科技導向型發展歷來是經濟增長的重頭戲。日前,儲存中科院老專家廣州中心主任李運才接受南都記者採訪時建議,地方企業選項目,需要確立產業政策、科技含量等標準,重點衡量市場、原料、管理、資金、模式和生產等“6個啥”。不少世企協會會員反映,在項目選擇上面臨諸如專利保護、投資誤區等擔憂,國家能源委新能源專家組組長李俊傑就此向南都記者介紹,還有“8萬億”扶持政策添翼,國家重點項目的相關扶持政策信息,可幫助企業在選擇項目時適當加重權重。企業選項目,先弄清“6個啥”選擇好項目是區域經濟發展的重要手段,尤其是項目的質量決定了經濟發展的質量。一個好的項目需要科技作為其後盾,而項目的發展則支撐了經濟的發展。不少世界企業家協會會員單位直言,如何選擇科技項目不僅是企業家頭痛的問題,還是地方政府也十分關心的問題。日前“第十二屆世界華人企業家國慶招待會暨中外投融資項目合作洽談會”上,中科院老專家技術中心廣州中心主任李運才向南都記者透露,國家目前對12項重點項目給予支持,企業選擇可適度傾斜。在中科院老專家技術中心看來,好項目的條件就是“5+6”,即5個標準加6個要素。5個標準分別是產業政策、科技含量、市場容量、競爭能力、盈利模式,而6個要素則包括了市場、原料、管理、資金、模式和生產。而要想快速地通過這“5+6”來完成好項目的選擇,企業則可以通過找亮點、觀大勢、看同行、當買家、補缺陷、做論證這六步法來完成。不少世企協會會員透露,地方企業在選擇項目的時候有可能會遇到專利誤區、樣品誤區、榜樣誤區、獨家誤區、完美誤區、投資誤區等問題。對此,中科院老專家廣州中心主任李運才向南都記者建議,這就要弄清楚“6個啥”。一是拿來主義的“別人有啥咱要啥”,二是“有了靠山咱怕啥”,三是提倡老產品新特點的“市場開拓咱管啥”,四是不和農民競爭的“農民會啥別幹啥”,五是建議結合優勢資源的“地方有啥咱用啥”,最後一個是提醒我們好好利用政策的“黨讓幹啥就迷你倉啥”。“沒有競爭力的項目是沒有靈魂的項目,沒有優勢項目的經濟是蒼白的經濟”。李運才如是表示。那麼到底怎樣的項目才算是好項目?中科院老專家技術中心常務副主任魏立新向南都記者介紹,目前行業享有國家12項重點項目支持。其中包括無創血糖儀生產項目、腫瘤無損篩查裝備、經皮給藥緩釋微針貼劑、人造聚晶球狀金剛石生產項目、富硒農產品及連鎖總部合作項目、空氣健康新材料產業化項目、旅遊養生總部項目以及世界菜園項目等。“這些項目的特色、原理和創新點、市場分析、優勢、合作方式、合作目標等方面,都可以說是有很多亮點,有關行業在選擇創業或合作時應該重點傾斜。”魏立新表示。“8萬億”添翼有了“6個啥”,國家能源委新能源專家組組長李俊傑介紹,還有“8萬億”添翼,支持好項目帶動地方發展。李俊傑在會上介紹了國家重點項目的相關扶持政策信息,主要分為國家產業資金對市區縣的投資、大型企業對產業的投資、中小型企業對產業的投資和農業產業項目四部分。對新能源示範市這樣的市區縣項目,國家的補貼資金不低於兩個億。另外,目前中央各部委都有不少支持大型企業的項目,據瞭解這些項目的資金最低是兩千萬起步,高的話能達到兩億或以上。而國家中小企業發展專項資金,最高可以拿到300萬。有了“8萬億”的扶持,李運才建議的“6個啥”再添翼,“別人有啥咱要啥”,“有了靠山咱怕啥”。而對於一些對科研項目仍然感到困惑而無從下手的企業,李運才建議那些想瞭解中科院瞭解科研項目的企業家應大膽直接走進中科院,直面科學家。同時,據會務組副秘書長向南都記者介紹,會務組十年來平台促成的交易協議額達數百億元,本屆也有促成超過10億元的項目洽談。中科院老專家技術中心是一個以把科學技術轉化為生產力為宗旨的研發及服務平台,其研究項目的領域比較廣泛,囊括了自然科學的多個領域。到目前為止,中科院老專家技術中心在研項目15000個,每年結題4000-6000個。南都記者 陳琳琳 實習生 陳幸self storage

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周四港股早盤受上交所擬在自貿區借道推出國際板傳聞衝擊跳水,迷你倉午後上交所否認傳聞,但是港股依舊頹勢,收盤失守23000點關口。�生指數報22951點,跌82點,跌幅為0.36%,大市成交557.36億港元。周邊市況,華府提名耶倫(Janet Yellen)作為聯儲局主席候選人的消息穩定大市,道指反彈26點或0.18%。耶倫是市場呼聲甚高的強力人選,對於寬鬆貨幣政策的觀念也近似現任聯儲局主席伯南克。聯儲局公開會議紀錄,多數官員認為削減經濟刺激計劃規模較好。企業方面,Alcoa獲利表現優於市場預期,股價升2%。惠普預期公司明年收入可恢復穩定,股價升9%。大宗商品價格,油價下跌1.82%至101.61美元,金價下跌1.31%至1307.2美元。港股方面,繼續跑出的是風電股、環保股、電池股、建材股以及內房股。某程度上,板塊輪流炒的情況繼續開始,旁觀者必需時刻注意局勢發展。市場仍然由炒家主導,大市成交依然淡靜。由現在至到美國債務上限的死線倒數,還有中國將會公布經濟資料,可能會影響市場的方向。近期�指的走勢缺乏明顯的方向,一天升一天跌,這一周這種方式mini storage能會持續。企業消息,復星醫藥(02196)收購醫院作價似乎合理,當然還有帶來的協同效應。股價應會反應正面。四環(00460)的新藥被中國食品藥品監督管理局接納也會吸引投資者。莎莎(00178)及卓悅(00653)的黃金周銷售數字似乎令人失望,股價受壓。創維(00751)的股價受壓,公司公布的9月付運數字令人失望。昨天TCL通訊(02618)及TCL多媒體(01070)也公布數位,可以顯示整個行業都有些問題。儘管�指在23000點附近幾次都獲得了有力的支撐,不過由於各方面的隱憂仍在,因此�指短期仍難說轉強,行業方面受惠國策的環保,4G概念受到熱捧,短期投資者可以關注調整多日的高鐵概念股。個股推薦:北控水務(00371)是內地大型的水務集團,專注於供水、污水處理等核心業務和環保行業。獲益於污水及再生水處理以及建造綜合治理服務。國家大力推進環保政策,水務環保行業在國家產業政策的密集驅使下將迎來新一輪戰略發展機遇期,水價趨勢看漲,預期行業收益水準將會有所提升,同時行業競爭不斷在升級,併購整合加劇。給予目標價3.9元,止蝕價2.8元。□勝利證券高鵑儲存

