奔著這個目標,迷你倉蓋茨從上世紀80年代就開始琢磨著蓋房子。他在美國西雅圖選中了一塊距離微軟公司不遠的地方,在看得到華盛頓湖景的半山腰的位置,他最初投資超過5000萬美元,花了幾年的時間,在房子里鋪設了52英里的電纜,“用原始木材和精密芯片組合”,建構了一個標準的家庭網絡。這棟被命名為“未來之家”的房子集合了蓋茨對於未來生活的夢想。蓋茨說,他本來只是要“蓋一棟適合單身漢的小屋”,可是他遇到了妻子瑪琳達,於是他改了主意,要建造一座適合一家人生活的智慧之家———一棟全世界最聰明的房子。如果你有機會被邀請到這個占地1.5畝的豪宅做客,進門要做的第一件事就是要戴上一枚含有芯片的別針。只要有了它,這棟聰明的房子就會實時知道你的位置,並盡可能周到地照顧你。當外面天色變暗,你不需要準備手電筒,房子會根據別針信息,自動識別你所處位置的光照情況,為你打出一道光,帶你回到房間。設在地板中的傳感器能在15 厘米內跟蹤到你的足跡,所以在朝房內走的路上,門廳的燈光就開始自動慢慢變亮,當你抵達房子里時,就不會因為突然打開燈光而感到眼睛不適了。除此之外,當人們離開房間後,不被使用的房間也會自動關閉燈光,根本用不著手動開關。生活在這棟“未來之家”里,一切都由聰明的房子精心打理。不僅光會跟著人走,幾乎所有需求都可以隨著人的腳步移動。如果你想聽音樂,不必兜里揣著MP3 ,音樂會在芯片別針的帶領下跟隨著你一起移動,就算在游泳的時候,泳池裡面都有一個水下音樂系統,保證你在房子的每個角落都能聽到音樂。當有人打電話找你,你會發現,只有距離你最近的電話會響鈴。蓋茨的家里,有藏有達·芬奇手稿的圖書館,也有裝得下20人的家庭劇院,還有男女分開的衣帽間,只要走進房間,就會有貼心的“僕人”招待你———比如你上次坐在圖書館聽著self storage扎特,當你重回這個圓形屋頂的小屋,聰明的房子又會繼續 播放莫扎特的音樂;當你在穿衣鏡前拿起一件衣服,鏡子里就會自動浮現當天的室外天氣情況,幫你評測穿這件衣服是否合適。貼心的房子會記住你的每一項偏好。如果你不喜歡在吃飯的時候接聽電話,只要跟它設定一次,它就不會再在這個時間響鈴。它還會去學習每個人的喜好,蓋茨的合伙人保羅·亞倫是電子吉他手吉米·亨狄克思的粉絲,每次他來蓋茨家做客,迎接他的是這位吉他手的一段演奏。別看這棟聰明的房子對主人百依百順,遇到狀況的時候也毫不含糊。比方說,在浴室就設有一套檢查身體的電腦系統,一旦發現主人身體出現不適的狀況,電腦就會立刻發出提醒的警報;而當家中發生火災等意外,應急系統就會自動檢測狀況,生成最佳解決方案,第一時間關閉有危險的電力系統,並調度水源及時救火。“我喜歡試驗。這是一棟擁有不尋常電子功能的房子,而我是第一個生活其中的住戶。”蓋茨說,“也許有一天,我又想改變房子的設計,比如扔掉芯片別針,直接換成更直觀的傳感器,或者把掛在牆上的電視想個辦法藏進牆里……”盡管這棟聰明的房子滿是屬於未來的設計,但古老的事物並不會沒有立足之地。在蓋茨家的車道邊上,有一棵140歲的楓木樹,蓋茨專門為它裝上了傳感器和監視系統,進行24小時全方位監控,讓屬於未來的智慧房子,每天為古樹灑水,維繫著屬於過去的生命。(據《中國青年報》)微軟創始人比爾·蓋茨居住在世界上為數不多、稱得上無與倫比的智能豪宅中。這位硅穀精英對於房子的要求,看重“智能、智能、智能”。“我想要一棟可以適應複雜科技變化的房子,但是科技不能‘喧賓奪主’,過度入侵到我們的生活中,成為我們的主人。”蓋茨在自己所寫的《未來之路》一書中寫道,“在這棟房子里,科技只是‘僕人’,為了服務生活在房子中的主人而存在。”迷利倉

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“2013年廣州的GDP會不會被天津超過?從目前階段看,迷你倉沒那麼容易。”廣州市十四屆人大常委會組織市人大代表集中視察政情通報會昨日召開。廣州市市長陳建華在匯報工作報告時數次脫稿,回應廣州與天津的“第三城之爭”,並透露了垃圾處理、出行等一系列民生熱點的最新進展。陳建華特別強調,廣州發展在向速度看齊的同時,更要追求發展質量。廣州與天津GDP差距拉大至900億元廣州經濟發展交出了這樣一份“成績單”:今年1—9月,全市實現地區生產總值11128億元,增長12%;完成地方公共財政預算收入842.8億元,增長12.1%;今年1—8月,全市規模以上工業企業實現利潤總額576.9億元,增長8.6%,連續5個月保持正增長;1—9月,居民消費價格指數(CPI)同比上漲2.8%,物價水平總體穩定。今年1—9月,廣州三次產業比重為1.4:34.6:64,而到今年底還會進一步調整優化。陳建華說,預計到2016年全市第三產業占比將達到70%。在面臨天津步步緊追的情況下,國內各大城市中經濟總量第三的廣州今年也在不斷發力。數據顯示,今年前三季度,廣州完成固定資產投資2862億元,增長21.2%。其中全市282個重大投資項目累計完成投資845.6億元,完成年度計劃的74%。在通報會現場,陳建華脫稿談起了備受關注的廣州與天津“第三城”之爭。“各個代表經常談到一個問題,今年廣州的GDP會不會被天津超過?今年還有兩個月,從目前階段看沒那麼容易。”陳建華介紹,四大直轄市加上廣州、深圳、蘇州的這七個城市的“GDP排行榜”上,今年1—9月份廣州的GDP增速排在第三位,第一位是天津,增幅為12.6%,廣州為12%。兩市的GDP差距今年至今已擴大到900億元。陳建華說,天津的投資力度很大,投資率高達70%多,而廣州今年1—9月份的投資率是25%,到今年底投資率大概是28%。“天津投資率高達70%,這意味著投資的產出邊際效益會大幅度下降,廣州的投資邊際效益是比較高的,產出比比較高,這點上還是有信心的。”