□本報記者 曹淑彥互聯網金融風潮下,儲存連貨幣基金的份額都“分家”了。傳統貨幣基金份額經常分為A、B兩類,其中A類主要針對普通投資者,B類適合大客戶或者機構。近期基金公司對互聯網逐漸重視,並加大直銷力度,產品設計上也開始出現所謂的R類份額、E類份額等貨幣基金份額,代表著產品互聯網化。貨幣基金份額定制化提起今年10月28日剛出現的華夏現金增利E或許還有投資者不熟悉,但是對百度理財B或者百賺並不陌生,這兩個百度理財的先行產品所對接的貨幣基金正是華夏現金增利E。華夏現金增利E單筆申購申請最低限額為0.01元,單筆贖回申請最低限額為0.01份,E類基金份額通過華夏基金指定的電子交易平台辦理申購、贖回等業務。而百度與嘉實合作的百發,所嵌入的產品是嘉實一個月理財債的E類,該基金份額分為E類和A類,E類基金份額通過基金管理人指定的電子交易平台辦理申購、贖回等業務。其實在今年8月13日萬家基金就已發佈公告,萬家貨幣基金實施份額分類,新增B類份額和R類份額,其中B類份額申購起點500萬,R類基金份額目前僅限通過直銷渠道的特定投資群體進行申購,8月15日開始生效。除了明顯為互聯網平台“定制”,有基金公司還為機構直銷“定制”。例如今年3月4日成立的易方達天天理財貨幣基金,該產品也是分為A類、B類和R類份額,其中R類基金份額僅限特定投資群體通過基金直銷中心認購。根據易方達天天理財貨幣基金的招募說明書,特迷你倉投資群體指依法設立的基本養老保險基金、依法制定的企業年金計劃籌集的資金及其投資運營收益形成的企業補充養老保險基金(包括全國社會保障基金、企業年金單一計劃以及集合計劃),以及可以投資基金的其他社會保險基金。如將來出現可以投資基金的住房公積金、享受稅收優惠的個人養老賬戶、經養老基金監管部門認可的新的養老基金類型,易方達可在招募說明書更新時或發佈臨時公告將其納入特定投資群體範圍,並按規定向證監會備案。該產品R類份額首次申購最低金額為5萬元,A類份額如果通過直銷中心,也是5萬元起。低費率帶來高收益為互聯網渠道定制的份額是否具有突出的收益?從同花順統計的數據來看,8月15日-12月24日期間的萬份收益總額,萬家貨幣A、B、R分別為162元、171元和170元,可見直銷的R類份額收益顯著大於A類份額。易方達天天理財貨幣R自成立以來截至12月24日,累計日萬份收益不僅超過A類份額,而且也略勝于B類份額,3個類型份額的累計日萬份收益分別為322元、342元和343元。而華夏現金增利A、E兩類份額的收益一樣。業內人士分析,其實貨幣基金專門分出一類互聯網份額,與傳統貨幣基金份額的區別主要在於,銷售渠道,前者依賴直銷渠道;申購/贖回的門檻不同,一般低於傳統的1000元門檻,目前最低的門檻已經降至0.01元;費率不同,這也是收益差異的主要原因,由於渠道主要是通過直銷,R類份額免銷售服務費,收益就會更高。儲存倉

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據新華社消息 中國鐵路總公司25日公佈了2014年鐵路春運方案。根據客流調查情況,迷你倉西貢綜合考慮鐵路運力和市場需求等因素,預計2014年春運期間,國家鐵路發送旅客25780萬人次,同比增加1893萬人次,增長7.9%。2014年春運自1月16日起至2月24日止,為期40天,其中,節前15天,節後25天。為做好2014年鐵路春運工作,中國鐵路總公司提前部署,統籌新增和既有能力,以實現旅客安全出行、方便出行、溫馨出行。由於2014年春運比2013年提前了10天,2014年節前春運恰逢大專院校放假,學生流、務工流、探親流重疊,節前客流非常集中。節後由於學生返校高峰將在正月初十以後,與第一股探親流和務工流錯峰出行,預計客流相對平緩。因此,2014年春運客流整體態勢將呈現“節前客流相對集中,節迷你倉將軍澳相對平緩”的特點。針對旅客出行特點,中國鐵路總公司統籌安排運力資源,突出重點地區、幹線和車站。節前以北京、廣州、滬杭地區為重點;節後以成渝、武漢、南昌、合阜、湖南地區為重點。整個春運期間突出京廣、京九、京哈、隴海、蘭新、滬昆、焦柳、襄渝、寶成、西康、渝懷等既有線和京滬、京廣、哈大高鐵、寧蓉線等旅客出行的熱門線路,科學合理安排運輸能力。鐵路總公司本著最大限度投入運能的原則,在圖定旅客列車的基礎上,安排直通臨客337對,並採用基本方案、應急方案的梯次運力方案。春運期間,京廣、京滬、合蚌、鄭西等高鐵實行高峰運行圖。春運方案還對鐵路貨運工作進行了部署。春運期間,鐵路部門將繼續深入推進貨運組織改革,落實零散白貨敞開受理、隨到隨辦,運能緊張去向排隊裝車等相關要求,確保重點物資和節日物資運輸。迷你倉尖沙咀

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12月21日下午,迷你倉四川移動資陽分公司在移動營業廳舉辦了一場“體驗4G,資陽移動邀您一起出發”的活動,本次體驗活動吸引了來自資陽各地的200多位市民踴躍報名,最後選取了其中30余名市民現場參與活動。如果說2G是普通的公路,3G是高速公路,那麼4G則意味著搭乘著高鐵,移動4G可以超過100兆每秒,是現有3G網速的10倍以上。在活動現場,移動公司負責4G網絡技術的專業人員為市民們介紹了4G的基本應用設備及特點,並現場展示了4G下載、觀看高清電影的速度,“不緩衝,點到哪裡播放到哪裡”,用4G網絡看高清電影,不用再等待,大家都對4G網絡的播放、下載速度表示震驚。隨後,現場體驗活動進入了有獎競猜環節,市民們對4G網絡的特點、運用、優勢等知識瞭如指掌,紛紛舉手搶答,現場不時爆發出歡呼聲和掌聲。接下的活動是4G體驗達人遊戲PK賽,現場參加體驗的市民開始掏出手機,下載天天酷跑遊戲,進行現場PK。比賽氣氛十分活躍,大家一邊緊張的玩著遊戲,一邊輕鬆的交流著使用體驗。現場通過微博、微信、QQ等網絡交流工具分享給身邊的朋友。談到體驗4G的感受,參與體驗的市民都有話要說。範女士表示,由於她的職業是公司的營銷人員,由於工作關係,隨時都要處理大量的客戶郵件和資料,經常需要移動辦公,快速流暢的的網絡必不可少。範女士對中國移動的技術與服務一直很信賴,是中國移動網絡的忠實用戶。資陽即將開通4G並招募4G體驗者的消息傳來後,她立刻興沖沖地報了名。有幸成為首批4G體驗用戶,範女士非常興奮,她對移動4G信心十足“秒殺寬帶輕輕鬆松,3G時代的卡殼、延遲現象一掃而光,尤其是需要移動辦公的用戶用上4G就再也離不開了。”範女士說,除了上網辦公,她業餘時間最喜歡的就是用手機看電影電視劇,體驗了移動4G之後,她覺得“網速快了很多,看視頻完全不卡頓,而且視頻進度條拖到哪裡就看到哪裡,完全不會出現視頻緩衝加載網絡的情況”,範女士說,她迷你倉西貢經迫不及待地想換上移動4G手機了!另一位體驗者李先生是一位媒體從業人士,他告訴記者,從上中學起,他就開始玩手機、數碼相機、筆記本電腦……按照時下流行的說法,他是個不折不扣的數碼發燒友。和�多數碼愛好者不同的是,李先生對流行的平板電腦並不感興趣。“我平時喜歡追美劇、看電影,我喜歡把新電影、美劇都下載到手機、電腦里,有時間的時候隨時隨地都能看。我需要高速穩定的網絡。”李先生說,在一般的網絡下,經常遇到緩衝和長時間的加載問題。“今天在現場體驗了移動4G的下載速度,真是讓人印象深刻。”李先生說,今天他通過手機連接了移動營業廳的4G網絡,“我嘗試了在線看電影、刷微博、微信,完全是“秒開”,李先生現場下載了幾部高清電影,“現在最新的《地心引力》、《背水一戰》等高清電影,每一集大小都超過了500M,最快的時候一分多鐘就能下一部。”移動公司工作人員介紹,4G最大的優勢就是速度快!下載一部700M的高清電影,用4G網絡下載,最快1分多鐘就可以完成,只要在有4G網絡覆蓋的地方,市民都可以通過4G手機進行高速體驗,另外市民還可以通過MIFI、CPE等設備將4G網絡轉換為wifi信號,那麼市民只要使用支持wifi功能的手機、電腦、平板電腦,就可以體驗中國移動的4G網絡。4G網絡將影響每個人未來生活的方方面面,4G網絡將為老百姓帶來更多更好的網絡體驗,4G高速網絡將為高清的信息流媒體播放、大型在線遊戲互動、即拍即傳的互聯網應用帶來全新的發展契機,更重要的是,4G網絡將為各行各業提供更加豐富的應用,如物聯網,雲計算,信息安全等,在視頻直播,視頻監控等行業應用的研發上將進一步提升,此外,4G網絡將大大提升無線智慧城市的品質,在交通、物流、應急指揮、醫療救助、安全防護等領域為社會管理能力的提升起到進一步的刺激作用。據瞭解,明年初資陽移動力爭將4G信號基本覆蓋至資陽城區,資陽進入4G時代指日可待。(陳春 文/圖)迷你倉將軍澳

