Singapore Art Museum and ministry file police reportsTHE Singapore Art Museum (SAM) found its website was hacked on Thursday, less than a month after information on 4,000 people on its online mailing list was compromised.自存倉This came on the same day that the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) filed a police report after discovering a duplicate of its website, also on Thursday.A SAM spokesman said it was alerted by the Infocomm Development Authority (IDA) on Thursday that SAM was among a list of 1,500 "vulnerable websites" that was published on the Internet.Internal checks uncovered links that had been added to a page on the SAM site directing visitors to another website, but they were dead links.The museum immediately removed the links and lodged a police report.No data was compromised, said the spokesman.The SAM website was taken down briefly to retrieve the affected files and eventually restored by 9pm last night.This latest cyber intrusion comes even as SAM beefs up security of its site, after data including names, e-mail addresses and phone numbers were taken from its online mailing list and illegally published on a New Zealand-based storage website for at least two hours on Nov 5."It is an ongoing process. It takes some time," the spokesman said about迷你倉the security measures.Meanwhile, the fake MOM site,, was still accessible at press time. It features the same design as the original and the TrustSG trust mark, although not all the links work.In a post on Facebook yesterday, Acting Minister for Manpower Tan Chuan-Jin said the public should use only the official MOM website - also advised them to pay attention to punctuation: "A full stop makes all the difference", he wrote."At the same time, we would also like to assure everyone that access to the official MOM website remains unaffected, and no data has been compromised," he added.The official site links the public to MOM e-services, where they can apply for work permits online, view foreign worker levy bills and pay fines and bills.The fake site directs users to what appears to be the real site and in some instances, dead links.An MOM spokesman said "there are measures to protect the MOM website".This incident follows a series of cyber attacks since mid-October that resulted in several school websites being defaced and intrusions into websites belonging to the Ang Mo Kio Town Council, Istana and the Prime Minister's Office.Five people have been arrested and three have been charged over these storage