陳建華最後說,在向速度看齊的同時,更要追求發展質量。廣州超算中心:將申報世界第一據介紹,廣州著力增強科技創新對產業轉型升級的支撐作用。加快建設重大科技創新平台,廣州超算中心一期建設落成。陳建華脫稿解釋說,這個名為“天河二號”的計算機,是我國自行研製設計製造的新一代超高速計算機。超算中心由廣州市與科技部、省政府和中山大學合作一起建設,研發設計和生產單位為國防科技大學,目前已完成安裝。11月10日,將接受國際計算機聯盟的測試,看超算中心達到什麼速度。陳建華透露,超算中心將在11月5日�用,到11月19日將參加全球TOP500台最快計算機的測試和評比。屆時,廣州超算中心將申報世界第一,運算速度達到5億億次,比現在世界上最快的計算機大概快10倍左右。此外,華南新藥創制中心、華南幹細胞與再生醫學研究中心等一批重大創新平台建設也取得明顯進展。火燒崗垃圾場:最快或兩年後關閉 陳建華在報告中透露,今年,廣州進一步加大在民生self storage會事業上的投入,今年廣州全市各級財政安排用于10件民生實事資金95.5億元。陳建華專門脫稿講起了垃圾處理,向現場人大代表講起了“幹濕要分開、有害單獨放、能賣拿去賣”的垃圾分類理念。陳建華表示,經過調研發現,垃圾焚燒廠的臭味根本不是來自垃圾焚燒廠本身,而是主要來自垃圾車的滴漏,撒漏的液體經過太陽一曬,奇臭無比,對居民造成很大影響。因此,將對所有的垃圾運輸車進行改造,加上密封槽,還將對滴漏進行處罰,也請代表們監督。陳建華談到了此前頗多投訴的番禺火燒崗垃圾填埋場。“住在華南板塊的代表們應該感受明顯,現在連市橋、南沙的北部都能聞到這個味道。特別是夏天刮風的時候。”陳建華表示,現在每年火燒崗的填埋垃圾高度要增加10米,現在的高度達到了70多米。“現在南沙、番禺、增城、白雲、蘿崗的資源熱力電廠已經落地,有些個別的資源熱力電廠選址在進行最後的確定。如果順利的話,兩年後,我們就能夠徹底關閉火燒崗垃圾填埋場。”新建地鐵線路:增投入儘量改6節車廂廣州今年加快完善城市基礎設施建設,白雲機場擴建工程進入全面實施階段,第三跑道工程和二號航站樓開工建設。開展了第二機場選址和南沙疏港鐵路規劃研究。陳建華進一步解釋說,2014年10月,第3條跑道投入使用,預計到2015年,白雲機場年吞吐量將達到6000萬人次,進入全球吞吐量10大機場行列。今後第4、第5條跑道建成後,年吞吐量達到8000萬人次,將進入全球吞吐量前五大機場行列。廣州的地鐵建設也備受關注。目前,廣州在建的6條地鐵線路均順利推進,其中地鐵6號線一期已進入運營調試階段一個月,按計劃于年底正式開通運營,規劃新建的7條地鐵線路正在抓緊開展前期工作。說到這裡,陳建華脫稿說,6號線開通之後對解決金沙洲地區居民出行有很大幫助,但是“可以預見6號線可能是最擠的一條線”。因為當初論證時“超前性、預見性不夠”,專家堅持6號線只能設置4節車廂。陳建華透露,廣州在建的6條地鐵以及規劃新建的7條地鐵,“凡是能夠改過來的,寧可增加點投資都改為六節車廂以上”,要“知錯能改”。廣州擬建:第二條BRT線路今年以來,廣州市繼續大力促進公共交通發展,新增50條公交線路,新投放500輛公交車,新增新建公交專用道50公里,新增水上巴士航線3條,新建和改造水上碼頭6個。“到今年底,廣州市的公交出行率達到65%,在全國大城市中是最高的。”陳建華說,目前廣州市的公共交通分為巴士、地鐵、出租車、水上巴士四大板塊,今後還將有第五大板塊,即輕軌公共交通。陳建華說,在廣州實施小汽車限牌後,越來越多的市民選擇公交出行,BRT日客流量達到93萬人次,廣州市政府也加大了發展公共交通的力度,相比地鐵,BRT的造價更低,載客量也十分可觀,廣州市正在籌劃發展第二條BRT線路。“希望各位人大代表為新BRT的具體選址建言獻策。”他表示,預計到2017年,廣州市的公交出行率將達到70%,70%的公交出行率是一個城市進入公交都市的標準,屆時廣州將成為全球的公交大都市。南方日報記者 鄭佳欣實習生 杜靜迷利倉

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Source: The Times Leader, Wilkes-Barre, Pa.self storageNov. 01--PITTSTON TWP. -- A U.S. Airways flight from Philadelphia to Albany, N.Y., made an emergency landing at the Wilkes-Barre/Scranton International Airport early Friday morning due to a report of the smell of smoke in the cockpit, airport officials said.There were 12 passengers and three crew members on U.S. Airways flight 4394, all of whom were safely removed from the plane. No injuries were reported though a dozen fire and ambulance crews from communities as far away as Elmhurst were called in.The plane was en route when at 9:30 a.m. crews called the control tower at Wilkes-Barre/Scranton