友達 群創 營收小減0.7%、2% 友達(2409)9月營收368.97億元,存倉月減0.7%,累計第3季營收1070.81億元,季減4.7%。9月大尺寸面板出貨量1005萬片,中小尺寸出貨量1493萬片,合計第3季大尺寸出貨量2933萬片,中小尺寸出貨量4408萬片。另外群創(3481)9月營收323.93億元,月減2%,第3季營收972.17億元,季減12.8%,表現低於市場預期。范中興 億光 營收24億再創新高 LED封裝廠(2393)億光9月營收24.12億元,以約200萬元的差距,再創單月營收新高,不僅較去年同期大幅成長48.1%,也是連續第3個月單月新高。億光表示,主因LED照明需求持續成長,包括台灣LED路燈標案入帳,另外之前購併的德國照明廠WOFI效益也從8月起開始認列。合計億光第3季單季營收為70.1億元,季增率17.4%,同創單季新高。李宜儒 華寶 營儲存50億 月增12.6% 華寶(8078)9月合併營收達50.19億元,較8月的44.54億元成長12.6%,年增率高達91.18%,創去年5月來新高。法人表示,華寶9月營收走高主要來自聯想急單,但10~11月在諾基亞訂單下修後,12月可能會微幅下滑。華寶先前曾表示,受惠智慧手機需求推升,預期今年營收與去年持平,約在250億元,明年可望倍增500億元,2015年持續成長。陳俐妏 台灣大 前3季EPS4.47元居冠 電信3雄前3季獲利成績出爐,台灣大(3045)以EPS(Earnings Per Share,每股純益)4.47元穩居第1名,中華電(2412)3.93元居次,遠傳(4904)2.79元。若以前3季EPS財測達成率來看,以中華電81%最高。其中行動業務營收、智慧手機銷售仍是各家業者主要營運動能,台灣大9月手機銷售年增42%至14.29億元,中華電年增57%。劉煥彥迷你倉

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生活,mini storage總是被這樣那樣天衣無縫的意外所限制起來。比如深夜時分突然接到出差任務,比如趕機場半路上猛發現駕照遺落家中,比如出租車司機大佬忽然良心發現,對其只開慢車的菜鳥身份供認不諱……但假如以上灑狗血劇情,全為趕一場美曰“闖過界”的雷克薩斯C T 200h藏地之旅,那麼,所謂的意外皆可視為幸福的栽贓構陷。當親朋好友尚沉醉在國慶長假前的最後倒數時,我已經勒緊褲腰帶擠進經濟艙飛奔北京,準備駕著雷克薩斯C T 200h唱一曲《拉薩謠》。不遠千里,只為看拉薩一眼葛大爺在《讓子彈飛》中說:“你帶著老婆,出了城,吃著火鍋還唱著歌,突然就被麻匪劫了……”9月22日清晨,我們駕著C T 200h,沒來得及出城,欣賞著漫天霧霾還打著瞌睡,突然就說堵車了,這算是首都少有的免門票景點吧。但城市的喧囂暫可拋諸腦後,法國詩人蘭波說“生活在別處”。離開草原鋼城包頭,往西南走百余公里便是位於庫布其沙漠腹地的七星湖沙漠旅遊景區,通過發展沙漠生態旅遊來保護生態環境,與雷克薩斯在節能環保造車理念有異曲同工之妙,對我而言,能讓世界美好那麼一點點,其實就是一件了不起的事情,關鍵在於您是已經行動,還是僅僅掛在嘴邊?告別沙漠,途經銀川、西寧,我們來到了青海湖畔,湖邊的荒草野花已被秋風刷黃,冰涼的湖面上零星點綴著幾只體態豐盈的水鳥,三五成群的觀光客拿著傻瓜相機比著剪刀手留影,我們瑟縮著回到湖邊的小木屋,煮茶聊天直抵深夜。自迷你倉拉薩的路,忘不了翌日,雷克薩斯車隊沿著環湖南路駛入109國道,沿途不時碰到騎摩托車、自行車甚至徒步進藏的驢友,假如不期而遇,請您別忘了向他們揮手加油。9月28日凌晨5點,我們打著哈欠摸黑上路,途經青海可可西里國家級自然保護區沱沱河保護站和心馳神往的唐古拉山(海拔5231米),從清晨至日暮,在高原上前行800余公里路程,甫到那曲住地筆者便高燒倒床,度過沒供暖沒電熱毯沒熱水供應的艱難一夜(還是當地最好的酒店呢)。“走過的路依呀都忘記了,嗯哎都忘記了,只有依來呀回家的路忘不了,回家的路忘不了,去過的地方依呀都忘記了,嗯哎都忘記了,只有拉薩忘不了,拉薩忘不了……”從那曲趕往拉薩的路上,聽著朱哲琴的《拉薩謠》,想起了兩年前自己單槍匹馬借道崎嶇坎坷的318國道直闖西藏未遂(後改道去了雲南),這回總算是“修成正果”。抵步拉薩,抬頭望天有點刺眼,卻有我喜歡的藍。12天旅程,其實不過是一甲子的片刻而已,即便短暫,如若精彩不妨銘記。●時間:9月22日上午8點- 9月29日下午6點●全程時間:12天●總行程:逾4000公里●出發地:首都北京●目的地:西藏拉薩●座駕:雷克薩斯C T 200h(車隊共17輛車,含E S 300h和G X 460) ●路線:廣州→北京→包頭(內蒙古)→七星湖沙漠生態旅遊區(內蒙古)→西寧(青海)→青海湖(青海)→格爾木(青海)→那曲(西藏)→拉薩(西藏)→廣州(終點)文件倉