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【記者呂淑姮台南報導】「今天是農曆9月初四,mini storage也是Alid阿立(祖靈)做生日,大家回來拜祖先,檳榔放在桌上是供品。」吉貝耍西拉雅耆老,86歲的李朱龍說著,坐在大公廨一旁,看許多族人晚輩來來去去。有的人問「哪邊還有檳榔可以拿來拜拜」、「供桌上的可不可以吃」,還有很多是學者帶著學生來學習、拍紀錄片。李朱龍說,可以吃的,大家來拜拜帶著檳榔很好,拜完可以跟大家分享,但拜完就不能再拿回去供桌上再拜一次。到了農曆9月初六,供桌上的祭品,非食用的就回歸自然;這邊指的不是丟棄垃圾桶,而是按照以往所做的方式置於田野回到自然。澤蘭 西拉雅的護身符大公廨正中央,供桌上擺滿了一種綠色的植物,插在小小的瓶子中。這種名為「澤蘭」的植物是祭祀時不可或缺的,也是吉貝耍西拉雅族人的護身符。一位陳姓女性長輩帶著家中幾個小孫女,到公廨來拜Alid阿立,拜完之後請部落祭司張明海為孫女們一一祈福。陳姓阿嬤拿出紅線穿過銅錢給祭司,由祭司手持澤蘭在公廨中向Alid阿立為小女孩們祈求平安;再讓阿嬤給孩子們掛上。陳姓阿嬤說,這是要給16 歲以下的小孩做的保佑。祭祀是儀式 也是回家在夜間祭儀尚未開始前,族中的耆老、祭司就在大公廨中,一方面協助族人處理各種事務,也跟好久不見的族親們招呼近況。誰家多了孫子女、誰家有喜事,或者誰身體狀況不好,誰搬遷或有困難。祭祀不只是一種典禮儀式,也是回家;Alid阿立儲存前三牲供品不缺,與後代族人同在。稍微得空,張明海坐在一旁的石凳上。他說,在吉貝耍西拉雅有這樣的傳統,對答機敏、才學品格獲得認可,才能坐在大公廨裡的石凳上。「祭司」這樣的職位有分男女,女性擔任者稱呼為「尪姨」,祭司和尪姨都是部落中對於傳統祭儀、文化熟知且被祖靈認可者。大公廨前方空地上,擺了許多豬公,這也是供奉的祭品。「拜豬還願」是夜祭中一個重要的過程,準備祭品的各家族人在祭點開始後,由祭司指揮,為祖靈敬酒。以牽曲作為夜祭結尾部落的mamuina、ina(阿嬤、媽媽)們牽起彼此的手繞成圓,在公廨前唱牽曲。這是過去很久一段時間不再唱的,因為怕被笑「番」;現在的年輕婦女們不會唱,得由長輩們帶著教導練習。祭司在此仍然扮演重要角色,牽曲的歌聲和舞步何時能停?當然並非由祭司或者其他人力來決定,而是祭司進入大公廨中請問祖靈,到了一定的時間點,才算完成整個夜祭。正名運動從不停歇凌晨3點,夜祭完成。族人黃政容和大家一起收東西搬上車載回部落學堂,全部忙完已經凌晨4點;雞鳴陣陣啼叫,準確恆定。黃政容笑說,還好,農忙時節那才叫累,現在還能在天徹底大亮前眯一下。果真,7點之前他就先去大公廨拜拜,到部落繞了一圈。黃政容說,割稻過後,田裡的空間加上部落學堂,大家跟推動正名的段洪坤一起,為部落想出延續文化、保護部落生態環境見學旅遊的方式。也讓更多人回來認同認識自己,找回自己的名。迷你倉

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 本港樓按市場受到不明朗因素影響,迷你倉表現遜色。根據金管局住宅按揭調查數據顯示,八月份新取用按揭貸款宗數按月減少4.6%至4,552宗,涉及金額則減少5.9%至114.76億元,創17個月新低,而新批按揭貸款宗數及金額錄得5,399宗及144.93億元,與七月份比較分別下跌12.1%及8.5%。 雖然發展商已適應《一手住宅物業銷售條例》,近月加快推盤,令一手成交量有所改善,然而二手業主減價空間有限,加上注意力被新盤市場分散,整體樓市成交步伐顯著拖慢。現階段政府表明無意為樓市撤招減辣,而市場亦憂慮美國退市,增添加息壓力,相信樓市成交難有大突破,料按市持續調整。一手物業比例急增 以中價樓為主 由於二手市場成交呆滯,但發展商積極推售新盤,而且銷情不俗,以致一、二手按揭走勢呈背馳。根據金管局數據顯示,八月份的新批按揭貸款當中,二手物業按揭貸款金額不但按月減少16.9%至只有98.57億元,self storage三個月新低,更跌至100億元以下水平,至於一手物業按揭貸款金額則按月攀升44.5%至16.44億元,另外,涉及轉按所批出的之貸款金額錄29.92億元,按月增加5%。值得注意的是,新盤比例按月急增,並以中價物業為主,故按揭成數備受限制,拖低按揭比率至54.4%,不過由於價格相對二手物業較高,因此帶動平均按揭貸款額按月增加10萬元至268萬元。 總結今年首八個月,新取用按揭貸款宗數及金額錄得42,059宗及1,126億元,與去年同期的47,213宗及1,145億元比較,表現相若。然而今年首八個月新批按揭貸款額及宗數則錄得50,882宗及1,392億元,較去年同期的66,889宗及1,704億元,分別下跌23.9%及18.3%,顯著倒退。筆者相信,在美國退市言論及本港房策內外夾擊的情況之下,入市氣氛淡靜,料按揭市場的規模將進一步縮減,調整勢頭暫難逆轉。劉圓圓 經絡按揭轉介首席經濟分析師迷利倉

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  • Oct 11 Fri 2013 08:07
  • 臺灣

企業懂得用引人入勝的方式行銷自己,儲存倉成為受歡迎的品牌,才能創造長久的利潤。各行各業不乏創意行銷。像新興品牌LINE利用貼圖行銷,以及老牌娛樂品牌迪士尼採取說故事方法,因為貼近觀眾的需求,成功地擄獲民眾的心。LINE於2011年正式在日本上線,全球目前約有2.3億用戶,台灣占了1,700萬人,提供17種語言版本。LINE大中華區事業部部長李仁植日前於第三屆30兩岸青年創新論壇中提到,LINE每天訊息發送量達70億,其中七分之一是貼圖,可見此通訊軟體在全球市場的人氣度。表情貼圖 財氣人氣滿點LINE受到歡迎的其中一個原因,是因為可愛活潑的表情貼圖。他說,用戶若不願用文字,即可採取貼圖表達心情,成為許多人聊天時不可或缺的工具,也拉近人與人之間的距離。LINE貼圖小舖中現在約有一萬多張圖片,李仁植笑著說,雖然台灣人都喜歡免費的貼圖,但是LINE的付費貼圖仍有1,000萬美元以上的收入,成為許多社群網站和行動通訊軟體爭相模仿的對象。可愛貼圖不只是用於溝通,更是企業拿來行銷的工具,LINE成功的基本條件是看清楚用戶的需求,確認做的事情是否滿足用戶需求,用短時間達到這麼大的成功,抓住使用者的需求和情境,台灣企業「千山淨水」正是利用貼圖行銷的最好例子。千山淨水販售的淨水器市占率高達70%,但因淨水器多半放置於辦公室或家中的角落,少有人留意品牌的名稱。為了提高品牌知名度,千山淨水在今年年初製作八張吉祥物貼圖,搭上過年時節,台灣有40%的用戶下載用來拜年,光是除夕當日即有800萬次發送,讓千山成為全民皆知的品牌,也被LINE總部選為全球最佳行銷案例之一。切中需求 拉近顧客距離「以審美角度來說,千山淨水的貼圖並沒有特別漂亮,精準地抓住用戶的需求是成功主因。」他指出,許多製作貼圖的企業,往往只在乎凸顯品牌形象和知名度,沒去思考圖案是否貼近用戶的需求和使用情境;貼圖做得再美,若用戶不知該在何種情境下使用,企業就無法達到行銷目的。除了LINE之外,迪士尼創辦人華特迪士尼(Walt Disney)擅長說故事的本領,打動許多大小朋友的心。他創造的米老鼠、高飛狗等卡通明星,更是風靡全世界,受歡迎迷你倉最平度歷久不衰。早期動畫《白雪公主》、《彼得潘》雖不是迪士尼原創的故事,當時運用最新科技讓這些經典故事呈現不同面貌,吸引大家的注意,獲得廣大迴響。華特迪士尼因為想帶孩子出去玩,卻不知道要去哪裡,加上40年代的美國遊樂園既髒又不安全,使他興起創造遊樂園的念頭,大人小孩都可以享受歡樂時光。