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Source: South Bend Tribune, Ind.迷你倉Dec. 24--A Christmas gift exchange is more than just than a chance to give and receive gifts from family members or co-workers.Gift exchanges are also an opportunity to add to the joys of the holiday -- or the stress.How can families and workplaces ensure that their exchange is fun rather than frustrating?Much of the stress relates to how much to spend on gifts and whether people feel obligated to participate, according to Cyndi Basker, owner of the South Bend-based event planning company Celebrated Events.The first thing organizers of gift exchanges want to do it eliminate that stress."In terms of how much you should spend, that should be established before anything else," Basker says.Basker adds that organizers should be aware that participants may have different financial situations. Family gift exchanges will include people who are on fixed incomes and workplace exchanges include managers and hourly workers, according to Basker.Hilary Flanagan, director of the Career Center at the University of Notre Dame, says that organizers shouldn't assume that everyone wants to participate."With your family you want to make sure that everybody is in agreement ahead of time and try to come up with parameters in terms of is there going to be a ceiling on how much you can spend," she says.Some families limit gift exchanges to the adults. Some couples buy one large gift, while others choose to buy individual gifts.And how do families handle gifts for significant others?Flanagan says her family will hold an exchange this year that will include the fianc? of one of her sisters."She's newly engaged, but her boyfriend has been around for Christmas, so we all got together and got him something," she says,"And for the last couple of years, he gave us something as a family ."So unless someone has some kind of whirlwind romance, (the significantothers) are kind of broken in over time."That's assuming that they want to participate, and Basker and Flanagan both say that's something organizers should not assume."(Gift exchanges) should always be organized so that people can opt out," Flanagan says."You shouldn'自存倉 feel that you are being made to do it."The No. 1 rule of etiquette is not to make people feel uncomfortable."That is especially true for workplace gift exchanges."As far as workplace exchanges, you have to be careful not to be too personal with gifts," Basker notes. "You may know the people you work with but you don't want to get a gift (where there will be anassumption) of more of a relationship than actually exists."People in workplace settings can also opt for low- pressure gift exchanges such as the "white elephant exchange" conducted by the Bridges Out of Poverty staff.Staff regifted items from their homes, according to director Bonnie Bazata."We know that we've got a lot of staff on a tight budget (and) we never wanted it to feel like an obligation," Bazata says.Erin Kelly, a student at Indiana University South Bend and an AmeriCorps volunteer, organized the exchange. Kelly says the staff turned the exchange into a game.All of the gifts were placed on a table. Staff members rolled a pair of fuzzy dice and selected a prize whenever they rolled a double."Once the table was cleared, we kept the dice going and if a person who did not have a gift rolled a double, they got to steal a gift from a person who had (more than one)," Kelly says. "In the end, everyone has at least one gift."There is an