saying they were 30 miles south of Wilkes-Barre and in need of a runway to land on. Within minutes the plane was on the ground and emergency crews surrounded the Dash 8 prop plane on the runway.No flames or smoke were detected, according to Airport Director Barry J. Centini. U.S Airways was alerted and officials were expected to arrive at the airport to inspect the plane, detect the cause of the odor, make repairs and have i迷利倉 back in the air, Centini added.The passengers, 10 adults and two children, were taken by passenger vans to Albany after more than 90 minutes of waiting at the airport. They were not brought out of a secure area and media were not given access to them. The drive to Albany is about three and one-half hours.George Bieber, the airport's director of safety, said the airport holds two training sessions per year with regional emergency responders for incidents just like this and the quick response time showed that those sessions are worthwhile. He said at least a dozen emergency landings have been made at the airport this year by commercial airliners and called this one "minor."Only one flight was affected. A U.S Airways flight from Wilkes-Barre/Scranton to Philadelphia that was scheduled to depart at 10:04 a.m. was held on the runway about 20 minutes before it was given clearance to take off.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) Visit The Times Leader (Wilkes-Barre, Pa.) at .timesleader.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Likely contracts model to ensure standards and profitabilityTRANSPORT operators are prepared for an overhaul of the public bus industry, even as the Government deliberates on the exact changes to be adopted.迷你倉At stake is the current system, where the two publicly listed players - SMRT and SBS Transit - buy buses and collect fares that are set by the Public Transport Council.It is expected to be replaced by a contracts model, where operators - quite possibly more than two - bid for route parcels tendered out by the Government. This system gives operators the certainty of profit margins, while the state collects fare revenue and hands out concessions to commuters as it sees fit.SMRT chief executive Desmond Kuek said his company is "ready and prepared" for the new model, which he described as "more sustainable" than the current structure, in which operators try to meet