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Andaz Shanghai offers guests a refreshing take on the boutique lifestyle hotel, reports Tang Zhihao in Shanghai.迷你倉樂器 Andaz Shanghai, in Xintiandi, a lifestyle hotel belonging to the Hyatt chain, has become a preferred boutique hotel choice in China, especially among local Shanghainese. Boutique hotels have risen in popularity to meet the needs of an increasing number of sophisticated guests who are more comfortable with a less-traditional stylish hotel experience. The growing maturity and sophistication of the Chinese market has further helped to drive the desire among Chinese consumers for a more personalized hospitality experience. “We have seen our business grow year-on-year thanks to the prestigious events held in our hotel,” says Robert Hamer, the general manager of Andaz Shanghai, who was appointed this April. Hamer says that Andaz offers the “unique, local feel” of an independent hotel with the power of the Hyatt brand behind it — delivering consistent guest experiences — and offering a refreshing take on a boutique lifestyle hotel. Andaz, which means “personal style” in Urdu, encapsulates the essence of the brand’s philosophy that respects and caters to guests’ personal style and preference. The brand was established in 2007, with Andaz Liverpool Street in London as the inaugural hotel. Hamer started his career in the hotel industry in 1988 at Hyatt Regency Sanctuary Cove and has experience in several luxury Hyatt-branded hotels in the Asia-Pacific region, including Grand Hyatt Hong Kong and Grand Hyatt Tokyo, before he joined Andaz Shanghai as the general manager. He says operating a lifestyle hotel is very much the same as the management of a traditional luxury hotel. “The major difference between the two is that Andaz can be more barrier-free and its style is integrated into the fabric of the indigenous culture of the neighborhood where it is based,” he says. Andaz is focused on immersing guests in the local culture, in making them feel like a native by creating an ever-changing authentic view of the locale they are visiting. Min Bae, the sales and marketing director of Andaz Shanghai adds, “Our guests join us in living mindfully and meaningfully while getting to know the places they stay, more intimately. They are eager to be informed and motivated by local cultural experiences. Therefore each Andaz reflects the unique cultural scene and the spirit of the surrounding neighborhood, 迷你倉西貢ombined with the warmth of Hyatt’s authentic hospitality. “We call our customers the professional Bohemians, who are pretty savvy about arts and lifestyle, and very up-to-date about design.” It is also the personalized host services that distinguish Andaz hotels from the traditional hotels. At every Andaz hotel, guests receive a personalized and uncomplicated arrival experience in a “lounge”-style lobby. This includes being welcomed by an Andaz host and being offered a complimentary drink in the lounge. Then in the guestroom, guests can enjoy complimentary amenities including wireless Internet, a minibar with non-alcoholic beverages and snacks, and unlimited local phone calls. It is a competitive marketplace but “given the increasing affluence of the Chinese consumers and the sheer size of the market, there is a large source of potential new customers for us. Our products and brand are something new and there are always elements of fascination, exploration and adventure to allow guests to try something new”, Hamer says. He says the hotel has benefited from the city’s lifestyle hub Xintiandi, which is within a stone’s throw. Xintiandi combines the historical and cultural identities of Shanghai and showcases prestigious modern brands, fashion boutiques, restaurants and bars; an ideal place for travelers to do shopping and enjoy entertainment. He says people who come to Shanghai for the first time for holidays might choose hotels at the Bund in order to enjoy the scene along the Huangpu River, the Western-style architecture and the Pudong view. “However, lifestyle travelers may not want the tourist trip to the Bund. They may want to be in a more social environment where there are nice bars and places for shopping. And there is Andaz in Xintiandi,” Hamer says. “Operating in China for more than two years, Andaz has gone from strength to strength in terms of both business growth and brand awareness among local and international consumers. With our audiences becoming more sophisticated and looking for fresh experiences, we believe we will continue to see strong growth,” Bae says. Contact the writer at The major difference between the two (lifestyle and traditional luxury hotel) is that Andaz can be more barrier-free and its style is integrated into the fabric of the indigenous culture of the neighborhood where it is based.” Robert Hamer general manager of Andaz Shanghai 迷你倉將軍澳

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老招牌金融機構也開始玩新把戲,迷你倉創立逾30年到一甲子的台灣金融機構近期紛紛加入手機個人通訊軟體LINE的貼圖,甚至大玩與客戶對話的「ON AIR」活動,國泰世華銀本周啟動ON AIR活動,一小時塞入數十萬客戶回覆,讓系統差點當機。 目前各金融機構最受歡迎的貼圖多是動物篇,如國泰世華銀的KISS貓熊、南山土狗來福、新光金寶及台中商銀牛寶寶,讓國內老金融機構也「可愛」起來。 成立60年的台中商銀是首波推出免費LINE貼圖的金融機構,為了提供貼圖,台中商銀也設計了幸運物牛寶寶的各種姿勢,一周就衝出470萬下載量,最後共有617萬的下載率,到目前為止,台中商銀的貼圖使用量已破1.3億次。 台中商銀表示,分行行員都表示,因為LINE貼圖增加與客戶的話題,也讓員工及客戶覺得台中商銀變年輕了。 另如50歲的新光人壽、南山人壽也都推出LINE貼圖,下載率都逾500萬次。新光方面表示,貼圖使用率也有8,000萬次,最受歡迎的是金寶偷笑圖;南山人壽則表示,內部及業文件倉員都常使用這些貼圖,拉近與同事或客戶間的關係,目前最紅的圖就是南山來福按讚。 國泰世華銀的LINE圖下載必須先加入官方帳號,一周下載已破260萬,同時本周國泰世華啟動LINE朋友回傳貼圖使用照,就抽LINE幸運娃娃的活動,一小時內湧入數十萬照片,讓系統差點當機。 國泰世華銀表示,希望透過LINE平台定期舉辦ON AIR等互動,拉近與客戶間的關係,同時也不定期丟出銀行的訊息,未來希望能結合虛擬及實際的平台,讓金融電子商務進一步發展。 即將邁入百歲的台企銀也在10月底加入LINE行列,是目前公股行庫第一家贈送貼圖者,近一個月有450萬人的下載量,貼圖使用量更達770萬次,台企銀表示其貼圖以喜氣的過年圖案希望搶攻民眾目光,預計推出6個月期間的使用量將可突破5,000萬次以上。這也是台企銀董事長廖燦昌、總經理黃添昌的發想,台企銀希望主攻農曆過年檔期,以男財神爺、女財神爺為貼圖。目前最受歡迎的是女財神的「GOOD!」,背景有代表股市上漲的背景圖,喜氣十足。存倉