app for people who need help to organize a Secret Santa gift exchange, according to Flanagan. She says sites such as elfster.com and namedrawing.com allow organizers to send e-mails to everyone participating on the exchange.Someone might still leave the exchange feeling as if they got a rotten gift. How should a person respond if they received the equivalent of a lump of coal?"The last thing you want to do if something like that happens is make a big deal," Flanagan says. "The thing to do when you get a gift like that is to say thank you."The organizers can address the issue when planning next year's gift exchange.HDukes@SBTinfo.com574-235-6369Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Ind.) Visit the South Bend Tribune (South Bend, Ind.) at .southbendtribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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Source: La Crosse Tribune, Wis.迷你倉Dec. 25--BLACK RIVER FALLS -- Jack Taylor admits he'll play the "What If?" game from time to time.Like, what if he landed that NCAA Division I basketball scholarship he coveted so much out of Black River Falls High School? Or, what if he never got hurt at prep school in Pennsylvania? Or if UW-La Crosse was a better fit? Or if his shooting slump lasted just a little bit longer into his third game at Grinnell College?Or, what if he didn't say no to the Pioneers the first two times they recruited him, and he showed up to the Division III school in Iowa with just as much talent but a fraction of the maturity, the perspective and the faith of the man he'd become?What if that Jack Taylor was the one to catch fire on a November night, making shot after shot and finishing with a total so ridiculous that he was the toast of the sports world? A feat so unheard of that ESPN and Jimmy Kimmel and Good Morning America came calling and Kobe Bryant and Kevin Durant and LeBron James shook their head in amazement just like the rest of us.What if that Jack Taylor broke his wrist as the national scoring title and a conference championship were both within reach? What if that Jack Taylor had to sit on the bench as the spotlight diminished but never really faded away, as opposing crowds still chanted his name and everyone who came across the YouTube video of his big night looked him up on Twitter and sent him a message, some full of praise, others full of hate.How would that Jack Taylor handle it all?"I don't think it would have been pretty," he said. "It would have been pretty scary."That's why Jack Taylor doesn't play the "What If" game too often. He believes everything's happened for a reason."It's all seemed to play out really well," Taylor said.Taylor, who made headlines when he scored a collegiate-record 138 points in November of 2012, came back from a radius fracture in his shooting wrist and started his junior season on the Grinnell men's basketball team with outings of 71 and 109 points that put another 15 minutes of national fame on the clock.Taylor, who's the most popular -- and polarizing -- Division III basketball player in recent memory, is the 2013 Tribune Sportsperson of the Year not only for his production on the court, but for how he handled the spotlight, the praise and the criticism off of it."It hasn't changed him at all," said Grinnell associate coach David N. Arseneault, son of head coach David Arseneault, whose innovative style of play has shattered records and turned the small liberal arts school 50 miles east of Des Moines into a perennial winner. "If anything, it's made him more humble."Taylor's faith has played a big