there.He made so much progress that near the end of his nearly two-month stay at the VA, Mrs. Balawejder said his doctor told her: "Your dad has at least five good years left in him."That was before he contracted the Legionnaires'.After he died, Dr. Muthappan ruled that the immediate cause of his death was respiratory failure, with underlying causes of pneumonia aspiration and renal failure. There is no mention of Legionnaires' on the death certificate.Sean D. Hamill: shamill@post-gazette.com or 412-263-2579.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