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信息來源於四川新聞網 / Cited from    隨著氣溫下降,迷你倉川南的冬天也越來越冷,這個時候去泡個溫泉最愜意不過了。那麼,川南人泡溫泉去哪好?華西城市讀本記者日前走訪瞭解到,內江的大自然溫泉因經營等原因已暫停營業,目前除了和宜賓緊鄰的西部大峽谷比較方便,川南四市尚未有較好的在運營溫泉項目。不過,隨著自貢、瀘州幾個溫泉項目的即將完工,川南人有望在春節前後,在川南就能享受到冬天泡溫泉的快感。宜賓西部大峽谷溫泉車程僅需半小時  距離宜賓30公里、僅需半小時車程的水富西部大峽谷,是目前開放的離川南最近的溫泉度假景區。西部大峽谷是國家AAAA級旅遊景區,集溫泉沐浴、休閒度假、商務洽談、會議接待、療養健身為一體。  據介紹,該景區溫泉富含偏硅酸、鍶、硫、�、鋰、溴、硒、氡、銅等有益人體健康的礦物質。可供遊客選擇的溫泉池也很豐富,有可同時容納萬人以上浸泡的露天溫泉,也有形態各異、風格不同的特色溫泉池,如花瓣池、牛奶池、咖啡池、中藥池、醋池等30多個特色溫泉池。  景區內設有目前亞洲最大的露天海浪池,有蒙古包、賓館、高檔套房、別墅等各類住宿場所供遊客入住;同時還配備了高檔餐廳、國際會議中心、頂級會所、高爾夫練習場、健身中心、休閒保健、魚療、地熱理療等餐飲娛樂設施。自貢臥龍湖特色鹽鹵浴有望春節前後開放  限于自貢的地理環境,開發溫泉有一定難度,但自貢臥龍湖片區的鹽鹵浴旅遊項目有望填補這一空白。“現在技術比mini storage成熟了,自貢擁有自己的溫泉也不是不可能了。”自貢市外事僑務和旅遊局副局長羅昌茂告訴華西城市讀本記者,最遲在2014年春節左右,自貢市民就可以享受自貢本土的鹽療溫泉了。  2010年4月,南湖生態城臥龍湖片區打造“鹽鹵浴旅遊”項目開始打造,以鹽療溫泉為主題。憑借豐富的鹽鹵資源,利用天然鹵水,經科學處理後加入一定比例的淡水,便形成鹽鹵浴這種保健療養方式。據介紹,鹽鹵浴可達到調節人體神經系統、治療呼吸系統疾病、改善睡眠、養顏美容,緩解高血壓等多種疾病的效果。  “鹽鹵浴旅遊”項目的興建,已經引起了不少自貢市民的期待,相信建成後,也能成為自貢特色的文化旅遊品牌。瀘州三個溫泉項目在建雲溪溫泉明年亮相  位於瀘州市納溪區白節鎮的雲溪溫泉國際旅遊度假區有望明年開放。來年,瀘州人有望在本土就享受到泡溫泉的快樂。  該項目營銷總監何中強告訴華西城市讀本記者,該項目不僅包含天然溫泉,還涵蓋了田園親耕體驗、垂釣、休閒攝影等休閒項目。該項目的山林養生區,還即將推出瀘州首例以養生度假為目的的“第二居所”。該項目占地面積達100萬平方米,投資約10億元,屬瀘州市重點旅遊開發項目,計劃打造為國家AAAA級度假區。何中強表示,度假區的建設情況正在有序推進,來年將對外開放。  同時,瀘州市通灘度假小鎮的通灘溫泉及瀘縣玉蟾溫泉度假區的玉蟾溫泉也正在建設中,兩大項目完成後,瀘州人今後泡溫泉將更加方便。  華西城市讀本記者 侯超 楊玉林 實習記者梁睿瑤 胡明斌儲存

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By Zheng storagecom.cnAbout half of China’s cities and counties will no longer judged by their Gross Domestic Products performance, according to a senior official, which marks a major step by the country toward a more balanced and sustainable development model.Yang Weimin, deputy head of the Office of the Central Leading Group on Finance and Economic Affairs, said at a Beijing forum Thursday that the nation’s “ecologically vulnerable zones” and “key poverty counties” will be exempt from GDP evaluation next year.His projection was based on a statement in the recently released reform roadmap after the Communist Party of China’s Third Plenum, exempting the “limited development zones” and “key poverty counties” from years of GDP scrutiny.Yang said there are 432 “limited development zones” and 590 “key poverty counties” in China, which comprise about half of the nation’s 2,000 county-level regions.