role. He said he became a Christian while attending Mercersburg (Pa.) Academy, an elite boarding school Taylor attended after graduating from Black River Falls to help land a Division I scholarship, a dream that died when he suffered tears of the anterior cruciate ligament and lateral meniscus in his left knee."It was my plan (to go D-I) and I was devastated when that didn't happen," Taylor said. "But now I can look back on it and (realize) 'OK, it was God's plan.' He didn't want me doing that. He wanted me here."The journey included a one-year stop at UW-La Crosse, where Taylor averaged 7.0 ppg in a reserve role but never felt the situation was a right fit.That brought him to Grinnell, a school he turned down twice and almost didn't get a third chance."Dad recruited him really hard the first two times, and he broke his heart twice," said the younger Arseneault, a 2009 Grinnell graduate who holds the school's all-time assists record and handles most of the day-to-day aspects of the program. "We felt he was capable of leading the country in scoring. I know my dad has told a handful of kids that, and every single time that person has ended up leading the country in scoring."Taylor always wondered how he'd fit in The System, the run-and-gun style of play developed by the elder Arseneault that had Grinnell as the nation's top scoring team 18 of the past 20 years.It didn't take him long to prove he belonged.Eye-popping numbersThe story is well known by now. After a couple of rough shooting games to open his Grinnell career, Taylor went off for 138 points in a 179-104 victory over Faith Baptist Bible College on Nov. 20, 2012, shattering the NCAA record for points in a game and becoming, at least for that night anyway, a celebrity in the sports world.LeBron James called him "Sir Jack." Kobe Bryant, Taylor's favorite player, was astonished. Kevin Durant tweeted him congratulations.It wasn't all positive, however. Some attacked Taylor for being selfish. They wondered how someone could take 108 shots without an assist. They said it wasn't real basketball.Still, the national media came calling, and Taylor was happy to answer. He stayed in Iowa that weekend -- Thanksgiving weekend -- to handle as many as he could."All my teammates went home, and I stayed with my coach," Taylor said. "That was a little hard, but at the same time I thought it was the only time in my life I'd be able to do something like that."Almost a year later -- Nov. 17, to be exact -- Taylor had that "once-in-a-lifetime" moment again. This time, he scored 109 points in a 173-123 victory over Crossroads College. The outing, which included a whopping 53 points in the first nine minutes of the second half, came two days after Taylor scored 71 in a 144-99 victory over Finlandia in the season opener.Dealing with criticismThe spotlight came back, and so did the criticism. National columnists attacked the program for taking advantage of small schools to set records. Taylor received comments on Twitter that he should "attend a real school you (expletive) joke.""The negative criticism shocked me," said Taylor, who's never received any formal training in dealing with the media but has wowed his coaches with his poise and thoughtfulness in the hundreds of intervmini storageews he's given."They don't understand my role in the system. They don't know that my role on the team is to score. It's not to pass, it's not to do much else. They don't realize if I'm single covered and don't shoot the basketball, my coach is going to yell at me."The cries got louder after Taylor was held