rising service standards and yet face a cap on fares.Public transport fares have not been adjusted in the last two years. This has contributed to bus operation losses for the two companies. For SMRT, its bus losses widened to $14.6 million for the first half, ended Sept 30, from $11.8 million for the same period last year.SBS Transit, which already has operations in countries where a contracts model is used, is also in favour."Our experience in the United Kingdom and Australia, where we tender for routes, has been very positive," said spokesman Tammy Tan. "The Government collects the fare revenue and pays the operator for running the services. Oper儲存tors are given a set of key performance indicators... and if these are achieved, bonuses are given. If they are not, penalties are imposed."As an operator, you are generally assured of a certain rate of return instead of being exposed to revenue risk."The Government has taken tentative steps towards the new structure. It has forked out $1.1 billion to buy 550 additional buses, and will pay for their operating costs over 10 years.It is also tendering out over a dozen fixed routes - a mix of express and feeder services.The first one, from Jurong West to the city, was clinched by ComfortDelGro Bus - a subsidiary of transport giant ComfortDelGro Corp, which owns 75 per cent of SBS Transit.But the Government is taking a slow and careful approach before extending the contracts model to the whole industry.While the Transport Ministry said it had no updates on this yesterday, Transport Minister Lui Tuck Yew had indicated in March that a switch - at least in part - should be done before the current contracts of the two companies run out in 2016.Government Parliamentary Committee for Transport chairman Cedric Foo is in favour of a contracts model, which introduces more contestability into the market."The market is big enough for more than two players," he said. "But you need to have a central body to own the buses, and lease them out to winning bidders."He said having more competition is the only way to drive efficiency and for the market to discover the best prices for a set of services.christan@sph.com.sgSEE SATURDAYmini storage

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自存倉 「房齡」七十八歲、樓高二十二米、重一點二萬噸的上海梅林正廣和大樓(見圖)昨日正式啟動平移工程。施工方計畫花二十天將大樓「挪步」三十八米,這是上海目前最大的建築平移工程。當局指,為配合楊浦區北外灘開發的需要,決定平移該大樓。 新華社迷你倉