“I am particularly excited about a statement in the Third Plenum document, which vowed to unswervingly stick to the ‘territorial development’ strategy,” Yang said, referring to a 2011 national program, which he helped develop, to divide the country’s territory into four categories and pursue different development goals.Under the program, “limited development zones” and “development-forbidden zones” could not be examined by local GDP and could receive funds from other regions as compensation. Yang said the compensation mechanism may accelerate following the Third Plenum.He also said the government will raise the price of industrial land. China has long allowed residential land prices to soar while holding industrial land to deflated prices, a de facto mechanism that taxes the household sector in order to subsidize its industrial c迷你倉unterpart.If all these measures are implemented, analysts said, it will be a major advance for China, as the once-relentless pursuit of GDP growth, without regard to regional differences, has pushed the share of investment in the economy to unreasonably high rates, driving up the local debt level and degrading China’s environment.At a July Party cadre conference, President Xi Jinping said GDP should not be the only criterion that officials should look at. Factors such as improving people’s livelihoods and the environment should also be considered.Li Xue, a mayoral assistant in a Southwest Guizhou city, said that as the underdeveloped province of Guizhou set a goal for “leapfrogged” development, the city’s officialdom felt mounting pressure. The economic growth target was broken down to every level of government, and everyone was under pressure to attract investment projects.He said he hopes the situation can be eased by the central government’s new policy and that the province’s green mountains and clean water can be saved.But he also is wondering what criteria will replace the current GDP evaluation system.There is no shortage of alternatives, experts said. Fu Hongchun, an economics professor at East China Normal University, suggested using the Human Development Index, which was developed by the United Nations and consists of life expectancy, education and income indexes.Yi Qiulin, a researcher with the financial academy under the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China, suggested using average household income as a major gauge of local officials’ performance.“Ordinary Chinese, like people elsewhere, do not care about their per capita share of GDP. They care about their income,” said Michael Pettis, an economics professor at Peking University.文件倉