without a field goal his next game by a team determined not to let him score. With ESPN's Rick Reilly in the crowd, Wartburg played a box-and-one on Taylor and sent another defender, sometimes two, every time he touched the ball."At the end of the game, they weren't talking about how they were going to win," said Taylor, who was 0-for-5 from the floor and finished with three points -- and three assists -- in an 88-79 Grinnell victory. "All they were talking about was 'no field goals, no field goals.' Their mindset was to not give me a field goal."A man of faithThat sort of pressure would crush some. Others would let the celebrity status go to their head.But Taylor had two things working in his favor. He turned 23 years old before the season started -- the year in prep school didn't take away any college eligibility -- and ever since Taylor became a Christian, he viewed basketball in a different light."I was seeking approval from other people," Taylor said before he found God. "Trying to get them to worship you. And now that I'm a Christian, I don't worship myself anymore. I worship God. I don't play for other people's approval."Basketball used to be the focal point of Taylor's life. Almost every inch of his bedroom is covered with basketball photos of Kobe Bryant and Allen Iverson -- except for a gun rack he made himself in high school.He obsessed over basketball. He'd beg for basketball videos, study the moves over and over, then perfect them in the driveway or the barn, where his father -- also named Jack -- hung a hoop in the loft. He'd shoot for hours -- provided there wasn't any work that needed to be done on the 220-acre family farm."He's very dedicated," said Jack Sr., who along with wife Lulu often make the 5-hour trip from Black River Falls to watch their son play. "He's worked hard for it."Basketball is still a big part of Taylor's life. But it's not the only part."I see it as a gift I can use to enjoy myself and enjoy the game," Taylor said. "I'm still working really hard, but it doesn't define me anymore."A new outlookMaybe that's why when Taylor broke his wrist last season, his world didn't crumble around him. Sure, he was disappointed. Had he finished the season -- or even played a few more weeks -- he would have finished with the best scoring average in the nation, and the Pioneers had a good shot at winning a Midwest Conference title."This time, my identity was not in basketball," Taylor said. "I find my identity in what Jesus did for me on the cross. I found all my hope in basketball before. When you're injured, then all that hope is taken away from you."Taylor is finding new ways to share his love of basketball and God. He's often asked to speak to youth groups and churches, something he's really enjoyed. He's also started a bible study every Monday night. There are 30 people in the group -- called Legacy -- six from the basketball team.It's helped him deal with the criticism, and has encouraged him to stay in the public eye -- and active on Twitter -- despite the hateful comments."I try to just ignore it the best I can, or try to combat it with saying something nice," said Taylor, who'll often respond to the nastiest Twitter messages with #GodBless. "I try to use that as a way to reach out to the youth that maybe I'm a guy they can look up to not only on the court but off the court as well."What's next?Grinnell's next game is Jan. 4 at Ripon (Wis.) College, the closest game distance-wise to Black River Falls -- about two hours.The Pioneers used to hate playing in Wisconsin. The style is a bit more