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 【本報記者黃志政台中報導】台中市西屯區日租套房「逢甲house」違法營業,迷利倉今年被台中市政府觀光旅遊局裁罰三次並勒令禁止營業,但業者仍繼續違規營業,觀光旅遊局9日上午會同警方及市府相關單位到現場強制斷水斷電,貫徹阻絕「日租套房」非法經營之決心。 位在西屯區至善路上的「逢甲house」是一棟三樓透天厝,業者向屋主承租後對外營業,但並未申請旅館業登記,屬違法營業,遭人檢舉,觀光旅遊局今年5、7、8月分別裁罰9萬元,並勒令業者停業,但業者置若罔聞,繼續違規營業。 觀光旅遊局9日上午會同警方、都市發展局、經濟發展局、消防局、環保局、自來水公司、台電等一行2、30人到現場強制執行斷水斷電,過程順利平和,展現維護民眾旅宿安全的公權力。 觀光旅遊局指出,「日租套房」是近幾年興起的一種旅宿型態,大多混雜隱藏在商業大樓或集合住宅中,假藉「民宿」之名或是登記為「租賃業」,實質上卻是經營旅館業務。依民宿管理辦法,民宿設置有地區的限制,在本市自存倉會區見到的「民宿」皆屬非法,而以不動產租賃登記,卻以「日租」或「週租」方式經營,實屬於旅館營業行為,應依法取得旅館業登記證才能營業。 目前台中市的日租套房大概有數十家,觀光旅遊局從100年至目前為止,裁罰案件有96件,共裁罰900多萬元。日租套房以逢甲及一中商圈居多,在網路上行銷,吸引年輕族群入住。 觀光旅遊局表示,日租套房的房價並未比合法旅宿業便宜,但消防、建管及衛生都未經檢查,而且沒有投保公共意外險,對旅客完全沒有保障,透過網路交易也易生消費糾紛。 市府觀光旅遊局已將「日租套房」列入重點專案取締對象,除主動上網搜尋違法「日租套房」網站,倘發現疑似違規經營旅館業務,將進行裁罰並要求業者撤除違規廣告禁止營業。 另針對民眾透過市長信箱、局長信箱、1999服務專線等管道檢舉「日租套房」案件,該局除立即上網蒐集相關事證外,市府相關單位將進行聯合檢查,並追查有無逃漏稅,業者違規經營的部分,市府相關單位也將依法處罰,並拆除違規設備。迷你倉

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迷你倉 cqcbepaper.cqnews.net/cqcb/html/2013-10/10/content_1682393.htm...APP推薦> 用手機K歌 可自我欣賞也可與人PK 一部手機,就是一個人的KTV。它附帶上千首經典曲目,除了提供伴奏外,還同步提供了對應的歌詞...mini storage