於是,他打造了主題樂園,讓人們進入園區玩遊樂設施,最重要的是樂園植入精心布置的主題故事,參訪遊客都能融入其中。迪士尼樂園因懂得說故事,而且是用大家喜歡聽的方式去說,改變娛樂產業面貌。現在各地的迪士尼樂園,更成為全球遊客必訪的景點。創意行銷專家、現為香港迪士尼樂園娛樂事務及服裝總監利百為(David Lightbody)說,迪士尼樂園受歡迎的原因,是掌握吸引人的舞台、演員和觀眾三元素。華特迪士尼將樂園作為他說故事的舞台,遊客進入園區等於走進故事之中。迪士尼樂園也網羅世界各地有趣的好故事,以及大家喜愛的卡通角色,所打造的場景都是故事一部分,帶出另一個層次,引人入勝,使遊客相信角色們的存在。園區內的表演人員除了需要天分之外,演出時更要融入愛和熱情,傳承迪士尼多年來說故事的文化傳統,讓民眾擁有親身體驗的感受十分重要,創造身歷其境的故事環境,是迪士尼樂園成功的原因。夢想樂園 遊客走進故事利百為表示,一個小男孩因喜歡動畫電影《玩具總動員》,到迪士尼樂園看到演員扮演的卡通主角巴斯光年,立刻展露開心興奮的笑顏,實現他觸碰卡通人物的夢想,這個畫面讓他印象深刻。他說,迪士尼是創造和提供夢想的公司,擅長說故事,以及利用特別的活動展現創意。比如香港迪士尼樂園碼頭旁邊有燈塔,晚上他們將碼頭轉變為用餐的地方,傍著燈塔,室內、室外都別有一番氣氛;園內也舉辦活動讓卡通明星高飛狗和人們一起打太極拳,參與民眾都出乎意料之外。為了讓大家成為故事的一部分,迪士尼樂園連細節也照顧到了,主廚將食物化為故事,飲茶點心都以迪士尼卡通的角色呈現,讓人會心一笑,捨不得入口。「講故事有很多方式,因此安排細節很重要」。迪士尼利用說故事的創意,為遊客創造特別的故事體驗、LINE創造貼圖行銷,協助客戶提高品牌知名度。這兩個例子,值得台灣廠商參考。迷你倉

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  • Oct 11 Fri 2013 07:57
  • 臺灣


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迷你倉 有讀者今晨三時五十五分來電反映,3G手機從今晨三時二十分開始一直無法打通。◇self storage

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self storage bjrb.bjd.com.cn/html/2013-10/10/content_115008.htm...惠民文化消費季推電商博覽會 本報訊(記者 李紅豔)昨天,2013中國電子商務博覽會在北京國際會議中心開幕。作為首屆北京惠民文化消費季...迷利倉

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(瑞典 斯德哥爾摩9日訊)沒手機也沒電視機,mini storage住所也不接互聯網,提出本世紀第一個重大科學發現?“上帝粒子”的諾貝爾物理獎得主之一、英國愛丁堡大學名譽教授希格斯,竟過著令人驚訝的“低科技”生活。諾貝爾委員會表示,發佈得主前試圖聯繫希格斯,但所有電話號碼都沒有回應。據友人透露。希格斯性格害羞,在得獎名單公佈前已準備好避開傳媒,很多人想致電他訪問都不成功。至於是否因此延後1小時公佈名單,諾貝爾委員會不願評論。個性低調謙卑的希格斯得悉獲諾貝爾獎後,透過所屬的愛丁堡大學發表聲明,指獎項是對基礎科學的認同,也不邀功。據《星期日泰晤士報》報導,84歲的希格斯一週前在住所外跌倒,本周身體狀況一直很脆弱。比利時教授:遺憾拍檔無法分享與希格斯同獲殊榮的比利時布魯塞self storage自由大學名譽教授恩格勒特,是首位獲得諾貝爾物理學獎的比利時人。他表示,非常開心獲得這項殊榮,但最遺憾是他的拍檔和亡友布魯無法分享這項殊榮。今次希格斯和恩格勒特獲獎,物理學家都認為是眾望所歸。希格斯去年被問到“上帝粒子”名稱的來由時解釋,多年前有人在撰寫相關文章時,因覺得這種粒子太難找到,便開玩笑地將其稱為“Goddamn particle”(該死粒子),後來有編輯覺得這個名字不太好,就將其改成“上帝粒子”。找到“上帝粒子”是近代物理學界的重大成果,但學界卻將它命名為“希格斯玻色子”,顯然是歸功希格斯一人,但事實上研究“上帝粒子”共有6人之多,只是希格斯的理論寫得淺白易明,不像其他人深澀,加上他的名字易記,所以科學家才把這種玻色子以他的名字命名。;mini storage

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Source: Chicago TribuneOct.迷你倉 09--WASHINGTON -- A Tribune analysis of foreign travel by members of Congress from Illinois since 2011 shows that Rep. Jan Schakowsky is by far the most frequent flier and that Rep. Peter Roskam took the costliest privately paid trip -- one that has led to a House ethics review.Schakowsky, an Evanston Democrat, traveled abroad 10 times, bankrolled chiefly by private groups spending $130,000 on expenses for her and her husband.Roskam, a Wheaton Republican, ran up nearly $26,000 in bills on a trip he made with his wife to Taiwan in 2011. He said the trip was proper, but ethics officials are asking whether the listed sponsor indeed picked up the tab.Since 2011, members of Congress from Illinois have made 75 foreign trips: 41 paid for by private sponsors, 32 by taxpayers and two by foreign governments. Private groups spent more than $569,000 on the Illinoisans' trips abroad.Government watchdogs say foreign travel can be a valuable way for lawmakers to understand other