physical, and the referees let it be that way.But Taylor loves playing in his home state. He got to do it twice last season before he got hurt, scoring 36 points at St. Norbert and 48 points at Carroll University.The gyms were packed. Even after Taylor got hurt, people still came out, chanting "We want Jack! We want Jack!""It used to be that anytime we'd cross the state line, I'd always get this queasy feeling," Arseneault said. "But now, with Jack, I know that we're going to get a big crowd, and I know that he's going to rise to the occasion."They'll make two more trips to the state, the last of which looms large in the Midwest Conference title chase -- a Feb. 15 game at St. Norbert, the only team to beat Grinnell (7-1, 4-1). The Green Knights, ranked No. 18 in the country at the time, won 121-115 in overtime."We were just so close," said Taylor, who finished with 40 points, one of five times this season he's reached 40. "I was happy after the sting of the loss went away, because they're one of the best D-III teams in the country, and for us to be one possession away, it felt good."Individually, Taylor will have a good chance at the national scoring title, just as the Grinnell coaches promised. He's averaging 44.6 points per game, more than 14 points ahead of second-best Mark Ghafari of Division III Kalamazoo (Mich.) College."It's one of my individual goals," Taylor said. "It would be nice to prove to people that I'm not just a one- or two-time fluke, that I can score the basketball."But if it doesn't happen, it doesn't happen. Taylor may play the "What If?" game, but he doesn't stress over what could have been when it comes to basketball.Taylor doesn't obsess over the game like he used to. Instead, he enjoys it more."I do, yes," he said. "You don't get too high on the wins or too low on the losses. I enjoy it a little more."And it helps playing in 'The System.'"Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wis.) Visit the La Crosse Tribune (La Crosse, Wis.) at .lacrossetribune.com Distributed by MCT Information Servicesself storage

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Security firm integrates own software with equipment to create new solutionsPROTECTING buildings, equipment and other facilities these days is far less about fences and security guards, and more to do with high-tech digital policing.迷你倉Singapore security firm Ademco leads in this area, deploying its vast array of "weaponry" - from sensors and video surveillance to central monitoring systems and motion detectors - all aimed at detecting and preventing intrusions, theft and damage.And when things do go wrong, it can activate disaster recovery systems to get the show back on the road as fast as possible.Ademco serves 8,000 customers here and across the region, including banks, manufacturing firms and high-security sites.Managing director Toby Koh said: "We developed our own software to integrate the equipment we're selling to create new solutions, to remain relevant and competitive in the market."Gradually, all the systems we developed turned into a technology platform, from where we now have economies of scale."This approach - develop once and sell to many - has paid off. All the technology and services from Ademco are Internet-enabled, which allows customers easy all-year access while making support and maintenance more efficient."We've now added data analytics, which means that customers can look at the data we collect and gain insights," Mr Koh told The Straits Times last week.This has also changed the way the company bills its