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【本報訊】行政會早前完成討論《建築及城市規劃範疇內的認可、登記、註冊和執業資格法律制度》法律草案,儲存建立行業的專業認證制度。澳門工程師會會長譚立武表示,對比,會內的業界從業員大致上支持,認為有助提升從業員水平,有利澳門未來的發展,但希望政府加強與業界溝通,了解業界實際情況,以提升認證制度的可操作性,與實際操作接軌。譚立武昨表示,工程師學會對專業認證制度非常支持,指認證制度的建立,對從業員的水平和技能進行評定,有助提升業界水平和工程質量,對澳門未來發展非常有利,樂見政府願意踏出第一步;但他表示,希望政府加強與業界溝通,了解行業實際運作,聽取業界意見,從而制訂一套合適的評核標準和認證措施,令更多從業員受惠,確保制度能夠與實際運作接軌,確保具操作性。另外,法案建議設立建築及工程專業委員會,負責專業認證及資格認可,他說,目前委員會的組成「官多民少」,希望政府考慮調整委員比例,達到各佔一半的水平,令業界有更多機會發聲,讓政mini storage制訂切合實制的考評標準及政策。被問到草案建議具相關學歷及1年以上經驗的從業員,於草案實施半年內向有關部門申請可以豁免考核,門檻會否太低?譚立武認為現時政府推出的法案,只是設立專業認證的第一步,法案落實後一段時間磨合,可以修改及完善,令制度更切合社會的需要,如果法規限制訂定太緊,可能令法案無法與業界實際情況接軌。冀專業互認確保與國際接軌他續稱,目前按照國際慣常做法,專業認證由有關專業學會操作,但目前特區政府傾向透過委員會負責專業認證批給,認為政府應該考慮設立專業資格互認制度,一方面讓擁有外地執業資格的澳門工程師能夠在澳門執業,同時亦可以讓具專業資格的澳門工程師到外地發展。他希望政府盡快設立互認制度,確保專業認證制度與國際接軌。至於會否擔心認證制度影響從業員的生計,譚立武稱,業界一直存在註冊制度,現時政府推出專業認證,是在以往純粹註冊的制度中加入考核評估,對提升本地從業員水平具積極作用,不擔心從業員生計因而受到影響。self storage

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前副總統連戰的女兒連惠心涉「威力纖」禁藥案,迷你倉媒體爆料是政治鬥爭,最初與台北市議員阮昭雄一同爆料的宜蘭縣羅東鎮代許俊仁昨天強調,這件事動機單純,純粹是食品安全問題,和政治無關。阮昭雄和許俊仁指宜蘭縣賴姓婦人帶著「威力纖」和檢驗單投訴,踢爆連惠心代言健康食品含西藥,連惠心改列被告,250萬元交保,但有媒體報導是綠營謝系人馬想鬥倒連家的政治鬥爭。羅東鎮代許俊仁說,他不認識賴姓婦人,賴婦於10月16日到服務處陳情,表示購買電視購物台由連惠心代言的健康食品「威力纖」,儲存拉肚子2天且嚴重心悸,女兒將「威力纖」送驗,發現有藥性反應,因此才向他陳情。賴婦留下「威力纖」和檢驗單就走人,但這家公司位於台北市,許俊仁才找聯合服務的台北市議員阮昭雄共同爆料。他說,為避免出錯,阮昭雄還在松山的藥妝店再買1瓶,送2處檢驗,確定真的含有禁藥。許俊仁說,這件事和政治沒有關係,更沒有雜誌媒體所言謝系人馬要鬥倒連家情事。至於爆料的賴婦,至今未出現,他說,賴婦年約50多歲,頭髮短捲,外表很平常,她只是不願現身,也未留下聯絡方式,不是媒體所說的神祕婦人。mini storage

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「大夥兒逗陣來台南吃好料!」市府將於11月16日至12月15日舉辦「台南美食節」,儲存精挑細選出319家店共襄盛舉,民眾到店家蒐集戳章還有機會抽中價值8萬元的碳纖自行車等大獎。台南美食聞名全台,Yahoo奇摩行銷公關部資深經理黃明怡表示,光是今年前3季,「台南美食」的搜尋量成長高達76%,其中蚵仔煎、鹹粥與安平豆花名列前茅,其他美食千百種,各有滋味,本身也是台南媳婦的她說,「在台南,處處都有讓舌尖驚奇的美味!」為了串連這些美食店家,市府請各地區公所推薦在地美食,選出319家店,11月16日起推出為期1個月的「台南美食節」,邀請大家一起到台南品嘗。觀光旅遊局長陳俊安說,為了方便民眾按圖索驥,市府編mini storage了幸福「i」護照,依照店家所在地分出屬於綠區的新營、北門、曾文、南科、新化與南關,以及屬於紅區的安平、中西區等8大區域,民眾前往用餐時可蓋戳章,集滿6個就能參加抽獎,獎品包括自行車、平板電腦與冰箱等。幸福「i」護照可到全家便利商店索取。這次活動還有「美食集點馬拉松比賽」,在台南美食節期間集滿最多店家戳章的民眾可獲得1萬元獎金。陳俊安笑著說,去年有人每天吃10家店,花了1個月集滿戳章,結果胖了7公斤。台南市長賴清德說,這些店家都是經過市府挑選,口味有保障,但最近黑心食品頻傳,他希望店家都能自我要求,「除了美味,還要堅持食品安全」。另外也不能占用騎樓做生意,應該投資店面,才能讓民眾吃得安心又舒適。self storage