cultures and build ties in a world full of opportunities yet fraught with war, upheaval and economic competition.But some advocates find fault in trips financed by private groups that might seek to advance special interests. And others see expenses-paid foreign trips as another perk that separates members of Congress from their constituents, especially in cases when spouses tag along for free.Schakowsky and her husband, political consultant Robert Creamer, went to six privately funded educational conferences for members of Congress, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia; Barcelona, Spain; Brussels; Istanbul; Sao Paulo; and Vienna, public reports show.On her own she took in another conference in Istanbul and twice visited Israel. She also made a solo trip with public money to strife-torn Rwanda and Congo, where the focus was violence against women.Globe-trotting was common for Illinoisans in Congress during the August recess. Rep. Bobby Rush joined Schakowsky in Addis Ababa; Rep. Randy Hultgren visited Guatemala; Rep. Tammy Duckworth, Thailand; Rep. Luis Gutierrez, Ireland; Rep. Danny Davis, Bahrain, United Arab Emirates and Qatar; and Reps. Brad Schneider and Cheri Bustos, Israel.Craig Holman, with the Washington-based watchdog group Public Citizen, helped write a 2007 law that tightened rules on who may pay for lawmakers' travel. He is among those who believe that if an overseas trip is valuable, taxpayers should foot the bill."I do believe members should be traveling, especially to problematic areas around the world so they can see what their policies are doing in the rest of the world," he said. "If a member is traveling to Syria, Iraq, Afghanistan, that's perfectly fine and educational. It is the travel junkets that I object to, that are sponsored by private groups that want something from Congress."Holman, who has a doctorate, sees value in educational conferences but is skeptical about Schakowsky going to seven since 2011."That sounds like too much. How much is she trying to learn?" he said. "I am an academic and I only get to one or two conferences a year."Since 2011, Illinoisans in Congress have hit every continent but Antarctica. Top countries were Israel (12 trips), Turkey (seven) and Afghanistan and Germany (six each). For most lawmakers, destinations such as London, Rome and Hong Kong outnumbered treks to unstable hot spots.After Schakowsky, the top foreign travelers were Rush and Gutierrez, both Chicago Democrats, and Rep. Aaron Schock, a Peoria Republican, each of whom took six trips.Rush's six trips were underwritten by private sponsors, which in four cases picked up the tab for his wife, Carolyn. Five of Gutierrez's six trips were financed by private groups, which paid for his wife, Soraida, to accompany him in four cases. Four of Schock's six trips were privately financed, and in one case the group paid for his mother, Janice Knapp, to accompany him, according