customers, who now pay subscriptions instead of a one-off price."Many companies don't want high capital overheads but are willing to pay operation costs," noted Mr Koh."For us, security becomes a service and subscription is the best way to pay for it."Mr Koh, who became managing director about 10 years ago, saw risk management changing in the light of the Sept 11, 2001, terror attacks."Business owners must think of protecting assets, staff, shareholders and customers. As technology develops, we have to use it to enhance our services and solutions," he said.When he saw multinational corporations, such as Apple, Hewlett-Packard and IBM, outsource manufacturing to companies like Hi-P here and in neighbouring countries, he decided to ride the wave."These (multinational corporations) have security audit requirements at their third-party manufacturing plants. They have to protect their intellectual property assets. We provide services like remote video surveillance as well as staff attendance systems," said Mr Koh."Employees are given smart cards which they just tap to get into the building. They also use the same cards, for example, to see the doctor and to get food in the canteen."Every time an employee taps his card, the informat文件倉on is captured at the human resource department... It's easy to get the attendance record as well as (find out) whether he is likely to turn up for work."Ademco, which hires about 400 people here and other countries in South-east Asia, expects a revenue of about $28 million this year, which is about the same as last year. Singapore is its biggest market followed by the Philippines. It recently opened an office in India.The business was started by Mr Koh's father, Mr Koh Tiong Chwee, who was the regional managing director of Ademco, an American firm that made security equipment such as fire alarms, control panels, magnetic contacts for doors, shock sensors for safes and smoke detectors.When recession hit the United States in 1985, the older Mr Koh bought the regional operations for US$1 million and continued using the Ademco name.The younger Mr Koh had always known he would join the family business. School holidays were spent at the office packing goods or helping his father at trade shows overseas.However, to "get an experience of working for a corporation", he became a corporate banker for about two years before joining Ademco in 1995 as a sales manager and, later, a business development manager.Ademco, which is based in Tan Boon Liat building in Tiong Bahru, also provides central monitoring services, fire alarms and building automation.It is the only security company audited with the SS540, a standard awarded by Spring Singapore for business continuity. It means the firm has the capacity to respond and recover from disasters."We've two data recovery centres. Our customer data is updated simultaneously to the cloud, so the information they get at either centre is up to date," said Mr Koh. "Recently, we did an exercise to test these centres. We could switch over to the disaster recovery site in five hours."The firm has a contract to monitor all lifts in JTC Corporation buildings. It also monitors equipment like water tanks in commercial buildings. Sensors in the tanks can detect low water levels and action can be taken.Ademco is now using its digital arsenal in other areas. A pilot project now under way involves using sensors to look for leaks in PUB's water pipe network.The sensors are placed on top of the water pipes at 1km intervals to listen to the acoustic signature of each stretch of pipe. When a leak develops, this signature changes. Ademco's operations centre can monitor the data all year round, so less water will be wasted and fewer resources expended to excavate roads."Our aim is to move into security as a service, where we can get recurring revenue," added Mr Koh. "We also hope to expand our monitoring service contracts."chngkeg@sph.com.sg存倉