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But the Hong Kong Journalists Association was unimpressed, reiterating that it was completely unacceptable for the Apec summit organisers to bar the journalists just because they questioned Aquino.儲存SCMP, October 8Isaw the video and I think the journalists’ association should cool off on this one. Whether or not the Apec people over-reacted in response, the reporters who shouted “questions” at Philippine President Benigno Aquino on Sunday at the Apec meeting in Bali were out of line.The video gave the distinct impression that they were deliberately baiting Aquino, particularly one man who shouted, “So you’re ignoring the Hong Kong people, right?” It was the kind of comment you would expect on an American trash television show where everyone is rude, the host most of all.It also shows up from time to time in media scrums here at home and the fact that the association did not seem to think it unusual is good evidence of how extensive press freedom really is in this town.But is not the sort of thing to which journalism in Hong Kong should sink at international meetings.The rudeness stands out in this case because it was not so much directed at Aquino as at the elected president of a country of 100 million people, who was appearing in his official capacity. It is the office that matters here, more than the man, and the office deserves a measure of respect.I have in mind US president Harry Truman’s recollection of ticking off general Douglas MacArthur for deliberately coming late to a meeting: “I said, ‘Now you look here … I don’t give a good [profanity] what you do or think about Harry Truman but don’t you ever again keep your commander-in-chief waiting. Is that clear?’”The point is a particularly telling one in this case because many Filipinos suspect Hong Kong people of racism towards them. Whether this is a valid suspicion I shall leave others to debate but it certainly doesn’t help matters to have representatives of the Hong Kong media address the president of the Philippines as if he were迷你倉the family house boy.This is offensive to the entire population of the Philippines. In these circumstances, Hong Kong people would do best to be even more circumspect than they ordinarily are about what they say. Let’s not fan this flame.To put it in further perspective, try to imagine what would have happened if these reporters had addressed the president of China in the same manner. We would all have been shrivelled up in the rage that would have come blasting out of Beijing.I accept that many people are still unhappy with the official Philippine response to the murders in 2010 of eight Hong Kong people on that tourist bus in Manila. It was a horrible affair and perhaps the Philippine government could have done more to say “we’re sorry”.Then again, we all recognise the Philippines in a general way as a land of music, laughter and charming people but also of occasional acts of extreme violence and delusion. No one ever said it is one of the world’s safest places to visit and it is not entirely the fault of the Philippine government that things are so. We can as easily blame the church, Spanish conquistadors and American colonialism.In my opinion, our previous chief executive, Donald Tsang Yam-kuen, did not help matters by stirring up feelings when he would have done better to soothe them. In any case, it is time now to leave this dreadful incident behind us.And where the journalists’ association is concerned, my worry is that its credit with the public in complaints about press freedom is limited and it should be careful not to spend that credit in too profligate a manner. I do not like to see it reacting to an incident of inexcusable rudeness in Bali with an intensity of protest that it should reserve for real infractions of press freedom.These people in Bali were out of line and properly rapped across the knuckles for it. Let the association save its ire for public officials who jail journalists for publishing unwelcome truths and who black out unfavourable news.jake.vanderkamp@scmp.comself storage

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self storage 十一黃金周期間,青島茶山風景區推出了環保新招,遊客只要在景區內撿到一定數量的垃圾,比如15個煙頭,就可以獲得價值50元的門票一張。這樣一來,不僅遊客的環保意識提高了,景區的環境也得到了保證。迷利倉