to records.Bill Allison, an official at the Sunlight Foundation, a pro-transparency group based in Washington, worries when outsiders open their wallets for trips."Especially when private interests are paying for the travel, there is a real possibility that whatever the lawmaker is seeing is just what the sponsor wants them to see, instead of getting a full picture," Allison said.Public Citizen's Holman is troubled by spouses going along for the ride at the expense of private groups. "Whenever a member of Congress brings a spouse along, it immediately raises a red flag that we're talking about travel junkets and not work-related trips," he said.Still, Schakowsky and other lawmakers vigorously defended their trips."I choose trips that inform my knowledge and decision-making as a member of Congress," said Schakowsky, who is on the House Intelligence Committee. "And I choose trips that match the interests of my district, one of the most ethnically and religiously diverse in the country."Debra Johnson, a Rush spokeswoman, said the lawmaker selects trips that benefit constituents and are important to his work on the Energy and Commerce Committee. Spokesman Doug Rivlin said Gutierrez picks trips relating to work on the Judiciary Committee or to his constituents and interests, such as immigration, trade, the economy, Puerto Rico and Latin America.Schock would not comment for this report. Nor would Sen. Dick Durbin, D-Ill. The other 18 Illinoisans in Congress made their offices available for Tribune inquiries on foreign travel.Roskam probeThe $25,653 Taiwan trip by Roskam that is being examined by the House Ethics Committee took place Oct. 15-22, 2011, when Roskam and his wife, Elizabeth, met Taiwanese officials, went on sightseeing visits and spent time with their daughter Gracey, who was an English teacher in Taiwan at the time.Months before the Roskams' trip, an arm of the Taiwanese government had invited the congressman to visit under the Mutual Educational and Cultural Exchange Act, which allows foreign countries to pay for lawmakers' trips but not for family members' travel. Roskam did not accept that invitation but instead took up a later offer by a private group that was allowed to pay for Roskam and his wife.The Office of Congressional Ethics, an independent agency, said Roskam had "no interaction" before the trip with the listed private sponsor, Chinese Culture University, and "knew, or should have known, that the Taiwanese government was organizing and conducting his trip to Taiwan."The matter was referred to the House Ethics Committee, which extended its review last month. Roskam has denied any wrongdoing and noted that the House Ethics Committee preapproved the trip, with the university as sponsor.Roskam, who is chief deputy whip in the House, No. 4 in the Republican leadership, has made four overseas trips since 2011, three of them funded by sponsors that also paid for his wife.Spokesman