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四川經濟日報眉山訊 (章潔 溫選鵬 記者常堅)從青龍大道進入新彭九路,儲存一路上,道路兩旁的建築工地上,機器轟鳴,工人們忙碌不停。這個火熱的場面,是天府新區彭山區域加快項目建設的一個縮影。數據顯示,彭山縣前三季度GDP完成85億元,增長11.5%,全社會固定資產投資完成110.7億元,增長27.8%。今年是眉山市委、市政府提出的“項目會戰年”、“項目竣工年”,如何突破?從哪些方面突破?彭山縣在抓項目的過程中,認真總結,不斷探索,快馬加鞭,採取“六大舉措”衝刺全年目標任務。堅持目標任務不動搖。彭山縣各部門鎖定年初目標,特別是把縣定力爭目標作為衝刺目標,主要經濟指標中GDP、固定資產投資、財政一般預算收入、規上工業增加值增速、三產增加值增速、農民人均純收入等指標確保“保二爭一”。加強數據報送。各個部門加強上報力度,主動出擊,積極加強對上溝通銜接,及時掌握好其他區縣的指標情況,做好預測研判,搶佔先機優勢,確保本部門相關的指標在全市排名靠前。縣統計局及時瞭解政策動向和統計口徑變動,加強各項指標的測算,加強對各部門的指導,主動對接縣級各部門和市級統計部門。加強項目推進。強力推進18個省市重點項目、3批次集中開工項目建設,協調推進西門新商圈、凱鑫華府、�大(四期)、蔡山美地(二期)等重大三產項目和李密故里、田園錦江、柏楊湖等重點旅遊項目建設,形成工程形象進度。重點抓好金核輻照、同輻輻照、蓉海鋼構、潤祥潤滑等工業項目和會議中心等mini storage產旅遊項目早竣工、早投用,儘快產生項目效益。全力推進青龍汙水處理廠、龔家堰水庫等中央、省預算內政府性投資項目開工建設及項目管理。加強投資後勁。狠抓項目增量,增添後續力量。全力促進光穀激光、華潤萬家、長安汽車等14個招商引資項目的落地建設。抓好聯合利華、西門商圈、凱鑫華府等項目的入庫工作。全力做好項目儲備工作,按照“只增不減可置換”原則,動態跟蹤調整項目投資庫,創造條件促進項目入庫入統。召開聯席會協助項目業主解決項目推進和申報入庫中存在的問題,按照新入庫項目管理制度的要求,積極備齊申報材料,爭取做到項目開工就入庫統計,儘快形成投資實物量。加強向上爭取項目前期工作。針對準備爭取中央、省預算等上級補助資金的項目,要不等不靠,提前開展可研編制、國土、環評、規劃等前期工作,確保項目爭取到位後能迅速開工建設。加強督查考核。嚴格按照縣委、縣政府明確的經濟指標責任分解要求,落實責任。縣委、縣政府督查室牽頭,強化和細化對全縣經濟指標及項目推進情況的督查考核,兌現獎懲和部門經費預算掛�辦法。按照彭山縣前三季度經濟運行的分析,預計彭山縣全年GDP增速實現12%,全社會固定資產投資完成145億元,增長25.5%,規模工業增加值增速12%,地方財政一般預算收入完成10億元,增長35%,農民人均可支配收入增速16%,城鎮居民人均可支配收入增速10.6%,社會消費品零售總額增速13.6%,招商引資實際到位資金完成120億元,旅遊總收入實現21億元。self storage

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  • Nov 29 Fri 2013 11:23
  • 臺灣

英國《金融時報》旗下銀行家雜誌The Banker於11月28日舉行「年度最佳銀行」頒獎典禮,mini storage公布全球100多個國家的最佳銀行。今年台灣地區最佳銀行由第一銀行勝出,一銀總經理周伯蕉專程飛往倫敦領獎。周伯蕉此行除視察一銀倫敦分行外,還拜會多家陸資銀行,就人民幣國際化投資商機提出交流。一銀倫敦分行設立於1984年,是國內最早在倫敦設立分行的銀行,多數赴英投資之廠商、政迷你倉機構、華僑、學生等,都以第一銀行倫敦分行為首選往來銀行。該行於1993年購入自有行舍(7層),目前一、二樓對外營業,除經營國際聯貸業務外,是當地唯一提供存款、房貸、企業貸款、外匯等全方位零售金融服務的台資銀行。一銀倫敦分行行址:29 Wilson Street, London EC2M 2SJ,電話020-7417-0000,傳真020-7417-0011。(李佳濟)文件倉

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(沙巴 亞庇27日訊)沙巴資深政壇活躍分子莊詠諒醫生今日攜著大馬教育文憑(SPM)生物及化學科共6份考卷的物證,前往警局投報有關泄題事件。莊氏今早9時一人前往加拉文星警局,針對SPM生物及化學科考卷泄題一事報案,並呈上相關證物。他在報案後向本報記者表示,他於昨日早上在住家接獲友人寄來的電郵,電郵內容則是關於生物及化學科考題,共6份試卷。教部特工隊查泄題投訴負責沙巴州教育事務的州旅遊、文化及環境部長拿督馬西迪曼尊今日重申,教育部已宣佈成立特別工作隊,來徹查任何有關大馬教育文憑(SPM)試題外泄的投訴。;迷你倉

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合庫金控旗下的中崙總部大樓將在明年中落成,迷你倉對此,合庫金控集團旗下各子公司的最新合署辦公計畫已大致底定,合庫金未來將有九棟大樓,其中合庫總行及證券、人壽、AMC等子公司將集中使用包括中崙、自強、館前等四棟大樓。至於其他五棟大樓,除了信託部三層樓明年將對外公開標售,其餘四棟樓將全朝整棟出租方向規劃,已成為未來合庫資產活化的主流模式。合庫內部預估,目前商辦大樓的租金報酬率行情,大致在2.3∼2.5%,其中預定將由合庫銀賣給合庫資產管理公司的襄陽大樓,租金報酬率就大約在2.3∼2.4%間。位於台北市重慶南路上的襄陽大樓,當年的帳列成本才3.5億元,但由於近幾年來台北mini storage精華區房價爆漲,因此合庫日前概估最新市價已增至9億元,是當年帳列成本的近三倍,這也使得合庫銀在出售襄陽大樓給合庫AMC後,應可望認列超過5億元的處分利得。據了解,由於不良債權出售的案源愈來愈有限,因此多家大型公股行庫旗下的AMC現在都「轉賣為租」,租金收入日益重要,而合庫銀此次之所以將襄陽大樓轉賣給AMC,另一重要原因,就是銀行法對於銀行的行舍自用率必須超過50%的限制,因而「卡」住合庫將自有不動產對外出租的彈性。公股行庫主管認為,不僅合庫,未來像是第一金、華南金、兆豐金等其他公股金控集團,由於同受銀行法限制,因此資產管理公司都將扮協助銀行資產活化的重要角色。儲存