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今年1月23日,迷你倉合江縣堯壩古鎮鄉村千畝濕地公園項目簽約儀式在合江縣政府常務會議室舉行,10月,迎來了濕地公園簽約儀式後的第一個旅遊黃金周,千畝濕地公園以及萬畝生態觀光園等旅遊項目在堯壩黨委和政府積極推動下,各項工作有條不紊地展開。在黨委政府一班人共同努力下,濕地公園和萬畝生態觀光園項目的丈量工作完成90%,上游水壩動工,確定安置房選址位置,完成安置房戶型圖、效果圖、總平面設計,安置房方案通過調整,完成土地流轉的62.07%;與西南大學科技中心專家簽訂合同,正在加緊制定萬畝生態觀光園規劃,功能分區圖的設計已初步完成,完mini storage50口蓄水池、10公里渠系、5公里公路建設,定植荔枝40000株,殘次林改造1500畝;堯壩鎮仿古包裝的規劃設計已全面�動。不僅如此,堯壩政府還積極投入和協調“古鎮風貌包裝及保護性修繕還原”工作。截至2013年7月,古鎮景區共接待遊客4萬人次,實現旅遊經濟綜合收入800多萬元,與上年同期相比分別上升5%和10%。據瞭解,堯壩古鎮鄉村濕地公園項目的建成使用,將大大提升和完善堯壩古鎮旅遊功能,對推動該縣及周邊地區經濟發展,加快推進生態文明建設,為實現全縣“工業強縣、物流活縣、旅遊興縣”發展戰略目標提供了難得的契機。(黃雲龍)儲存

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ATLANTA, Oct.mini storage 9, 2013 /PRNewswire-iReach/ -- Today Kevy announced their new bi-directional cloud integration platform. This type of cutting-edge integration has yet to be introduced to the market and will enable customers to sync data back-and-forth between cloud apps. Bi-directional capability is a significant development in cloud integration that opens up a gateway to more advanced business automation.(Photo: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131009/MN93967)A recent study found that 81% of business managers believe it is important that cloud applications are fully integrated with each other and other software in their organizations. Unfortunately, most cloud applications today exist in silos, causing data to be fragmented and limited. Without integration, businesses are unable to take full advantage of each cloud investment because their cloud apps cannot 'talk' to each other.With Kevy's recent release of bi-directional integration, customers now have the flexibility to make their disparate apps act as one powerful, unified system."What we have created is unique in the market. No one else offers a plug-and-play system that allows customers to sync data uni-directional or bi-directional at a field-by-field level. This is a very powerful advancement that will transform the world of business and cloud-based software." - Ed Trimble, Co-founder, President of Kevy.Bi-directional syncing enables customizable integration between CRM, eCommerce, Social, Marketing Automation, Email Marketing and other cloud apps.The key to Kevy's success is in its balance of sophisticated technology and ease of use. Kevy's plug-and-play platform allows anyone (even those without any technical knowledge) to set up integrations between their cloud apps in 10 minutes or less."The uses are profound - from儲存creating more streamlined lead qualification systems between Marketing and Sales to running more effective email marketing campaigns based on eCommerce data, we are giving our customers the ability to take full advantage of their cloud investments." - David Cummings, CEO and Co-founder of Kevy.While this powerful integration capability will save customers both time and money, the true value comes in unlocking the full potential of each cloud app. With Kevy, customers will be able to:-- Automatically sync data back-and-forth between cloud apps -- Create uni-directional or bi-directional integrations at a field-by-field level -- Establish work-rules for data flow for more advanced business automationKevy believes in making life a little simpler for our customers and that integration can help do just that. By giving people easy access to better information and allowing them to spend more time on their core business, Kevy's goal is to help customers do their jobs well. For more information on bi-directional integration, partners or available integrations visit Kevy.com or contact Kevy at info@kevy.com.About Kevy:Kevy's mission is to make data accessible through simple, effective cloud integrations. Kevy's plug-and-play platform makes it fast and easy for customers to automatically sync data between Email Marketing, eCommerce, Marketing Automation, CRM, Social and other cloud apps. Visit Kevy.com or contact us at info@kevy.com to learn more about our cloud integrations and which cloud apps you can connect today.Media Contact: Brooke Beach, Kevy, 404-625-0687, brooke.beach@kevy.comNews distributed by PR Newswire iReach: https://ireach.prnewswire.comPhoto: photos.prnewswire.com/prnh/20131009/MN93967PRN Photo Desk, photodesk@prnewswire.comKevyWeb site: .kevy.com/迷你倉