Meagan Holder said Roskam co-chairs the Congressional Caucus on Korea, the Congressional Caucus on India and Indian-Americans, and the House Republican Israel Caucus and is a "key liaison between the U.S. and these countries."Roskam also sits on a trade subcommittee, Holder said, and relationships with other nations "have a direct impact on our ability to compete in a global marketplace."Davis and Moon groupOne trip made by Davis was financed by a group founded by the controversial Rev. Sun Myung Moon, who led the Unification Church until his death last year. Davis went with his wife, Vera, on the $14,963 trip to Japan paid for by the Universal Peace Federation.The Chicago lawmaker played a part in a 2004 coronation ceremony for Moon and his wife held in a Senate office building. The lawmaker, wearing white gloves, carried to a dais a pillow bearing one of two gold 儲存rowns placed upon the couple's heads; he later said it went to Moon's wife.Davis, in an interview, said he is a Baptist who has had a relationship with the Unification Church for at least 25 years. He said the Japan trip was made to urge officials to let people join the church without harassment and that while there, he also examined tsunami relief efforts."I didn't go over to enjoy myself," he said. "The pace was about equivalent or more than the normal pace of work that I do every day. ... We certainly did not go hula dancing."Lipinski at Catholic confabRep. Dan Lipinski, a Western Springs Democrat, went on a $7,399, taxpayer-paid trip to Rome and Frascati, Italy, in 2012 to attend the International Catholic Legislators Network conference. He took his wife, Judith, and paid for her expenses, said Guy Tridgell, his spokesman.The agenda included legislation in favor of life, marriage and the family; the case against euthanasia; and Africa and Western aid, Tridgell said.Asked how Lipinski justified using tax dollars for a Catholic legislators' conference, Tridgell said the worldwide gathering included discussions of critical foreign policy matters and issues important to many constituents.When Pope Francis was inaugurated in March, Lipinski returned to Rome at taxpayer expense with a House delegation. His costs were $4,188 and he paid his wife's way, Tridgell said.Schock's travelsSchock went on a taxpayer-paid congressional delegation trip in 2011 timed to the 100th anniversary of Ronald Reagan's birth. He was on the Reagan Centennial Commission.The delegation visited Poland, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Germany and England -- nations where Reagan is held in high regard. Schock's costs were $3,591, not including flights on military aircraft. Total delegation costs were $52,440, not including air travel, reports show.The cost of military aircraft -- not spelled out in public reports -- makes dollar-for-dollar comparisons of taxpayer-paid and privately sponsored trips difficult. Because of