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據監察部網站(.mos.gov.cn)報道,迷你倉山東省委及省政府作出規定,正省級領導、副省長每年出國訪問不超過一次,廳局級以下官員因公臨時出國者,原則上兩年內不超過一次或一個任期內不超過兩次。報道強調,出訪團組總人數不得超過6 名,嚴禁組織「團外團」和攜帶配偶子女同行,不得安排考察性出訪,不得接受境外中資企業和華人華僑「應邀出訪」,同時嚴禁變相公款旅遊,嚴禁向企業、駐外機構等攤派或轉嫁出訪費用。另外,解放軍總後勤部與中國人民銀行近self storage聯合發出《關於進一步加強軍隊單位銀行帳戶監管的通知》,要求嚴格軍方銀行帳戶管理,確立軍隊與銀行定期聯合檢查制度和違規懲處辦法,運用信息技術監管手段,進一步強化帳戶資金監督檢查。軍隊銀行聯手查帳《解放軍報》昨日頭版報道,《通知》進一步規範軍隊部門在銀行帳戶的開立、審批和使用,要求從嚴控制銀行帳戶開立,切實規範帳戶審批,加強帳戶使用管理;加強現金提取管控;對運用信息技術監管手段作出規定,要求定期組織雙方帳戶信息比對,即時監控資金運行。迷利倉

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Source: Bangkok Post, ThailandDec.儲存倉 25--The hospitality business in Myanmar is on track for further growth, although investors should conduct project feasibility studies and avoid speculative investment, says tourism and property consultancy firm C9 Hotelworks.Myanmar's economic and political reforms have progressed well, enabling a flourishing hotel industry in major destinations such as Yangon, said managing director Bill Barnett.In both hospitality and real estate, C9 Hotelworks is now working on many projects in the country, catering for keen interest from both Thai and international investors, he said."The Myanmar hotel business is brilliant, Asia's fastest-growing market so far," said Mr Barnett.In 2012, international passenger arrivals at Yangon Mingaladon Airport soared by 53% to touch a historic high of 550,654.Foreign tourist arrivals to Yangon continued to surge in the first five months of 2013, up 36% on the same period in the previous year.Myanmar is now developing a new international airport at Bago, 80 kilometres north of former capital Yangon, with an annual capacity of 12 million passengers to meet an expected growth in business and tourism arrivals.Yangon already has 9,005 hotel rooms, serving the top five tourism markets of Thailand, China, Japan, the US and迷你倉最平South Korea, which together provide 48% of guests. Free independent travellers also rocketed by 72% in 2012.In the first 10 months of 2013, hotel occupancy averaged 69% with an average daily room rate of US$170, said C9 Hotelworks.Reflecting its continuing shortage of hotels, rooms at upscale and luxury properties in Myanmar can run at $150-250, similar to the rate for unsophisticated Bangkok hotels, Mr Barnett added.But, although occupancy and room rates are rising, demand remains volatile, with a steep drop in low season.A C9 Hotelworks' hotel update reports that regulatory oversight is lagging the projected growth in foreign direct investment.A continuing surge in land prices in areas such as Yangon indicates large-scale property speculation, while plans to redevelop government-controlled properties in the city face challenges, he added.Investors should also be alert to laws and regulations, said Mr Barnett.Uncertainties over Myanmar's ownership legislation and investment law, along with the lack of a debt market to finance projects, pose risks for which investors should expect superior returns, he said.Copyright: ___ (c)2013 the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) Visit the Bangkok Post (Bangkok, Thailand) at .bangkokpost.com Distributed by MCT Information Services迷你倉

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