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新京報訊 (記者王姝)昨日11時許,迷你倉國家信訪局網站的“局領導介紹板塊”,副局長排名第一的是許傑。昨日下午,排名第一的副局長“更新”為張恩璽,許傑從“局領導介紹板塊”消失。昨日10時55分,中紀委監察部網站發佈消息,國家信訪局黨組成員、副局長許傑涉嫌嚴重違紀違法,目前正接受組織調查。新華網消息稱,據中央組織部有關負責人證實,國家信訪局副局長、黨組成員許傑涉嫌嚴重違紀,中央組織部已決定免去其領導職務,現正在按程序辦理。官方還未公佈許傑具體涉及了哪些違紀違法行為。從前日17時至昨日10時的17個小時內,中紀委通報了3名廳局級以上官員被調查。11月27日,中紀委監察部網站于17時許和19時許分別發佈了湖北省副省長郭有明和江蘇新聞出版局黨組成員、副局長蔣國星被調查的消息。三中全會閉幕至今,中紀委監察部網站公佈和轉發7位領導幹部被調查的消息,其中許傑、郭有明、湖北省政協原副主席陳柏槐3人消息系網站發佈,轉發了江蘇新聞出版局副局長蔣國星、四川理工學院院長曾黃麟,海南省洋浦經濟開發區政法委辦公室原副主任、社會治安綜治辦原副主任譚明書,海南省海洋與漁業廳捕撈處原處長林中興4人被調查的消息。■ 人物露面不多的信訪局新聞發言人出生于1955年的許傑,是信訪系統的“老人”。據國家信訪局網站顯示,1989年,許傑已擔任中共中央辦公廳、國務院辦公廳信訪局辦公室副主任、主任,2000年9月任國家信訪局辦公室主任。2005年6月走上國家信訪局黨組成員、副局長崗位,任職至今。曾給進京上訪戶200元路費2004年起,中央多個部門建立新聞發言人制度,許傑成為國家信訪局的首任新聞發言人。2005年,作為國家信訪局新聞發言人許傑就依法治理信訪秩序發表談話,主題為“依法維護信訪秩序,依法維護人民利益”。當年適逢中國《信訪條例》修訂,在這次談話中,許傑列舉了幾類擾亂信訪秩序的現象,比如“極少數人打著‘上訪’的旗號,組織非法的跨地區串聯聚會;極少數人以‘維權’為名,提出過高的不合理要求。”這一表態曾被當時部分媒體解讀為國家信訪局對“非法上訪”開始實施打擊措施的信號。不過作為新聞發言人,許傑在公開場合露面的次數並不多,據公開報道,一直到2010年5月,《信訪條例》再次修訂時,許傑才再次以新聞發言人的身份出席國務院新聞發佈會,詳解修訂後的《信訪條例》所規定的新舉措。昨日曝出許傑被調查的消息同時,國家信訪局就中國信訪工作情況舉行發佈會,出席發佈會的是國家信訪局另外兩名副局長張恩璽和李皋。2010年,陝西省榆林一位名叫劉靜的上訪者進京上訪,在她記述自己上訪經歷的文章中提及了她和許傑的碰面,“我到了國家信訪局,我的命運牽動了許傑(副局長)的心,給我二百元路費,還督促市政府賠償財產和人身損失。”7月份最後一次公開露面2012年5月18日,許傑曾以《關於當前的信訪形勢和任務》為題,為河南開封的領導幹部作專題報告。河南省人民政府網站上關於這次報告的文章中提到,“許傑是我國信訪理論研究方面的知名學者和專家,具有高超的領導藝術和豐富的實踐經驗,在信訪工作體制機制建設、幹部隊伍建設、重大疑難信訪問題處置等方面取得了豐碩研究成果。”公開信息顯示,許傑最後一次露面是今年7月。7月23日下午,許傑到哈爾濱市道里區撫順社區視察。在此次調研過程中,許傑要求街道社區信訪幹部緊緊圍繞區政府中心工作,“深入細緻地做好信訪工作,為社會穩定作出應有貢獻。”儲存日,國家信訪局一位退休官員表示,對許傑涉嫌嚴重違紀違法被調查的消息自己並不清楚,聽聞記者介紹,該官員稱“十分意外”。他介紹,自己在職時與許傑分管不同工作,他的為人“較好”。該官員透露,在信訪局,自己曾聽說過地方信訪部門為完成截訪任務,與負責接待來訪者的部門有私下聯繫,但由於自己在職期間不分管該部門,對具體情況並不了解。新京報記者 盧美慧 李雨潼 實習生 賈世煜■ 縱深“一面高壓治標,一面制度反腐”今年1月23日,在中紀委委員學習貫徹黨的十八大精神研討班上,中共中央政治局常委、中紀委書記王岐山強調:當前要以“治標”為主,為“治本”贏得時間。中央黨校黨史教研部副主任謝春濤、清華大學廉政與治理研究中心主任程文浩等受訪專家均認為,三中全會以來的反腐形勢,充分反映出王岐山提出的反腐思路,一方面繼續保持“治標”,即查辦案件的高壓態勢,另一方面對制度反腐做出安排。郭有明被查或與首輪巡視有關今年中央巡視組第二輪巡視正在展開。截至目前,首輪巡視的10個巡視點中,已有貴陽市委書記廖少華、湖北省副省長郭有明等地方官員被查處。本月5日,中紀委副書記張軍做客中紀委監察部官網時曾透露,廖少華案是首輪巡視中發現的線索。郭有明被調查是否也與首輪巡視有關?目前,官方尚未對此發佈消息,但坊間多猜測,郭有明被查是首輪巡視發現的線索,並對正在進行的第二輪巡視寄予繼續“打老虎、抓蒼蠅”的厚望。程文浩強調說,三中全會《決定》提出,“改進中央和省區市巡視制度,做到對地方、部門、企事業單位全覆蓋”,“這也是制度反腐的布局安排”。程文浩表示,除了紀檢體制改革和中央巡視制度的“全覆蓋”,三中全會對制度反腐的新布局,更加強調通過權力本身的制約,減少發生腐敗的土壤,“比如領導幹部的個人事項報告制度,權力清單制度,不動產登記等等,這些都是預防腐敗的治本之策,反腐效果將在今後逐步顯現”。“‘職級監督’是紀檢體制改革重點”據中紀委監察部網站昨日消息,27日,王岐山主持召開部分中央和國家機關紀檢組組長座談會,指出“黨風廉政建設和反腐敗工作不能有真空地帶”,三中全會《決定》要求全面落實中紀委向中央一級黨和國家機關派駐紀檢機構,派駐機構對派出機關負責,履行監督職責,“這是中央對派駐機構做出的重大改革”。在座談會上,王岐山強調,中央和國家機關部門地位重要、權力集中,更需要強化全面監督。22日至23日,王岐山在湖北省調研時,參觀1927年誕生的中央監察委員會舊址,說自己來到這裡,“就是尋找中央紀律檢查委員會的源頭和根脈,尋根溯源”;“當前,紀檢機關要強化職級監督的職責”。受訪專家們認為,強化“職級監督”系下一步紀檢體制改革的重點。“重拳打腐,拳頭本身要硬”,程文浩表示,《決定》對制度反腐的新布局,首先體現在紀檢體制改革,通過制度設計,加強紀檢的職級監督力量,例如要求中紀委向中央一級黨和國家機關派駐紀檢機構;明確提出“查辦腐敗案件以上級紀委領導為主”,“線索處置和案件查辦在向同級黨委報告的同時必須向上級紀委報告”等等。北京大學憲法與行政法研究中心主任姜明安也表示,目前對於職務犯罪,有計劃調整司法機關和紀委的辦案流程,調查、偵查環節由司法機關負責,紀委重點查處領導幹部的違紀案件。通過這樣的調整,一方面保證獨立行使司法權,同時也有利於加強紀委的職級監督力量。新京報記者 王姝昨日下午,國家信訪局網站上局領導介紹里已沒有許傑。國家信訪局原副局長許傑。mini storage

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