sequestration, House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, has put on hold the use of military flights for congressionally approved travel.Another Schock trip, financed by the National Indian American Public Policy Institute, attracted attention in the spring. Schock and other Republicans went to India, and while there Schock invited the chief minister of India's Gujarat state, Narendra Modi, to the U.S., even though the State Department revoked his visa in 2005.Modi, who is seeking to become India's prime minister, has been accused of not doing enough to stop riots in 2002 that killed at least 1,000 people, mostly Muslims. The State Department, in explaining Modi's visa revocation, cited "particularly severe violations of religious freedom."The institute, based in west suburban Carol Stream, now touts the congressional invitation to Modi on its website. Its chairman, Shalli Kumar, denied the allegations against Modi and said the Schock trip was meant to foster closer economic ties between the U.S. and India.Schock's agenda of official meetings in India was interspersed with visits to temples and palaces and an evening Bollywood program, reports show. "When you're going to go that far away, it would be silly to just go in there and back and not see the culture of the country," Kumar said, noting that the lawmaker also visited a Ford plant in India.Chicago-area sponsorsAlong with the National Indian American Public Policy Institute, three other Chicago-area organizations paid for lawmakers' travel abroad.The Jewish United Fund of Metropolitan Chicago sent three lawmakers -- Schakowsky, Schneider and former Rep. Bob Dold, R-Ill. -- on separate trips to Israel, and Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., to Israel and Jordan.David Prystowsky, executive director of the Jewish Community Relations Council of the Jewish United Fund, said the trips were intended to advance the U.S.-Israel alliance and let lawmakers meet representatives of Illinois companies in Israel."We expect to gain nothing directly ourselves," Prystowsky said. "We hope the elected officials gain better understanding of the breadth and benefits of the special U.S.-Israel relationship and for those who are Christians, to visit the land where their faith was formed."The Turkish American Federation of Midwest in Mount Prospect underwrote separate trips to Turkey for Lipinski and Schock and to Azerbaijan for Davis.Its president, Suleyman Turhanogullari, said his group sends lawmakers abroad to improve U.S. relations with Turkey and Turkic countries such as Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan and Kazakhstan. He said the trips were excellent opportunities to let lawmakers explore regional economic, political and social issues.The Multicultural Educational Foundation, 55 W. Wacker Dr., submitted a private-sponsor travel form to the House Ethics Committee asking in advance to pay for Gutierrez to go to Mexico