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THE days of sifting through hundreds of advertisements to find a property agent could be gone if a new website has its way.迷你倉The site - hirepropertyagent. com - allows agents to bid for the chance to represent a client.This upends the usual process, which involves a buyer or seller browsing through ads or asking for recommendations.They then have to negotiate over the commission payable to the agents for their services.But trying to find an agent out of a pool of thousands is often a tedious and lengthy process, which prompted website developer Ezekiel Chew to devise his site."Sellers and landlords can post information on their property on the website and state their expectations, and agents who fit the bill will apply for the job," he said.This means stating the size, location and type of property up for sale or rent.Agents interested in the job have to state the commissions they expect in their application. They can also try to stand out by uploading a personal profile and a track record of properties they have sold or leased out."At a glance, sellers and landlords can see how much each agent is charging and the reasons they should choose them," added Mr Chew, who started the site on O儲存倉t 5.Buyers looking for a property can also state their preferences on the site and wait for interested agents to contact them.The site has built up a list of about 1,000 property agents since its launch and facilitated about 50 pairings.Mr Chew said he had invested $250,000 to set up the website, which generates income from agents paying annual membership fees as well as ads.But the website has also received criticisms, with some agents complaining that their profiles and photographs had been uploaded without their consent.The Council for Estate Agencies said it is investigating the claims, adding that regulations relating to advertising apply to the Internet.Century21 chief executive Ku Swee Yong said the site is simply another new tool for clients and agents.He noted that there might be more competition among agents if a substantial number of clients post their requests on the portal.But he added that more than one agent may be appointed for a range of fees and the deal might not make much business sense in the end.He also cautioned: "Sellers also have to realise that agents with the best services do not cut fees, as they are usually too busy to take on cheap deals."ocheryl@sph.com.sg迷你倉最平

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迷你倉 未能提供文字內容。.scmp.com/business/banking-finance/article/1345558/liquidity-swell-spill-2014自存倉

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