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China’s navigation system industry is expected to be producing revenue of 400 billion yuan (US$64.mini storage5 billion) by 2020 with global satellite coverage, wide civilian use and convergence of mobile devices, the industry regulator said yesterday.The homegrown Beidou navigation system is currently mainly used by the military and industries such as mapping, land resources and water conservation. In the long term, it is expected to help break the monopoly of GPS, the global positioning system developed by the United States.By 2020, the Beidou Navigation Satellite System will be adopted by more than 60 percent of navigation systems in the domestic market, according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology.“Many countries (Russia, Europe, Japan and India) have developed their own navigation systems to replace the US-developed GPS step by step,” the ministry said. “Navigation has become more integrated with mobile c儲存mmunications, the Internet and finally people’s daily lives.”Beidou is expected to achieve full-scale global coverage by 2020 with the aid of an array of 35 satellites, and the government is planning policies that will support the homegrown system.Since 2000, Beidou has provided services for China’s government and military users in transport, weather forecasts, fishing, forestry, telecommunications, hydrological monitoring and mapping.The Beidou system began serving civilian users in China and surrounding regions in the Asia-Pacific at the end of last year, as it sought to capture a share of the GPS-dominated market. Beidou will gradually be used in applications such as car navigation and be featured in phones and tablet computers.Last month, a Beidou system with improved accuracy was officially launched in Shanghai.In June, the city said it would invest 190 million yuan in building infrastructure for the Beidou system. 迷你倉

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Source: Pittsburgh Post-GazetteOct.迷你倉 09--A group that advocates for public transit riders has raised questions about a proposal to remove buses from the center of Downtown Pittsburgh, saying it puts the interests of a few businesses ahead of "the greater good of the entire community."The group, Pittsburghers for Public Transit, also is demanding public involvement in any plan to reroute buses, community organizer Helen Gerhardt said Tuesday. "We're going to make sure that we are very vocal and very involved every step of the way," she said.The group is concerned about a proposal embraced by Allegheny County Executive Rich Fitzgerald and the likely next mayor of Pittsburgh, city Councilman Bill Peduto, to create a bus-free zone in the center of the Golden Triangle. Bus routes would be moved out toward the fringes of Downtown.Mr. Peduto said he envisions a circular route pattern using wider streets toward the edges of Downtown rather than having buses coming from four different directions and turning around in the middle of town.Mr. Fitzgerald reiterated Tuesday that planning for such a change is in its very early stages."There are some discussions about how to put a plan together but there is no plan," he said. "There will be public participation, absolutely. I think people are getting the wrong idea that this is going to happen imminently and they'll have no input."Pittsburghers for Public Transit, which says it has nearly 6,000 supporters who have signed up for email and phone alerts about transit issues, said in an email that "precedence should not be given to the few businesses that have called for removal of bus stops in front of their establishments, when the greater good of the entire community should be our first public priority."The email had statements self storagerom a lawyer who represents disabled people; the head of the transit workers union; and others who raised concerns about shifting bus routes.Paul O'Hanlon, member of the Committee for Accessible Transportation and staff attorney with the Disability Rights Network, said "any proposed changes must work for everyone, not only a few, not o nly the able-bodied.""These kinds of changes started with the fancy shops at Fifth and Market upset about the young (and often mostly black) bus riders waiting in front of their shops," said the transit group's Mel Packer. "And so the stop was eliminated ... Is this the kind of 'progressive' city that Fitzgerald and Peduto envision?"Steve Palonis, president of Local 85, Amalgamated Transit Union, said drivers should be consulted about any changes."We've seen too many past attempts to validate such proposals with 'outside consultants' in the name of 'efficiency,' without consulting the highly trained drivers who know the operation of the system the best," he said.Mr. Fitzgerald said removal of buses from Market Square in 2008 has succeeded in increasing the square's vibrancy. "I think most people would concur that the Market Square model has been successful," he said.Addressing the allegation that the latest proposal is being driven by a handful of business interests, he said: "Nothing could be farther from the truth. This has huge support across all sectors -- riders, people who work in town, a cross-section of people."Jon Schmitz: jschmitz@post-gazette.com or 412-263-1868. Visit the PG's transportation blog, The Roundabout, at .post-gazette.com/Roundabout. Twitter: @pgtraffic.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette Visit the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette at .post-gazette.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷利倉

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