in 2012 as part of a delegation facilitating partnerships between Chicago and Guadalajara on health, education and the environment. Gutierrez's trip cost $1,524.Tax returns obtained by GuideStar, a Washington-based group that tracks nonprofits, show the Multicultural Educational Foundation had no revenue or expenses for three tax years ending in 2010. But it self-reported to GuideStar that it in 2012, it had $80,000 in revenue and $10,000 in expenses, according to a GuideStar spokeswoman.Chicago attorney Fred Tannenbaum, the Illinois agent for the foundation, said Tuesday that those figures need "to be reviewed, because this does not appear to be accurate." He said the foundation has never solicited contributions in Illinois and is not active. But the foundation submitted paperwork to the Illinois secretary of state as recently as March.The Illinois secretary of state lists the group's president as David Andalcio, a former chairman of the Illinois Hispanic Chamber of Commerce and former member of the Illinois State Toll Highway Authority board, who was appointed in 2003 by then-Gov. Rod Blagojevich.According to Andalcio's LinkedIn profile, he is CEO of Wynndalco Enterprises, which describes itself as working in renewable energy and other areas, with facilities in the U.S. and Puerto Rico. Andalcio was unavailable for comment. Xavier Montemayor, director of marketing and sales for the firm, said Tuesday that Andalcio was in Mexico being treated for cancer.The two trips paid for by foreign governments involved Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Channahon, who went to Turkey last spring, and Duckworth, who in August went to Thailand, where she was born. Duckworth, from Hoffman Estates, took her mother along and paid for her expenses, said Anton Becker, a spokesman.Walsh at Beck rallyFormer Rep. Joe Walsh, now a talk radio host, took a $6,300 trip to Jerusalem in August 2011 and attended a controversial rally there by broadcaster Glenn Beck. The trip was paid for by the International Israel Allies Caucus Foundation.Walsh, a Republican, said that during his one term in office he refused offers to go to India, Taiwan, Lithuania, the Middle East and the U.S.-Mexico border, concerned that in some cases taxpayers would get the bill and that in others there was a lot of personal time on the agenda."Even me as a freshman, not on the biggest committees in the world, every time there was a recess for a couple of weeks, there were always potential trips put in front of you," he said.He said the offers were "very tempting.""You learn a lot, you see another part of the world," he said. "It's like a perk of the job."Alexei Koseff of the Tribune Washington Bureau contributed.kskiba@tribune.comCopyright: ___ (c)2013 the Chicago Tribune Visit the Chicago Tribune at .chicagotribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesmini storage

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